The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1960: Cold detachment, half step is absolutely 0 degrees

"Yan Luo told you to die for the third watch, who dares to keep you for the fifth watch."

The voice of the prince of the Yin Si resounded across the world, and saw his palm stretched out, and asuras were killed head by head wherever he passed.

Asura is just a newly born Asura, who hasn't cultivated yet, how can he be the opponent of the supreme powerhouse like the Crown Prince of Yin Si.

Asuras also need to cultivate, and they also have their own methods of cultivation. Asura's method of cultivation is to kill. The more you kill, the stronger your cultivation.

Seeing all the Asuras dying and disappearing completely into the world, the ghost master did not laugh, and the blood demon was not surprised.

There are too many asuras, and the source is endless. Although the prince of Yin Si is a quasi-superpower, he is so powerful that he even dares to compete with the supreme strong, but how many can you kill no matter how powerful you are? .

One hundred thousand? million? Million? Still billions? .

Yu Duxiu looked at the cold flock, and the world was spinning, with a pair of eyes insight into the direction of all the magical powers in the cold flock, and after a while, she said: "Your Excellency, the dimension of ice and snow, has reached its limit. It is a perfect world, the five elements reincarnation, and the world you derived is a pure world, a world of ice and snow, which is very different from ordinary people."

"How to evolve?" Han Ling looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan, then withdrew his gaze, and after a while, he said, "Your background and accumulation are enough. Now the only difference is the purity. In your cold world, there is still a key point of qualitative change."

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, Han Yan showed all the colors he thought. Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan and smiled slightly: "If Mianxia doesn't mind, I can help Mian to take this last step."

"How to help me?" Han Ling said.

"Enter your world" Yu Duxiu said.

Han Fang looked at Yu Duxiu, stared at it for a while, then nodded, "You come in."

As he spoke, the ice and snow rolled up in front of Han Yan, forming a vast vortex, and instantly rolled towards Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu did not resist, and when he reappeared, he had already reached a land of ice and snow.

At a glance, the world is full of ice and snow, endless ice and snow, and endless silence.

"How do you help me?" Han Yan appeared beside Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu stepped on the ice and snow, the corner of her mouth was slightly raised, one palm stretched out, but seeing the wind and clouds gathering between the world and the earth, the endless cold air gathered towards Yu Duxiu's palm, was crazily compressed by Yu Duxiu, and then blessed with some kind The secret method was just a few breaths, and a glittering snowflake appeared in Yu Duxiu's hand, which slowly stretched out in front of Han Ling.

"This is the key to that qualitative transformation?" Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu did not answer. She watched Han Yan stretch out her delicate snow-white palm, and dropped the snowflake into Han Yan's palm, and then smiled softly: "I was fortunate to obtain the Innate Ice Soul back then. Transformation, obtained the information of the world in the innate ice soul, and then met the extreme cold ice monster, the ice and snow **** born that day, gained the inheritance of the extreme cold ice monster."

Han Fang's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he looked at Yu Duxiu wide, breathing quickly, "Really?"

"The only good thing about me is that I never tell lies." Yu Duxiu sighed softly, stretched out a finger and tapped her eyebrows towards Han Yan. Han Yan closed his eyes and raised his neck.

Numerous information came into Han Ling's mind. After a stick of incense, Yu Duxiu slowly retracted her finger, stood in the snow and ice country, and looked at the scenery of the snow and ice country. It was white and snowy.


The sky broke and the earth broke, the heavy snow turned into a tornado, pulled up out of thin air, and pierced into the starry sky. There was a chaos and dense cloud between the sky and the earth.

There was a little bit of aura in Yu Duxiu's eyes, and then gently stretched out her palm to catch the snowflake: "This is the origin of the world, the most primitive power."


Snow flakes crazily gathered in the sky, swarming in front of Han Yan, and then I saw Han Yan turned into a bottomless black hole, the snowflakes were constantly compressing, just a few breaths, the white snow between the sky and the earth There was no trace of disappearance, only a crystal-like snowflake suspended in front of Han Yan.

