The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2929: This is impossible, Tai Yi and Hong Jun are amazed

There is another meaning hidden in Yu Duxiu's words.

Although I used to be a disciple of Taipingdao, the cause and effect of reincarnation are all due to Taipingdao. I will not show mercy to you.

"You will rely on mighty power to rebel against the overall situation of our Yang world, and there will be retribution in the future." Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered, and stepped forward towards Taiping Jiaozu.


The overwhelming runes swept towards Yu Duxiu, with a sneer at the corner of Yu Duxiu's mouth, and the tip of the knife in his hand crossed the river of runes, went up against the current, chopped the wind and the waves, and came to the Taiping Jiao ancestor in the blink of an eye.

"go to hell".

"Thousand Li Rivers".

The emperor picture in the hands of Taiping ancestors slowly spread, and the power of the infinite mountains and rivers wherever he passed was suppressed by Yu Duxiu.

"The Will of God is like a knife."

Yu Duxiu urged the tip of the knife, and saw the tip of the knife cut the river, showing his wish. In the blink of an eye, it became obscured from the sky and the sun. He slashed towards the Taiping ancestor. The tip of the knife was wrapped in Tianwei, panic and irreversible. If the might of heaven comes, the might of heaven will reach the earth.

"What a terrifying supernatural power."

A dazzling light flashed across, and Taiping Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu fixedly, with shock in his eyes.


Huang Tu wailed and fell into the arms of the Taiping ancestor, and a **** thread slowly emerged from the tip of the Taiping ancestor's nose, extending below him.

His brain burst, half of the head of Taiping Jiaozu was cut off by Yu Duxiu, and he rose into the sky.

"Hongjun's supernatural powers are really surpassing the sky, even a detached strongman can't get out of a round in your hands." Looking at the regained body of Taiping Jiaozu, Taidou Jiaozu came out.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "No, it was Taiping Jiaozu who underestimated me, always thinking that I was still the Taiping Taoist disciple of the year, and I could easily pinch to death."

"Your thoughts are too extreme, compare your heart to your heart. If you change your situation, would you cultivate a disciple who is full of doubts?" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "Forget it, I don’t want to say that the yin channel was opened by my own hands today. Whoever wants to destroy the yin channel is my enemy, fellow Taoist. If you want to make a move, this seat also happens to take the opportunity to seek advice from fellow Taoists.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Tai Dou Jiaozu flipped his palm, and the vast galaxy flowed in his hands: "Since you want to ask for advice, then I will fulfill you."

After Tai Dou finished speaking, Yu Duxiu seized the opportunity, and instantly shot, the tip of the knife stabbed at Tai Dou Jiaozu.

Tai Dou Jiaozu didn't say much, and the vast galaxy in his hand threw away, and he came to Yu Duxiu's suppression.

There is a cold light in Yu Duxiu's eyes: "Although you have a great use of the way of stars, you may not be my opponent. If you can accept this trick from me, I will ask you to see the real use of the power of stars. ".

While talking, Yu Duxiu's sword light in his hand ignored the space and distance, and appeared directly on the chest of Tai Dou Jiaozu, breaking through the endless galaxy, and piercing the body of Tai Dou Jiaozu.




A face of the endless galaxy was cut to pieces by Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu retracted the long knife and watched the sword light continuously destroying the body of Taidou Jiaozu. One palm stretched out, the current of the counter-turbulence turned, and the galaxy all over his body became vast and transformed. For a piece of starry sky: "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".


The physical body of Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor could not suppress the sword light's killing, and it exploded in an instant, and the innate spirit treasure flew out, constantly running the mighty galaxy colliding with Yu Duxiu.

"Xinghe's battle is not just about smashing people, idiots!".

Yu Duxiu made no secret of his contempt, the endless starry sky flickered magnetically and completed resonance, and the star field of Tai Dou Jiaozu instantly collapsed and was vulnerable to a blow. The whole person was enveloped by Yu Duxiu's star area, and Tai Dou taught the ancestor. The Xiantian Lingbao was suppressed in the star field.

Tai Dou Jiao An’s innate spirit treasure was a galaxy, a vast galaxy, and at this time it was actually suppressed by a magical power of Yu Duxiu, shocking everyone in the field.


Xiantian Lingbao can break through the laws of the Great Thousand Worlds. This is definitely not a joke. Taidou taught Xinghe to escape from Yu Duxiu's supernatural powers, and his body is reorganized. A pair of eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu: "This The power is strange and powerful, what kind of power is this."

