The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2927: Worm God shot

Everything is divided into yin and yang, and the world is also divided into yin and yang. If the yang world of the great world is yang, then the yin division is the yin of the great world.

In the Yin Division, the ghost master is invincible. No one can beat the ghost master single-handedly, even if it is as strong as Amitabha. The ghost master has the Yin Division as a backing. In the Yin Division, the ghost master is invincible.

At this time, the ghost master and Amitabha were in a group. Seeing that Amitabha was completely suppressed, the ancestors of jade and elephant **** did not dare to neglect, so they rushed to suppress the ghost master with Amitabha.

"The ghost master is so strong, until now, it is only four of the six reincarnations, and the five reincarnations are not used." Yu Duxiu was stunned.

"In the Yin Division, every move of the ghost master is blessed by the power of the Yin Division, and the five-fold reincarnation is not so easy to stack successfully. There are so many strong players in the field, and the five-fold reincarnation takes time. It is impossible for everyone to give the ghost master. The time of the five-fold reincarnation, of course, is not known if it is alone."

Yu Duxiu's words fell, and Tai Su Jiaozu's voice rang in his ears, but he saw Tai Su Jiaozu's clothes fluttering in front of Yu Duxiu, looking at the torn channel between Yin and Yang, showing admiration.

"Teach the ancestors how to not go to the court to plunder the benefits, there are countless benefits in the Yin Division. If you don't take this opportunity to search, this kind of opportunity will be rare in the future." Yu Duxiu carried her hands and put that stupid cute in her sleeve.

"If I were you, I would be thinking about how to face the chase of the ghost master in the future." The Fox God withdrew from the battlefield and came to Yu Duxiu, interrupting the conversation between Yu Duxiu and Taisu Teacher.

"Oh" Yu Duxiu chuckled: "I'm in the big world, how can the ghost master chase me down?".

"The old immortal ghost master hides too deeply. No one in the world knows what the strength of the ghost master is. According to my prediction, the old immortal ghost master has reincarnated five times, but everyone is the supreme power. Give the ghost master the opportunity to reincarnate five times. Do you think that the ghost master really used all his power to fight with you?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu.

Tai Su taught the ancestors to stand aside and said nothing, Yu Duxiu frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Six ways of reincarnation, the six ways of reincarnation of the ghost master is not only reincarnation, but also contains the power of the six ways. The ghost master fights with people, but only exerts the power of reincarnation. The power of the six ways has never been shown. According to my estimation, this old man The immortal didn't know who he wanted to plot against, but he blinded everyone." Fox God's mouth cocked.

"Really?" Yu Duxiu's face was solemn.

"Do you think I would tell lies?" Fox God sneered.

Yu Duxiu was silent, and after a while, he said, "That's really amazing. Has the ghost master never used the power of the six realms?".

"No one has ever been able to force out the power of the Six Ways of the Ghost Lord, not even the first ancestor," Fox God said.

"So, the strength of the ghost master should be higher than that of the first ancestor" Yu Duxiu thoughtfully.

"Not necessarily" Fox God shook his head: "You have never seen the innate spirit treasure of the first ancestor. If you had seen it, you wouldn't say that."

"The power of the six realms is illusory, and no one has ever seen a ghost master use the power of the six realms. This is just your guess," Tai Su Jiaozu retorted.

"It's not guessing, it's reasoning, one leaf knows autumn." The Fox God chuckled and turned to look at the Yinsi battlefield.

"I'm curious how the ghost master will break the game" Yu Duxiu said, breaking the tense atmosphere between the fox **** and the Taisu ancestor.

"What else, if you want to break the game, you can only start with the human race" Fox God said.

In the Yin Division, the ghost master was fighting endless battles with the powerful men. Seeing that the Yin Division members were slaughtered and converted, the ghost master finally could not sit still, and said to the fleeing Prince Yin Division: "Go to the deserted land. Please help the six human ancestors."

"Stop leaving, leave it to me" God E covered the sky with his big hands, constantly suppressing the Crown Prince Yinsi.

"You get out of me".

The ghost master blasted out with a punch, avoiding the attacks of the jade ancestors, elephant gods and other strong men, and blasted Eshen away.

The road of the prince of Yin Si Yan Luo was too mysterious, and his whole person disappeared into the battlefield, and no trace was found.

