The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1953: Block the Yin Division, fight the Gorefiend

Looking at the huge array of twelve gods and evil spirits, the fierce and boundless hostility rushed toward his face, the ghost master suddenly jumped his eyelids, and a pair of eyes looked at the giant man composed of the twelve gods and evil spirits: "What ghost thing?".

"What kind of formation is this? Even if I use the sixfold reincarnation, it may not be the opponent of this big formation." The ghost master's heart beat a few times. Seeing that the opportunity is not good, there are many strong people around him watching and tearing. The channel between Yin and Yang escaped into Yin Division.


The ghost master turned to the Yin Division and completely sealed off the barriers between Yin and Yang, preventing the powerful ones from entering at will.

"The Yin Division is my home field. Now Yin Division is sealed by me. Just stare outside." The ghost master sneered.

The prince Yinsi walked over and looked at the ghost master with a pair of eyes: "The Father God is mighty, and now the world powerhouse is not an opponent of the Father God."

The ghost master took a deep breath: "I can't say that. I blame the jade and Hongjun. If it weren't for these two **** to mix indiscriminately, the twelve gods and gods are so powerful, what can you do for me? It’s a real detachment, but it’s a pity that the six reincarnations did not fully integrate into the six reincarnations of the father. If the two are one, the father is already invincible in the great world, and it is the jade ancestor. With Hongjun, these two **** have a chance in the future, and they have to kill the town into reincarnation."

"Father God, now all the powerful outsiders are eyeing up and the Yin Division is blocked, why don't we take this opportunity to completely calm the internal troubles of our Yin Division, and with the current power of the Father God, it is enough to seal the blood demon asshole" Prince Yin Division said.

"Alright! Alright! For my father, I set off to the sea of ​​blood and suppressed the blood demon." The ghost master's eyes lit up with cold light: "This Yinsi is the world of this seat. Either surrender or wipe it away. The place to sleep is not tolerated. Others are sleeping soundly".

After speaking, the ghost master controlled the six reincarnations, and could not help but suppressed the ghost master directly.

Outside, the powerhouses watched the ghost lord escape into reincarnation, you see me and I see you, the jade ancestor said: "When did the ghost lord be so courageous, and just fell into a disadvantage, thinking about running away? ".

"This old thing is really shameless, a person of no quality" Tai Yi taught his ancestors.

Everyone, look at me and I see you, Tai Dou taught the ancestors: "The ghost master has temporarily blocked the Yin Division, and everyone in the Yin Division can't get out. If we go in, we can only forcefully break through the Yin Division's world barrier, but the risk of this matter is not small. The yin and yang are one, and once the laws of the world provoke backlash, the whole person will be abolished."

"Could it be that the ghost master has smelted the six reincarnation formations, who will still be the old immortal opponent? We demon clan and demon **** clan are still fighting for what, just hand over and let this Jiangshan foundation forget it," Xiangshen said with a slight irritability.

"We all shot together, blasted the barrier, no matter what the world will backlash, so many of us, are we still afraid of a big world will" Eshen said dissatisfied.

"Hey, idiot" Jinlin gave Eshen a white look and murmured.

Everyone looked at God E and was speechless. At this time, Yu Duxiu stepped forward: "Don’t worry about all fellow Taoists, don’t forget, but this seat masters the ability to open the channel between Yin and Yang, so it is called Na Yin Si. Recognize fate, but I still need the fellow daoists to sweep the formation for me, don't let the ghost master count me."

"Don't worry, if the ghost master dares to make a move, I will definitely make him unable to eat," said the giant man transformed by the twelve demon gods.

Yu Duxiu nodded, the Pangu banner in her hand turned into a green lotus, and the green lotus was long and hazy, and she saw that Yu Duxiu's hands were affected by the tactics, the truth flowed, and a powerful force was nurtured in the green lotus. A strong person's views all change color.

This force is mighty and mighty, it is impossible to resist, it is unmatched.

"Yin and Yang channel, open for me" Yu Duxiu pointed at Qinglian, and the mighty power of heaven and earth instantly vented out, shattered the void, broke through the channel between Yin and Yang, and continued to crumble toward the depths of Yin Division. The yin division's barrier came to face and instantly collapsed.

In the underworld mansion, the ghost master is driving the six reincarnation formations and descends into the sea of ​​blood, looking down at the vast sea of ​​blood, watching the filthy air rising to the sky, frowning: "Blood Demon! You must already know the purpose of this seat, and yet Come out quickly and make a statement."