There was a fanatical color in the eyes of Tai Dou Jiaozu, Hong Jun was only able to defeat himself after he had controlled this power in the quasi-superior realm. If he could control this power, wouldn't it be the invincible hand of the heavens and the world.

Yu Duxiu waved his hand and signaled Tai Dou to teach ancestors to retreat: "You are not my opponent, retreat quickly, don't be entangled."

In a blink of an eye, Yu Duxiu defeated two transcendent powerhouses in their gestures. Whether it was the quasi-superior or the supreme-powered, they all showed awe.

"That's amazing, Hongjun, congratulations, you are finally on the top of the heavens now" Tai Yi Jiaozu walked out slowly, signalling Tai Dou Jiaozu to retreat.

"Really? After I preach the Dao, I must be the first person in the heavens and the world" Yu Duxiu said.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Tai Yi Jiaozu nodded: "What do you think I am going to do with you?"

"I'm happy" Yu Duxiu smiled at the corner of her mouth, and carefully tucked Stupid Meng in her sleeves, and then looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu with a pair of eyes. This old immortal hides the deepest among the human race. No one knows this guy. The details.

Looking at the tip of the knife in Yu Duxiu's hand, Tai Yi Jiaozu's face was solemn, and he dared not to be careless, but saw the turtle's shell turning and actually set it on Tai Yi Jiaozu's body.

"That's okay?" Yu Duxiu stared at Tai Yi Jiaozu's movements.

Yu Duxiu held the tip of the knife in her hand: "This supernatural power is too mana-consuming. It seems impossible to fight for a long time, so I can only make a quick battle."


I didn't dare to hesitate, even though Yu Duxiu was backed by the boundless calamity of the world, she felt a little overwhelmed by her body and did not dare to delay. The tip of her knife cut through the void and slashed towards the ancestor of Taiyi.

A chaotic river hovered out, enveloping the ancestor of Taiyi, holding the tactics in his hands, and looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Fate sets the tripod, the universe changes, everything goes against my will. Existence will disappear."

When the words fell, a mysterious force derives, constantly tampering with Yu Duxiu's life style, and the power of destiny is gradually obliterating the sword light that suppresses Yu Duxiu.

"The will of heaven is like a knife, and the will of heaven is supreme. How can destiny be suppressed" Yu Duxiu's eyes have cold light, the blade is horizontal and vertical, and the void wherever he passes, the power of fate seems to have lost its vitality at this time~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Beheaded by Yu Duxiu's blade.

"How could this happen?" Tai Yi taught the ancestor's pupils to shrink, astonished, shocked and incredulous in his eyes.


Sparks overflowed, and the knife in Yu Duxiu's hand hit the tortoise shell of Tai Yi Jiaozu. The flames splashed, leaving only a scratch on the tortoise shell, and did not cut through the turtle shell of Tai Yi Jiaozu.

"How could it be?" Yu Duxiu's face showed an unbelievable color.

"It's impossible" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the scratches on his turtle's shell, showing a **** expression.

"How could this happen?" Yu Duxiu and Tai Yi Jiaozu raised their heads together and looked at each other, and they all clearly saw the shock in each other's eyes.


Taiyi taught the ancestors to stimulate the spirit, and took advantage of Yu Duxiu's unreaction, and knocked it into the air.

"Why? How could it be like this? God's will is like a knife, and God's will is supreme. There is something that God's will can't cut through. What is the turtle shell?" Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of confusion.


Yu Duxiu exploded and fell apart. Tai Yi taught the ancestors to feel his turtle shell blankly, as if it was a dream in front of him: "Really? This is a fake! How come, how can my turtle shell be cut off? Leave a trace".

"You take action to suppress Hongjun, don't want Hongjun to be reborn, this seat has broken the yin and yang channels, and completed the previous agreement" Taiyi taught ancestors quickly converged, and commanded the ancestors on one side.

"It's too easy. I didn't expect your human race to intervene in this war. You have to think about it." The Fox God dealt with the overwhelming group of insects, while taking the time to look at Yu Duxiu, his eyes were full of anxiety, now the demon The clan’s hundreds of millions of troops have not yet completed their retreat. If Taiyi teaches the ancestor to destroy the passage between Yin and Yang, it will be troublesome.

"Oh!" Tai Yi Jiaozu did not speak, and answered the Fox God's words with actions.

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