The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1965: The ghost master shot, the bane of Asura

The major forces of the heavens are competing in secret, and they are constantly accumulating their inner strength, and the ghost master of Yinsi can't stand it at this time.

The asura of the sea of ​​blood is too difficult to be entangled. It is impossible to kill it, and the seal of suppression cannot be sealed. The sea of ​​blood is endless, and the asuras are endless. How do you tell Yinsi to kill? .

The four supreme powers of the Yin Division took turns to sit on the edge of the blood sea, constantly strangling Asuras, and if the supreme powers were sitting, the Yin Division never fell into the wind.

"Father God, Ashura is so tyrannical, unscrupulous killing, not afraid of death, if this is the case, it will be a great trouble for my Yinsi," the Yinsi prince saluted the ghost master.

"What's your opinion?" The ghost master tapped his fingers unhurriedly.

"It is indeed a good idea to train with Asuras, but it’s too late, but it compromises the foundation of my Yin Department. My boy thought that the Father is in charge of the Yin Department’s power. Why not open the channel of reincarnation and send Asura into the world of Yang, naturally there will be demons. The tribe, the human race, and the demon gods have a headache. Someone will figure out the way to crack Asura for us," said Prince Yin Si.

"It coincides with my thoughts, but this matter needs careful arrangement. Because my father has sent someone to arrange the coordinates in the world of the sun, I must be back at this time," said the ghost master.

The person who arranges the coordinates is naturally not black and white and impermanence. These two guys are not restricted to entry and exit, and no one can stop them.

"Your Majesty, fortunately, the coordinates of the various places have been arranged." Two black and white figures flickered in the hall, and black and white impermanence appeared in the hall, giving a salute to the ghost master.

The ghost master touched his chin when he heard the words, looked at the black and white impermanence below, and laughed: "Now the time has come. In the past, it was those **** who took the initiative to trouble my yin, and stirred up the wind and rain in my yin, and didn't know the passage. After opening, how should these guys respond."

"If the order continues, all the Yinsi army will retreat for a hundred miles. This seat will open the channel between Yin and Yang. Please four supreme powers to guard the channel of reincarnation separately. Please work together." The ghost master said, and the technique changed. I saw the void distorted, a vortex slowly formed in his hand, and then saw the vortex roll up and land on the battlefield one after another. There were violent winds wherever it passed, and countless asuras were instantly swallowed by the vortex. .

In the sea of ​​blood, the Gorefiend looked at the Asuras who had been swept away in the battlefield with a disapproving smile: "My sea of ​​blood is endless. As many as you want, you have to see how many you can kill."

In the territory of the Demon God clan, the demon gods have recently realized the mystery of practicing the great formation of the gods and gods, and constantly deduced the mystery of the great formation of the gods and gods. The whole demon clan is rare and quiet, but today, that rare peace is instantly broken. , I saw a gust of yin wind rolling up, and a certain small tribe of the Demon God clan suddenly opened the yin and yang channel, countless blood spilled, and a series of hideous figures fell.

"What is this?" Seeing the ugly monster falling down, everyone in the Demon God tribe was taken aback.



Countless asuras with red eyes, roared and rushed towards the demon **** tribe, no chickens or dogs left wherever they went.

It is true that the dogs and chickens do not stay. As long as they encounter life, Asura does not hesitate to wave the blood knife in his hand, the long knife is waved, the blood splashes, and the lives are taken away. The soul is absorbed by Asura, and the blood is returned to the sea of ​​blood. .


The Demon God clan is not a good stubble either. Seeing Ashura, he couldn't help but start directly, and he was furious. They showed their true body of Demon God and started the fight.

It’s just that Asura is really difficult. The Demon God in the realm of good fortune is not the enemy of Asura in one turn. Asura is immortal. If it weren’t destroyed by the heart of Asura, he would not die at all. Cha, suffered a big loss one after another, and was defeated.

At the same time, in the 33rd layer of heaven, a channel of Yin and Yang opened, and countless asuras descended from the sky, covering the sky as if they were densely packed with locusts, slaughtering towards the demon clan. Compared with the demon **** clan, the demon clan was even more vulnerable.