When the ghost master saw the prince of Yinsi fleeing, his eyes were soothing, and his eyes looked deep into the Yinsi: "Friends of the Daoist are not taking action at this time, when will you wait?".

There is a helping hand? .

Everyone was stunned, there was a buzzing sound, and then they saw the overwhelming group of insects one after another, breathing into the army of the demon clan and the demon **** clan.

"Insect God!" Yu Duxiu's eyes were solemn: "She also came to this muddy water."

"Insect God, are you going to be right with all the strong men of the Yang world in my great world?" Xiangshen's expression was gloomy, and his supreme power entangled the ghost master.

"Does the Zerg want to be completely wiped out in the great world?" Tiger God's face was cold, countless Gengjin evil spirits suppressed, turning the group of insects into dust.

Insect God’s methods are unpredictable. Numerous groups of insects died and were instantly swallowed by the insects. More insects were derived and parasitized in the flesh and blood of the demons and tribes of the demons, with the flesh and blood of the monks of the demons and the demons. For nourishment, rapid absorption and growth, countless monsters and demons and tribes turned into ashes and became empty shells.


In this scene, the angry demon gods and the demon gods are furious, but they are helpless. The sky full of insects is mixed with hundreds of millions of demon races and demons. Can let his subordinates fight against the worms.

"Insect God! Come out for a battle" Tiger God looked at the depths of the Yin Division with a gloomy expression.

No matter how powerful a person is, he still has to flee when facing a group of ants. This is the truth now.

"Oh, what a great anger, why don't you stop your anger, and withdraw the demons from the Yin Division" The worm god's charming voice sounded, winding around, as if a group of insects roared, carrying a sound wave, the group of insects heard this After the sound, his strength skyrocketed several times.

"The Worm God! You are causing trouble for your Zerg!" The wolf God's face was gloomy and his voice was cold.

"My Zerg has reached an alliance with the Yin Division. If you have the ability to exterminate my Zerg, just do it." The worm **** appeared in the sky, slowly twisting his waist and walking forward, and the worms lay respectfully wherever he passed. Ground.

Although the worm god’s millions of worlds were bitten by the “blue sky”, there are still a hundred small worlds left. The repair power of the Zerg is unquestionable, and the hundreds of small worlds are enough for the insect **** to use, and the worm **** entrusts the small world to the void. Hidden, the insect’s nest cannot be found, and the root of the insect **** is not The insect **** also comes to join in the fun." Yu Duxiu stood at the channel between Yin and Yang, facing the fox **** and Tai Su taught the ancestors.

Tai Su Jiaozu shook his head: "This Yinsi is very cold and meaningless. I'm leaving first. Hongjun, you are doing it for yourself. Don't be caught by the ghost lord. The ghost lord hates you this time. I will let you go".

"It's okay, your Excellency, just go by yourself. I guard the two-way passage. As long as I'm here, no one can break the two-way passage." Yu Duxiu chuckled.

The fox **** whited Jade and gave a unique look: "You should quickly find a place to hide. The ghost master is not easy to provoke. The prince of Yin Si has already invited the ancestors of the human race to take action. This farce should be put down, my monster In this calamity, I have obtained enough benefits, and thank you very much."

Yu Duxiu smiled: "Really? You got enough benefits, but I was at a loss."

The thought of the Yama King of the Ten Temple Yamas being snatched by the Yin Si, Yu Duxiu felt like a thorn in his throat, sleeping and eating.

"The prince of the Yinsi is really a big scourge. I didn't pay attention to it before. This time I really want to have fun with him. I am worthy of being the son of the Yinsi's luck. He was born with the luck of the Yinsi. It has some meaning." Yu Duxiu thought of Jin. Lin once said that the prince of Yinsi was the protagonist of the calamity this time, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

The destiny pattern has been broken by oneself, and the destiny has also been overthrown. Now all definite destinies in the world have become unknown because of their own mixing. This is more interesting. If everything has definite destiny, what is the meaning of living , Just sit at home and wait.

Yu Duxiu showed a thoughtful look: "Or, this is the meaning of the first line of life, where the heaven lies and is led by the endless possibilities, and the first line of life is the opportunity for all living beings."

Yu Duxiu suddenly found that she had some understanding of the meaning of first-line life.

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