"Express your attitude? What's your attitude?" The blood demon embraced two long swords, slowly rising from the sea of ​​blood, and looked at the formation in the hands of the ghost master with a pair of eyes, showing a cautious color, and cried out in his heart: "Trouble, but this time The trouble is big".

The ghost lord relies on the six reincarnation formations to fight against the powerful men. Although the blood demon did not come in person, he can see it clearly with the supernatural powers of the strong, and it is no different from coming in person. When he came to the door, the Gorefiend groaned secretly.

"You knowingly ask, in the Yin Division, there can only be one power in this seat. Any power outside the Yin Division is heresy and must be erased. Today, this seat gives you two choices, either surrender to my Yin Division, or be wiped. Go, God has the virtue of a good life. Enlightenment is not easy. You can only become enlightened by cultivating for millions of years. This seat will also have mercy on you. If you submit to this seat, you will be treated like the four powerful ones. If you disobey, this seat can only be ruthless. , Ruined you." The ghost master was full of compassion.

Hearing this, the blood demon chuckled: "I have a sea of ​​blood to rely on. I am immortal. Although you are the master of the Yin Division and have great magical powers, you can't kill me. Don't want to say rants and be laughed at."

"If you don’t see the coffin, you won’t cry. These six reincarnation patterns are artifacts of the Yin Division. Only in the Yin Division can the greatest strength be exerted. The Yin and Yang interact with each other. The power of this pattern in the Great Thousand World has been suppressed by 35 percent, you Think about it for yourself." The ghost master stared at the Gorefiend.

As he was talking, suddenly I heard the thunderbolt of the Yinsi world, and the great world rumbling non-stop, the ghost master and the gorefiend looked at the Yinsi cloud layer where the thunder and lightning gathered together, and the unparalleled power in the thundercloud was gathering crazy.

"Brother, someone in the Yang world is forcibly opening the channel between Yin and Yang," the good and evil strong said loudly.

The ghost master looked at the void where the yin thunder converged, and waved his hand: "It's okay! It must be Na Hongjun who is moving. The channel between the yin and yang is not that easy to open, and it won't matter if I concoct the blood demons to respond."

"Hahaha, ghost lord, your tone is too rampant. If you want to take care of me, you are afraid you can't do it." The blood demon looked at the mighty thunder of the world, with joy in his eyes.

"Speak your choice".

The ghost master unhurriedly played with the reincarnation pattern in his hand.


The Gorefiend retreated into the depths of the sea of ​​blood, looking at the ghost master with a pair of eyes, and sneered disdainfully: "If you have the ability, you can just shoot."

"This is your own death, no wonder I'm" the ghost master's face was full of helplessness: "Xiandao Guisheng, you choose yourself, no wonder I".

After speaking, the ghost master stepped forward, driving the six reincarnation formations, stepping into the sea of ​​blood, and approaching the suppression of the blood demon.

The waves were surging, and when they approached the ghost master, they were suppressed by the power of six reincarnations. The formation in the hands of the ghost master turned into a bottomless pit at this time, exuding unmatched suction, and went toward the suppression of the blood demon.

"Yuantu Abi".

The Gorefiend longsword came out of its sheath, trained with a **** horse, and slashed towards the ghost master.

Yuantu Abi Excalibur is a jade Duxiu that uses heaven and earth as the furnace of good fortune, Yin and Yang as charcoal fire, and magical craftsmanship. It is blessed with countless secrets, and then secretly nurtured by various filthy atmospheres between heaven and earth~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Absorbing the original power of the sea of ​​blood, the power is boundless.

This sword actually cut through the cycle of reincarnation, leaving a blood-colored hole in the chest of the ghost master, and the power of overwhelming filth burst out from that hole, constantly eroding the true body of the ghost master.


The ghost master didn't care, the power of the six reincarnations instantly wiped out the wound, and went to the blood demon to suppress it fiercely: "To deal with you, you only need six reincarnations to stack two."

"Too little look down on people" A flash of anger flashed in the Gorefiend's eyes.

In the next moment, the blood demon's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had reached the back of the ghost lord and stab towards the ghost lord.


A whirlpool formed, and the force of sucking instantly extended towards the blood demon, only to see that the blood demon's long sword actually changed direction and was sucked by the whirlpool.

Yu Duxiu's Pangu banners still have to be constrained by this whirlpool, let alone the blood demon's Yuantu Abi sword? How can I get the Pangu banners?

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