In the four-sea dragon clan, a yin and yang channel opened in the endless depths of the seabed, and groups of Shura troops rushed into the East China Sea, the West China Sea, the South China Sea, and the North Sea and began to kill.

Inside the Zhoutian Star Array of the Human Race, I suddenly saw a gloomy wind rolling up in the starry sky, and then the sound of killing was shaking the world. Countless asuras appeared in the residence of the ordinary human race, and a brutal and inhuman slaughter began.

The whole world was filled with blood and light, alarming the powerful men who lived in seclusion thirty-three days away. The Demon God and Monster Race were the first to react.

"What kind of monster is this?" E God looked at the massacre in the territory of the Demon God clan, and the more and more powerful Asura was killed, his expression was stagnant: "What kind of race is this?"

"I haven't seen it." The demon gods shook their heads.

"A fierce race, a natural fighting race, only knows how to kill, the more you kill, the stronger you evolve in the killing" The Wolf God sniffed.

When Yu Duxiu enlightened the Asura tribe, the ghost master blocked the Yin and Yang passages and the Yin Si barrier, so the powerhouses of the world did not know what was born in the Yin Si.

Shura was bloodthirsty, and he didn't feel much about it in the Yin Division, but felt violent. Now he saw blood in the Yang world, and his demon nature was completely opened.

"Compared with this monster in the same realm, the demon **** is not an opponent at all. Except for the powerhouse of the quasi-superior realm, the ordinary demon **** is not comparable to this monster at all." Looking at the people who are constantly being slaughtered. , Centipede ancestor Qian's eyes kept turning: "Interesting, interesting, really interesting".

A demon **** blasted Asura’s head with a punch, a smile appeared on his face, and he instantly relaxed his vigilance. The next moment he felt a pain in his chest, his heart had been dug out, and his falling head quacked with a strange smile. Creepy: "Quack, quack, delicious heart."

"How could it be?" The demon god's eyes showed an unbelievable color, which was against common sense at all.

Looking at the people of the Asura tribe, you look at me, I look at you, all the strong in the field, all the creeps, the coldness rises from the bottom of my heart: "Be careful, these monsters are tenacious, and they will not die even if their heads are cut off." .

The Demon Clan was miserable, and the Demon Clan was not much better. The Thirty-third Heaven was dyed red with a scarlet carpet, and countless Shura slaughtered unscrupulously.

"Xiangshen, what do you think?" Tiger God said.

"The Yin Division Channel, these monsters came from the Yin Division. It should be the ghost master who is doing the This matter is inseparable from the Yin Division." Xiangshen took a deep breath: "The ghost master is taking revenge. "

"Go and ask the Fox God to come and discuss countermeasures" Xiangshen said to the guard beside him.

"No invitation, this palace is here." The Fox God stepped into the main hall, looking down at the conditions of the 33rd Heaven, and gathered the performance of the Asura tribe in the background, then looked at the world with his eyes: "This is not My family’s affairs, the Human Race, the Demon God Race, and the Sihailong Race have all suffered disasters. These monsters are simply fierce and without flaws. Even if they smash their heads, they are still alive. We need to discuss how to deal with them."

The ancestors of the Human Race were a little dumbfounded at this time. Compared with the Demon Race and the Demon God Clan, the Human Race’s resistance is weaker. I saw that the Demon God is raging everywhere. The ordinary humans of the Human Race are no different from chickens and ducks. They can only let them go. Butcher.

"Where did these monsters come from?" Taishi taught the ancestors.

"These monsters carry the qi of the sea of ​​blood. Before this seat has sensed the qi of the ghost lord, it should be the ghost lord who is making ghosts. This old guy is too tired of life and dares to calculate my human race." Tai Yi taught the ancestor to gritted his teeth.

"This matter will never stop, send a master of the door to kill these monsters," Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

Sihailong, Sihailongjun look ugly, although the sea is the territory of the aquarium, but this **** monster is not suppressed by the sea, the murderous intent is strong, and the four seas killed are dyed red.

No way. At this time, even the supreme powerhouses have no good way. These Shura fell into the great world and instantly dispersed. All the supreme powerhouses can't run over and kill them one by one. The world is vast. Where do the supreme powerhouses have so much energy, not to mention that in the perception of the supreme powerhouses, there are still yin and yang channels constantly opening up between heaven and earth.

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