The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1980: New hatred and old hatred, decisive battle against Yinsi

Yu Duxiu is thinking about the relationship between tunnels, stars, and heavens. The **** of death in the endless void has completely recovered. The **** of death in black robes stepped out of the void, scanning the vast world with his eyes.

"My **** of death has returned!"

When the word fell, a thousand tremors were shaken, and countless strong men turned their eyes to the **** of death, but all their eyes were ‘dead’ when they were three feet away from the **** of death.

The **** of death is indeed terrifying, extremely terrifying, all eyes are indeed dead when they are three feet close to the whole body, even the eyes of the supreme powerhouse are already dead.

"Hiss~~~" Taiyuan Jiaozu took a breath: "What a terrifying **** of death."

Tai Yi Jiaozu nodded: "The God of Death has become a great success. No one in the heavens and the world can kill him anymore. The God of Death has become a big disaster!"

Not only are the ancestors with such expressions, even the three demon gods in the starry sky stare dignifiedly at the void in the distance, with solemn gazes, like the gods: "The **** of death is worthy of being a congenital god, and the power of the great congenital **** is true. Powerful, no wonder the old jade thing constantly suppressed the innate gods back then. This fellow is really foresight. This is the first time this seat has seen the power of this great innate god."

"How, maybe it can beat the God of Death?" Fox God looked at Xiangshen.

Xiangshen chuckled: "I practice the law of power, and life and death is also a kind of power. Facing the **** of death, who is higher and who is descended is not yet known. Back then, I didn’t know who said that there is a **** in the open sky. The same way, Dacheng innate god, is absolutely no small thing."

Like God’s words solemnly, with a pair of eyes looking at the void in the distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “In the future, there will be phone test sessions. Now it’s good to watch the changes, but to see how the jade and the ghost master respond.”

"Jade, ghost, I have sensed your aura." The death god's voice was very soft, but it spread throughout the world, black and white light flowing in a pair of eyes.

"Didn't your kid say that the **** of death won't trouble me?" The old jade ancestor ran in anxiously from outside the palace, grabbed Yu Duxiu's arm, and interrupted Yu Duxiu's deduction.

Yu Duxiu took out an edict: "present this to the **** of death, and he will naturally resolve the cause and effect with you."

"Useful?" The Jade Ancestor took the letter suspiciously, and looked at the Jade Ancestor with a pair of eyes.

"You'll know if you try." Yu Duxiu closed her eyes again, opened a vertical eye at the center of her eyebrows, looked at the void in the distance, and then smiled: "It's a good show."

The Jade Ancestor had no choice. Facing the Dacheng Innate God, although he was not afraid, he didn't want to have another troublesome opponent, especially now that the Jade Ancestor was surrounded by enemies.

The ancestor of Jade crossed the void and came to the front of the **** of death. His eyes looked at the **** of death who was shrouded in black robe, and looked up and down.

"Yu, here you are, the grudges of the past, you and I should end after all" the **** of death sighed slightly.

"You take it."

The old jade ancestor threw the letter in his hand, his eyes fixed on the **** of death.

"What kind of trick?" The Death God took the letter and took a halt. His hand was filled with death, and the letter was gone and ‘dead’.

"So powerful death spirit" Jade Ancestor glanced at the **** of death: "How?"

"In the future, you and I will know both cause and effect."

The **** of death waved his hand and signaled the old jade ancestor to retreat. His eyes looked like black holes, and he looked at the Yinsi Difu: "Ghost, you are still so timid and afraid of seeing the sun, why don't you come out?".

The ghost master in the Yin Division is speechless. Do you think that everyone is like your innate gods, regardless of yin and yang, and not afraid of backlash by the laws of heaven and earth? .

"If you don’t come out, then I will take the initiative to go in and find you, you thief, not to mention stealing my treasure back then, but also stealing the foundation of my house in the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Today I will take back everything I lost back then. ".

While speaking, the **** of death took a step forward and entered the Yin Division, closing his eyes and breathing intoxicated by the Yin Division's Qi: "The smell of home."