The cold air came out of the snowflakes at a speed visible to the naked eye, and I saw that the cold air passed, everything was frozen, and the world was frozen and cracked by the cold air, constantly shattering.



When Yu Duxiu was hit by the cold, she instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

The dimension was shattered by the cold, and everything returned to nothingness.

Life and death coexist, creation and destruction coexist.

This wisp of air is both the air of destruction and the air of destruction.

The shattered time and space were reorganized in the cold air. When the cold air passed, time and space evolved, and the world barrier fetal membrane was slowly formed. I saw Yu Duxiu's palm passing by, and the void made up for it, and the law and order were developing.

The memory of the ice and snow elves taught the birth of the ice and snow kingdom of the cold, and the inheritance of the ice soul told the laws of the ice and snow kingdom and the construction of the ice and snow kingdom.

Baixue’s world is still a piece of white snow, but what is bred under this snow is no longer a deathly silence, but a vigorous vitality. A touch of life comes, two lines of clear tears traversed in the cold eyes, and was absorb.

The world of ice and snow is no longer the dimension of ice and snow.

After being moved, looking at Yu Duxiu, which was still frozen and frozen, the snowflake fell into the center of Han Yan's eyebrows, Han Yan stepped forward, came to Yu Duxiu, and opened his mouth to Yu Duxiu. , I saw that the ice on Yu Duxiu's body was instantly sucked away by Han Yan.


Yu Duxiu sneezed, and looked at Han Yan with a pair of eyes: "This icy power is really powerful. Some of them are like absolute zero, but they are not. It is a little bit short of absolute zero."

Absolute zero, but the power that can freeze even time. If Yu Duxiu can’t cut out of the future body, even if it is a body with the power of disaster, facing the absolute zero that even time and space are frozen together, there will only be sealed ones. End.

Time has stopped flowing, what about your name Yu Duxiu? .

Now the body is frozen, the only thing Yu Duxiu can move is the past body.

"What a terrifying power, the heavens and the world, you have reached the top, even if it is too easy and the elephant god, you will never want to be contaminated by your cold air" Yu Duxiu praised.

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the ice and snow country in the distance and took a deep breath: "The feeling of vitality just makes people feel comfortable."

Han Ling chuckled slightly: "Fortunately, thank you very much."

"I'm so thankful, you and I have always supported each other, everything is what it should be." Yu Duxiu carried her hands and looked at the growing ice and snow world barrier, slowly grabbing the falling snow and ice in the sky: "This is a piece of The country of ice and snow, this is the first time I have seen this kind of pure country."

"You said that if we fight now, which one of us will win or lose?" Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu.

The corners of Yu Duxiu's lips curled up: "If I don't use the last hole card, you will definitely win."

The implication is, "If I use my hole cards, you are definitely not my opponent." Han Yan's eyes were chilly and he looked at Yu Duxiu: "So strong and confident."

"I have always been confident."

Yu Duxiu looked at the snowflakes in the distance.

"Go to the dojo of this I invite you to drink. Now that you are detached, you should be drunk," Han Yan said with a smile.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "Alright, I just happened to be idle, giving my life to be with the gentleman."

Although Han Yan's supernatural powers did not reach the step of absolute zero, it was already half a step to absolute zero. As long as Han Ling broke through again, the true proof would be the fruit position of the innate treasure. Absolute zero would be a matter of course. The heavens and all realms are insoluble.

Outside, a powerful, ethereal, and liberating force spread from the 33rd Heaven and Heaven, and a cold air instantly overflowed and turned into a cold storm. Snow flew across the entire world, sweeping the entire world.

"Someone is detached again" Tai Yi said, Tai Yi Jiaozu grabbed the snowflakes in front of him, and looked at the 33rd Heaven: "Looking at this aura, it should be cold and detached. In Hongjun's Yujing Mountain Hongjun is a good means to enlightenment."

"Yujingshan" Fox God looked at Yujingshan with a pair of eyes: "How can Hongjun get mixed up with Hanyan? Hanyan is detached, so powerful and powerful."

ps: Everyone pays attention to the book's WeChat public account "Ninth Destiny". You can watch it in advance!

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