The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1977: Resurrect the **** of death

After hearing the words of the jade ancestors, Yu Duxiu was not stingy, and directly stretched out his hand and took out the six drawings of reincarnation: "Let you play."

Yu Duxiu has clearly understood the countless mysteries in the six reincarnation formations and absorbed all the secrets of the six reincarnation formations. For Yu Duxiu, these six reincarnation formations are no different from waste paper.

The old jade ancestor took over the six reincarnation formations, his eyes were full of smiles: "Good thing, this is a good thing."

"If I were you, after getting the six reincarnation formations, I should quickly find a place to hide, instead of whipping in front of me, be careful I take the six reincarnation formations back." Yu Duxiu looked at Jade with a smile. Patriarch.

The ancestor of Jade smirked: "Don't worry, don't worry, ancestor, I will go, and I will go, and I will never disturb you to resurrect the **** of death. Am I the kind of ancestor?"

Seeing the old jade ancestor rushing out of the secret realm, Yu Duxiu shook his head and smiled bitterly. This shameless old man would never give up without taking advantage.

Outside, everyone was talking about it.

"Hongjun is gone, and the old immortal Jade is gone. These two guys are in a nest of snakes and rats, and they must be secretly engaged in some conspiracy" Taiyuan Jiaozu snorted.

"Maybe the previous movement was made by Hongjun and Jade" E Shendao.

"These two guys, how come the scum are gathered together" Tai Dou Jiaozu said helplessly.

However, the words of the people have not fallen yet. I saw a figure flashing outside the Yujing Mountain. The Jade Ancestor appeared outside the Yujing Mountain, feeling the gaze cast by everyone. The Jade Ancestor did not change his face, carried his hands, and held his chest. Head stepped into Yujing Mountain.

"The ancestor stayed behind, the ancestors know the roots of the previous vision." Taishi taught ancestors stepped out and stood in front of the jade ancestor.

Seeing the jade ancestor, he would swear, and the elephant **** walked out of the void and stood beside the Taishijiao ancestor without saying a word. E God also rarely conflicted with the elephant, and stood on the other side of the Taishijiao ancestor. .

Now that the three of them have arrived, although the jade ancestors can't help but they represent the three forces. The jade ancestors dare not be careless, and said blankly: "What vision? The ancestor, I slept before, and I never noticed any vision. , You don’t want to block Lao Tzu’s path and make me angry."

While talking, the old jade ancestor looked down on the three of them with contempt, walked into Yujing Mountain swaggeringly, and cursed secretly in his heart: "I'm proud of you. You will cry after the **** of death is resurrected."

The three of them did not continue to block, and watched the Jade Ancestor walk into the Yujing Mountain. These three people belong to three races. We can't work together and wait for each other to come forward and die with the Jade Ancestor at this delicate time. hatred.

"This old thing must have a conspiracy" Xiangshen cursed and turned away.

Everyone scanned the heavens and myriad worlds with a pair of eyes, and the more they found the peace between the world and the earth, the more they felt that they had no bottom in their hearts.

Everyone’s thoughts, Yu Duxiu is not known. At this time, Yu Duxiu’s hand has formed a Taoist mysterious seal, which fell on the chest of the death **** in front of him. The soul of the death **** from ancient times is affected by jade. The solo show, the French and Indian blessings, exudes a mysterious wave.

Yu Duxiu took out a white flag banner with ghost patterns on it, which expanded endlessly, spreading silently to every corner of the world.

"The soul is coming back, the soul is coming back" The voice is magnificent, and the sound is so loud, it is strange to say that none of the supreme powers of the heavens and the world can actually detect the fluctuations.


The yin wind around Yu Duxiu was rolled up, only to see a series of black shadows burrowing out of the void one after another, and bowing respectfully to Yu Duxiu, they jumped into the corpse of the **** of death.

Yu Duxiu took out a stick of incense and lit them one after another, and the incense went straight into the sky. The souls of countless gods derive from nothingness and sink into the incense.

"Subordinates of the **** of death, thanks to the Lord for his grace to live" a gloomy voice came from the body of the **** of death.

