The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1926: 10 Temple of Yan Luoli, stealing chickens can't lose rice

Just as the supreme powerhouses of the human race were whispering and calculating secretly, there was another change in the Yin Division at this time. .The fastest update

The elephant **** and the jade ancestor entangled the ghost master, and they fought together. All three of them were old enemies. At this time, the enemies saw each other very clearly, and they fought hard and started without mercy.

The demon gods and demon gods invaded the Yin Division and did not take advantage. It is really terrible. The ghost master has cultivated the six reincarnations to the extreme. This Yin Division is the place where the origin of the six reincarnations is the strongest. The laws of heaven and earth are full of secrets. I saw the six reincarnations in a vertical and horizontal direction, and the supreme powerhouses did not dare to stand by them, for fear that they would be bitten by the six reincarnation laws.

The law of reincarnation is one of the most powerful laws of the heavens and all realms. It is in the shroud of reincarnation throughout the past and present, from the ancient times to the present, from the opening of the heavens and the earth to the future time and space.

Juxtaposed with the law of time and the law of space, they are known as the three most powerful laws of the heavens and all realms.

No one can grasp the power of the law of time. After all, time is too vague, and the law of space has no one to prove it. The threshold of the law of space is too high. Only the quasi-superior can touch the law of space and achieve the supremacy. The strong already have their own avenues. How can they go to prove the avenue of space by seeking the distance? .

The two laws intertwined vertically and horizontally, Yu Duxiu chuckled, one finger stretched out, and gently tapped the barrier of the channel between Yin and Yang.

At this moment, the Yin Division changed.

Buddhism, in the Great Leiyin Temple, Amitabha looked at the ten Bodhisattvas in front of him: "The Buddha gave the decree and summons you to wait and see."

The crowd followed Sun Chi to the Great Leiyin Temple and met the Buddha. After the ceremony, Amitabha said, "Would you like to be my Buddhist Yongzhen Yinsi?".

"Enlighten the Buddha, I am waiting for the birth and death of Yinsi."

Amitabha nodded: "If that's the case, let me do it."

Amitabha led the ten Bodhisattvas, broke through the barriers of the two worlds, descended into the Yin Division, and came to the dojo of Ksitigarbha.

The young Tibetan monk did not bow to Amitabha, he just smiled slightly, and the ten bodhisattvas he saw with his eyelids throbbed and said in his heart: "The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is so big, it seems that his status in the Buddhist school is not ordinary. You still need to fawn up."

"Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha, you are one of the three masters of my Buddhist school. There are three masters in my Buddhist school. The first is Kong Xuan, the second is Sun Chi, and the third is Ksitigarbha. There are none of the three. Each has its own strengths."

Amitabha spoke, and the ten bodhisattvas who listened nodded repeatedly.

Amitabha descended on the Yinsi, such an action could not hide everyone's gaze. While fighting with the jade ancestor, the ghost master looked at the infinite divine light lingering in the distance and rising to the sky, and then yelled: "Amitab, this old immortal Is it possible to come here to pick up the cheaper price?".

Before the words fell, I saw the sky falling chaotically, the ground gushing golden lotus, the endless flowers blooming in the other bank, the mighty Buddha's sound was singing, only the sound of chanting from ten directions, the palaces in the other bank were uprooted and transformed into After the ten rigorous temples of Yama, the Buddhist chants dispersed, Amitabha led the ten Bodhisattvas to start chanting, and countless ghosts were saved. After a long time, I heard the ten Bodhisattvas speak one after another: "I Waiting for the grand aspiration to be established, I am willing to pacify the Yinsi and establish a stern kingdom. All beings have karma, and they will be punished in **** after death. I am waiting to be the ten kings of the Yinsi. May the world learn from it."

"I am the King of Qin Guang".

"I am the King of Chujiang".

"I am the Emperor of Song".

"I am the king of the five senses."

"I am King Biancheng."

"I am the King of Taishan".

"I am the King of the City".

"I am the King of Equality".

"I am the runner king".

"I am King of Yama", the Prince Yinsi took the opportunity to speak, and the voice shook the world. The last Bodhisattva who was about to speak instantly solidified his smile on his face, where his face was frozen, and his eyes stared at the Prince Yinsi.

Amitabha's expression also changed wildly when he heard this. His eyes were fixed on the Prince of Yinsi. The Prince of Yinsi collided among the Demon God tribe and seized countless souls. His voice resounded through the world: "I am in charge of the Yama Dao and I shall be the Yama King." .

