The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1962: 8 complete, Asura tribe

Looking at the blood demon ancestor, Sun Chi didn't say much, and offered the gold sticker in his hand: "Buddha's gold sticker is here. Please ancestors to collect it."

Listening to the words, the blood demon took the gold sticker, slowly opened it, and said after a while: "It turns out that I want the Asura in my blood sea to become one of the eight tribes, and I lack everything else in the blood sea. There is no shortage of Asura, you can quote the number as much as you want."

"One hundred thousand asuras are enough," Kong Xuan said aside.

Looking at Kong Xuan, the blood demon nodded: "Your master once told me that you are also a person of immortality, you don't need to be polite, you can discuss with your ancestors in the future."

Without waiting for Kong Xuan's answer, the Gorefiend made a move. One hundred thousand Asuras walked over and stood behind the Gorefiend ancestor, cleverly like a child who was obedient, and didn't feel any murderous or violent aura.

"Those hundred thousand asuras, take it away, we are not outsiders."

"Thank you, ancestor" Kong Xuan's five-color divine light scrolled behind him, one hundred thousand Shura disappeared without a trace, and then he said goodbye to the blood demon ancestor, and the two returned to Lingshan Pure Land and handed over the decree to Amitabha. Kong Xuan released one hundred thousand Ah Shura, Amitabhas smiled at the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect the blood demons to be really generous. These are the first batch of Asura tribes who were blessed by heaven. This servant is really interested. I knew I should have asked for more asuras. ."

After speaking, I saw Amitabha chanting the mantra, and the infinite Buddha light fell towards the asura, and the asura tribe was transformed into the asura: "From today onwards, my Buddha’s heavenly dragons and the asura tribe return to their thrones. The Eight Buddhisms of Buddhism are Consummation."

The voice was magnificent and spread throughout the world. The powerhouses of the Demon Race, the Demon God Clan, and the Human Race raised their heads one after another and looked at the Lingshan Pure Land. I saw that the luck of the heavens and the hundreds of races had flowed a lot toward the Lingshan Pure Land.

"The Buddhist Amitabha is also a deep-minded person. He can't fight with the ghost master. He has established the other side in the Yinsi, supported the blood demon against the ghost master, and secretly planned to be a black hand. It is not easy," the fox **** said coldly.

"The Buddhism dares to plunder my demon race's fortune, is it because I am impatient?

Xiangshen looked gloomy.

"In the future, the scourge of the Demon God Clan will be settled, and after a fall, it is better to have fewer strong enemies now, so as not to be killed in the future when you suffer a lot of calamities in the future." Tiger God chewed on a **** thigh, and his voice was solemn.

The powerhouses of the Demon God clan were also so angry, the centipede ancestor roared up to the sky, and rushed towards Lingshan: "Amitabha, are you too tired of life, dare to plunder my Demon God clan's luck?"

"Amitabha Buddha" Amitabha made a noisy Buddha horn, and his robes flew out behind him, blocking the blow of the centipede ancestor, and said without changing his face: "Everything has a definite number, everything is a definite number".

Amitabha's words fell, and the wolf **** rushed over and grabbed the centipede ancestor: "Don't cause trouble to the demon clan. The demon clan and the monster clan need to be solved. You can't provoke a powerful enemy indiscriminately."

"Centipede ancestor, come back, this matter of luck, I will talk about it later" Sensing the qi of the surrounding people to gloat, God E spoke.

Listening to the words of the demon gods, even if the centipede ancestor is unwilling, he can only recognize the grievances between his son and Buddhism on the road to the sky, the centipede ancestor will not forget.

"Amitabha is not a fool, how could he provoke everyone's nerves at this time" Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu drunkly.

Yu Duxiu poured a drink on her own and drank a glass without hurries: "The time has come. Naturally, we must firmly grasp it. The number of days is changing every minute and every second. God's will is unpredictable. Since there is a chance, we must fight for it. Amitabha is strong enough. The two supreme powers of the Buddhist family, at the delicate moment of the decisive battle between the demon clan and the demon **** clan, will never cause a big conflict with the Buddha for a little luck."

"After the event, the demon clan or the demon **** clan won, and their strength has grown, what should I do afterwards?"