"Congratulations, I didn't expect that after a million years, you actually came back alive, and after you die, you actually reverse the yin and yang and realize the way of life. It is gratifying and gratifying."

The ghost master walked slowly to stand in front of the **** of death, his eyes gleaming with green oil, which was different from the black hole of the **** of death.

"Hand over the origin of the six reincarnations." The death **** looked at the ghost master: "I can spare your life."

"The origin of the six paths of reincarnation has been completely smelted by me, and I can't hand it over at all. I want to spare my life, but it is too loud. My current cultivation base is not what I used to be." The ghost master is noncommittal.

"In that case, there is no need to talk nonsense, see the real chapter in your hand, and divide it up." The death god's body was filled with death, his robe was bulging, a delicate palm stretched out, and endless vitality was bred in it.

"The birth and death of Wanhua."

The **** of death waved a palm, and the death energy between heaven and earth continued to gather, and was instantly transformed into life force by the overwhelming vitality, and gradually formed a spear, stabbing towards the ghost master: "I am now After reversing life and death, I just understood that I am the **** of death, but reincarnation is the beginning of life. I and the **** of life have different paths. Today, I will use the power of life to fight you."

"What a weird magical power" The six reincarnations revolve in front of the ghost master: "Six reincarnations, no matter what life you are, you will be involuntarily in reincarnation."

For the spear of the **** of death, the ghost master dare not care, the spear in the hands of the **** of death is the essence of life, for ordinary people, it is a great tonic, which can wash the hair and marrow, and reborn, but for the ghost master. For the dead, it is highly toxic, like fire and water, incompatible.

With a smile at the corner of Yu Duxiu's mouth, she gently stretched out her palm, surrounded by a ray of life: "Curious and special rules."

Vitality is swallowed by reincarnation, the **** of death does not rush, and takes one step forward, directly towards the six reincarnations: "The transformation of life and death, I am immortal now, neither life nor death, not under the jurisdiction of reincarnation, how can this district of six reincarnations do nothing? I?"

"Really? You were born in the Great Thousand World. I don't know if you can return to the origin of the heaven and earth if you transcend the chaotic reincarnation of the Great Thousand World." A ray of chaos lingers in the whirlpool in front of the ghost master.

The **** of death was stiff, as if he had seen a ghost, he stepped back in an instant, his eyes looked at the ghost master in amazement: "You actually understand the chaotic reincarnation? No, no, no, you are not chaotic reincarnation, but chaotic reincarnation. Artistic conception, it’s not so easy to break through the chaotic reincarnation of Daqian Samsara."

"I have the understanding of chaos reincarnation. I am blessing the six-path reincarnation superimposition, which is enough to restrain you. I was wronged back then, and I am unwilling to argue with you too much. How about you and I just stop here?" force.

"Stop? To put it bluntly, you hand over the origin of the six reincarnations" The Death God looked at the ghost master viciously.

"I have already said that the source of the six reincarnations has been completely how can it be handed over" Ghost Lord helpless: "Why don't you change a condition."

"You shameless robber, what treasure is there in this world that can be worthy of the benefits of the six reincarnation origins. Today, you must be completely suppressed. Isn't it just a mere reincarnation? Even if it is a real chaotic reincarnation, In the Great Thousand World, it is by no means my opponent." The **** of death was angry at this time, and the black and green light in his hand revolved: "Life and death transform, birth and death reincarnation, I am born, and the heavens shall die."

The green light mixed with the black divine light, turned into a black and green spear, pierced the void, and the space melted. The superposition of the six reincarnations in front of the ghost master was instantly pierced by it, and the six reincarnations revolved crazily. The six reincarnations reversed, and the spear was excluded from reincarnation.

"Good means" the ghost master praised, his eyes full of admiration: "The six reincarnations in this seat now overlap the fifth, and let me see my six reincarnations overlap the sixth."

"Do you think you have a chance for the six reincarnations to overlap?" The **** of death smiled coldly, pinched the mudra of the law in his hand: "Judgment of death, light of judgment."

"Bang" the ghost master was actually smashed by a divine light from the **** of death.

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