"Damn! Do you dare to ruin my big thing" the Buddha's eyes flashed with anger.

Outside, Yu Duxiu's complexion changed, and a pair of eyes stared in the direction of Yinsi.

The ten halls of Yama stood up and returned to their respective positions in an instant, and the emperor's dresses and seats flashed out of thin air.

"Damn!" Amituo grabbed the prince of Yinsi with a palm.

"Hahaha, Amitabha finally overturned" Tai Dou Jiaozu laughed wildly.

"Damn it!" Yu Duxiu gritted her teeth: "Could God's will be so impossible?"

Qi Luck fills the body, the Qi Luck in the Yin Division is instantly plundered by the Buddhists for 30%, and it is poured into the Ten Kings of Yin Division. I saw that the ten Yamas around the body are mobile, and the nine innate immortal auras rise to the sky. Under the irrigation, he actually directly broke through the Buddha's status. That devil had long been a quasi-superior powerhouse. At this time, his cultivation had increased by many times, and his eyes looked at Amitabha triumphantly.

"Alright, since the prince is willing to enter my Buddhist family, that is the best. It is still unknown who will die in the future." Amitabh stretched out his hand, not knowing how many Yinsi ghosts were saved and fell into the main hall of the Ten Temples. In, turned into a ghost.

"My Buddhist tribe, strong people from all walks of life, don't enter the Yin Division at this time, when will you wait?".

Buddhism sings and many powerful Buddhists have entered the Yin Division, constantly saving countless ghosts.

"Amitab, you are deceiving too much, dare to plunder my Yin Division 30% of the luck, this seat will never die with you" the ghost master glared at Yu Duxiu, instantly shook the jade ancestor and elephant god, punched the eternal reincarnation towards Amitabha .

"Huh! Are you looking for me to settle the accounts? This seat is still looking for you to settle the accounts? Your Yin Division disrupted the layout of the Buddhist school, grabbed the tenth temple of Yama, and how much luck did you take from my Buddhist school? Why don't you talk about it "This cause and effect" watched the Buddha's luck moving towards the blessing of the prince of Yinsi. Amitabha was so angry that his golden body changed and turned into three heads. The anger shot out from the center of the eyebrows, and everything he passed by turned into nothingness.

"Broken the plan of my Buddhist school, we will not stop dying in the future." The ghost master and Amitabha became a group.

Seeing the two fighting in the field, the supreme powerhouses were stunned, not knowing whether to step forward to help or watch the excitement.

"Hi~" Taiyi taught the ancestors to take a breath: "Vicious Amitabha, actually took the opportunity to take away 30% of the Yinsi's air luck. With this 30% of air The Buddhist family should have two more births. A supreme powerhouse".

"Although Buddhism has taken a big advantage, it is definitely not easy. It is hard to lay out in the Yin Division, and it is actually mixed by the Yin Division. The Ten Temple Yama will be a big problem in the future," Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"Wait a minute, the heat is almost there, the ghost is forced to the extreme" Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes were smiling.

Outside, where the yin and yang are connected, Yu Duxiu held her stupid cuteness in her hand, rolled her eyes straight up, and her saliva kept flowing out, biting Yu Duxiu fiercely.

"Asshole! Although I got 30% luck from the Yinsi, it is full of unpredictability. We still need to find a way to turn it back." Yu Duxiu took a deep breath: "This matter needs to be done slowly, and can't be anxious. ".

"It hurts, you little thing dare to bite me." Yu Duxiu raised her hand and looked at the stupid cute in his hand, suddenly opened his mouth, lifted the stupid head and suspended it above the big mouth: "You If you dare to bite me again, be careful I eat you."

Seeing the shivering idiot, Yu Duxiu smiled triumphantly, threw idiot into her sleeve, and then looked at the channel between Yin and Yang: "What I am curious about now is, how should the ghost master break the game?".


Amitabha was actually knocked into the air by the palm of the ghost master. Looking at the angry ghost master, Amitabha’s three heads were put away: "In the Yin Division, the ghost master is indeed invincible. If I take the initiative with the ghost, I must prevent the law from backlash. Fortunately, there are two channels of Yin and Yang now, otherwise you would not even be able to make a big fight."

"Buddha light shines."

"Thousands of ghosts eat the sky."

"Fu Demon robes".

"Hell sinks".

"Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty Sect".

"Hundred Ghosts Night Walk".

Amitabhas fought with the ghost master, and both sides have no scruples, but at this moment Amitabha is in a dire situation, and he is actually suppressed by the ghost master. (To be continued.)

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