Looking at the drunk Han Yan, Yu Duxiu smiled: "Don't worry, whether the demon clan or the devil clan, they will not be the final winner. They will give you a chance to kill the dragon kings of the four seas."

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, Han Yan smiled, as if spring had returned to the earth and the ice melted: "If you have a conscience, just remember."

After speaking, he actually fell asleep on the table.

"I can't believe that the supreme and powerful are actually really drunk. It seems that these few million years, the cold life is really difficult and it is also a torment. Now I finally see the hope of revenge. Relax." Yu Duxiu drank the wine and looked at the drunk Han Wei, slowly stood up, hugged Han Wei, and gently placed it on the bed.

Han Yan is similar to Ao Le by nine points. It is worthy of being passed down from mother and daughter, but compared with Ao Le, Han Yan seems to have a bit more icy temperament.

Covering Hanfang with a quilt, Yu Duxiu slowly returned to the table and took the wine in her hand: "It's for celebration? It's cheaper for me."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu carried the wine jar, walked out of the Hanyan palace, and returned to the 33rd heaven.

"Fox God, why are you here?" Just stepping into the palace, Yu Duxiu saw the sullen Fox God sitting there.

After speaking, Yu Duxiu will turn around and go outside. Before the race war, it is not suitable to meet this fox Meizi. Yu Duxiu secretly cursed that she had drunk too much today. This wine is indeed an unusual wine, intoxicating.

"Yu Duxiu, stop."

The Fox God yelled, Yu Duxiu reluctantly stopped, and turned to look at the Lingyu boy who blinked.

Lingyu Boy made a grievance and stood there with his head down.

"Let's settle the account with you later, you go down first" Yu Duxiu waved his hand, and the Lingyu boy quickly withdrew from the main hall like a pardon.

Yu Duxiu looked at the Fox God: "Why do you come to me when you have time."

"Do you have to disturb the world before you are willing to give up?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu was stunned, then shook her head: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not a fool. There is an impenetrable wall of brows in the world. The great formation of demon gods and gods spread from your hands. The Zhoutian star battle formation of the demon tribe was also caused by you. You are constantly calling the demon tribe and the demon **** Confrontation, what are you trying to calculate?" The Fox God stood up and came to Yu Duxiu, staring at Yu Duxiu tightly, his eyes closed.

"The heavens and the world is a game of chess, the demons are chess players, the demons are chess players, the humans are chess players, the Yinsi is the chess player, and I am also a chess player" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Although you are a chess player, but now it is a game between my monster clan and the demon **** clan. You are a chess stranger. Everyone must pay attention to the rules. Now it is not time for you to play chess." The fox **** stared fiercely. With Yu Duxiu.

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, he couldn't comment, and the Fox God rushed to his face: "Answer me."

"I want to destroy the world, do you believe it?" Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god.

The Fox God stretched out his fingers, picked Yu Duxiu's chin, and then slowly slid to reach Yu Duxiu's heart, and sighed softly: "You are the most powerful chess player in the heavens and the world."

"You are for the I am for myself. Races are all imaginary. You have opened up the world. If you want to maintain your race, you can move the monster race to a small world." Yu Duxiu is not critical Not slow.

Fox God shook his head: "You know, this situation can't happen, just talk about bad ideas and distract me."

After speaking, the fox **** instantly hugged Yu Duxiu’s waist, then with a violent flick, he threw Yu Duxiu onto the big bed behind the screen, and threw himself excitedly: "My world needs to evolve and it needs to nurture vitality. , Double cultivation with you is the fastest way."

One day later, after the screen, Yu Duxiu walked out tremblingly, putting on his clothes, while tidying up his clothes: "You regard me as a treasure for practice, don't you? My life essence is consumed by my source. , You can’t just tap.”

"You are already an immortal strong man. How much vitality did you breathe? Besides, if you feel comfortable, I also benefit. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?" The Fox God walked lazily in his coat. Came out.

"Your world is just a small world. The vitality of the small world is vigorous, and it is also a small world. If you want to be promoted to the small thousand world, it is not like this. If this continues, even if you **** me up, you can't evolve." Yu Du Xiu said helplessly.

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