Yu Duxiu knotted the seal in his hand and lashed on the body of the **** of death: "How can you die if you are in charge of the law of death? Now that you are reincarnated from death, you die once in death, you will inevitably increase your Taoism, I don’t know that compared to the ghost master, What about?."

"Life is death, death is life, life is life, death is death, and the subordinates have now understood the way of life and death, the combination of life and death, no life and no death, no death and no life, it is already done, the Taoist should not worry, Dacheng The voice of the **** of death came.

Yu Duxiu nodded, looking at the death god's body full of vitality, a little bit of vitality actually began to brew, obviously knowing the current state of the death god.

"That's fine, it's fine!" Yu Duxiu stood up, and thirteen fireworks appeared in his hand, which flew out instantly, planted in the acupuncture points of the **** of death, and thirteen fireworks soared into the sky. Rise.

"If the fireworks are burned out, you can resurrect and come out. When the time comes, the ghost master of the Yinsi will leave it to you to deal with. If those supremely strong do not know how to promote, even if you do it, you don't need to be polite." Yu Duxiu slowly walked out of the secret realm , Only the voice circulates in the secret realm.

"Yes, Taoist, don't worry." The voice of the **** of death echoed in the space.

Yinsi, the ghost master sat there, a little uneasy, a pair of eyes looking at the disaster of Shura, a little absent-minded.

"Father, the child is in charge of life and death, but now I don't know why, but there is a bad premonition in my heart." Prince Yinsi, dressed in the emperor's clothes, came to the side of the ghost master.

The ghost master frowned: "For my father, I have also felt frightened recently. It seems that a calamity is being conceived in the dark. It seems that my Yin Division is about to have a storm again, but I don't know where the storm is coming from and cannot respond."

"Father, the corpse of the **** of death in God Burial Valley is lost, do you think it is the **** of death??" Prince Yin Si lowered his throat.

The ghost master raised his eyebrows, and the green ghost fire in his eyes rose: "It's not impossible. This matter needs early precautions. The **** of death has been completely killed, and the soul is shattered, and the jade ancestor is blessed. The law of bad luck is so difficult to resurrect, but it can’t be prevented.”

"How to prevent? The corpse of the God of Death is gone, and you can't do it if you want to prevent it. If you knew that the body of the God of Death should be completely destroyed," the Yin Si Prince said.

"It can't be transformed, the **** of death is in charge of the power of death, and the body cannot be broken." The ghost master shook his head. If he could completely destroy the **** of death, he would have done it.

"If the **** of death returns, what is the chance of the father?" Prince Yinsi looked at the ghost master.

Hearing the words, the ghost master closed his eyes and calculated for a while: "If it is a young **** of death, it is difficult to kill, but it is not impossible."

"What about the adult **** of death?" Prince Yin Si said.

"There is God in the open sky, God and Dao are the same." The ghost master said with a solemn voice: "In the world of Yang, the father is 60% sure to defeat him, or to draw a tie."

"In this way, the Father God is in the Yinsi, suppressing the **** of death, it should be effortless." The Prince Yinsi was happy.

The ghost Lord heard this and shook his head: "Fei how do you say?" Prince Yinsi was taken aback.

"This Yin Division is the lair of the God of Death, and is the home of the God of Death. In this Yin Division, being the father and the **** of death is five to five times apart, even if it is a breakthrough for the father, it may not be able to suppress the great achievements in the Yin Division. The **** of death" Ghost Lord smiled bitterly.

Looking at the ghost master, the prince of Yinsi was stunned for a moment, but then he was stunned: "It is true! This death is conceived in the Yinsi. Although the Father controls the six reincarnations, the Yinsi is the home of the **** of death."

"Although reincarnation is powerful, in the final analysis, reincarnation is nothing but life and death. Life and death overlap with reincarnation. There is a conflict of authority. At that time, it will depend on whose methods are brilliant. Ah" The ghost master looked sad.

"Father God, we have to make early plans. The Asura's troubles must be settled immediately, otherwise it is really the return of the **** of death, and the young **** of death is better to say, if it is really the **** of death, the trouble of the father But it's big, I'm afraid that I won't be able to suppress Shura," Prince Yin Si whispered.

The ghost master showed a pensive color: "It's okay, with your four uncles here, the Yinsi will never capsize!" (To be continued...)

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