The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1984: Devil conspiracy, cause trouble

The battle between the demon race and the demon **** is ready to go, but the army of both sides is mobilized, in a hundred years.

The mobilization of the ordinary army must be based on the month and day. What's more, today's tens of billions of troops cannot be mobilized overnight.

"The power of sin!" Seeing the sinful air rising around him, Yu Duxiu frowned: "There is no way, the world is safe and secure. If you want to be enlightened, you can only continue to provoke the power of calamity and sin. I can't take care of it."

It's not that Yu Duxiu can't directly absorb the power of huffing and vomiting calamity from the underworld. It's just a drop in the bucket compared to the catastrophe, and when he is upgraded, the daylily will be cold.

"The power of disaster and calamity cannot be stopped, and the enlightenment of the will of heaven as a sword cannot be stopped. Now, with the infusion of the profound meaning of the starry sky, coupled with the understanding of the way of reincarnation, my will of heaven is like a sword and can be taken to the next level." Yu Du Xiu closed her eyes, completely disregarding the fight in the lower realm.

Outside, the Yinsi Difu, the ghost master and the **** of death stand opposite each other. It has to be said that although the ghost master has unlimited potential, facing the **** of death at this time, it will inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

In the hands of the **** of death, the magical powers flow, life and death are transformed, the aura is endless, there is infinite mystery in it, which is changeable, elusive, and stronger than the ghost master's six reincarnations, facing the death of the stronger and stronger, without the slightest decline in momentum. God will also retreat steadily.

The judge's pen in the hands of the **** of death danced, stroke by stroke, and the endless power was constantly circulating, continuously drilling into the six reincarnations of the opposite ghost master, and entering the ghost body through the six reincarnations.

"God of death, don't be rampant, our brother will come to meet you."

The punishment powerhouse opened his mouth, and the chain of punishment in his hand pierced the void, like a snake winding towards the **** of death.


"The law of sin?" The **** of death frowned, slowing down his attack on the ghost master, and the judge in his hand stroked: "Judgement, nothingness!"

At the moment when the chain was close to the **** of death, it collapsed, shattered and turned into nothingness.

"How could this happen?" The penalty powerhouse showed an incredible expression.

The strong penalties and sins are old partners. When this hand of magical powers used to be against the enemy, they would not be disadvantaged. I saw that the **** passed through the place, first blessed the sins on the opponent, and then punished the strong and punished the opponent. Forced to kill and suppress, never thought that after encountering the **** of death, it was useless.

"The **** of death has a priesthood and is guarded by the will of heaven and earth. He can't do anything to wait for the idle magical powers. When he meets the will of heaven, it has turned into powder" The ghost master slowed his breath and spoke to everyone.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly said: "If this is the case, then don't play tricks, let's just do it."

The palm of sin stretched out, and he saw the divine light gathered in his hand, the law of sin twisted and turned into a sword of sin, pulled a sword flower, and pierced towards the **** of death.

In the hands of the strong punishment, the aura of the innate spirit treasures rose to the sky, and a group of innate spirit treasures attacked the **** of death.

It’s a pity that unlike the old tortoise’s own innate formation map, the old tortoise gave birth to 24 innate spiritual treasures. After millions of years of polishing, the power is endless. Each innate spiritual treasure is a real innate spiritual treasure. It is by no means inferior to any of the spiritual treasures of the ancestors, so the old tortoise can be invincible, but the strong punishment is not. His innate spiritual treasure is dictated by the law, and he decomposes one innate spiritual treasure into countless innate spiritual treasures. , Which is equivalent to decomposing the power of an innate spirit treasure into countless parts, although it is very mysterious, it lacks power.

On the other side, he was afraid that the big stick would fly out of the hand of the strong.

"Unexpectedly, if you haven't seen it in a million years, you actually took four grabbing teeth." The death god's mouth was taunted, and the judge's pen was dancing non-stop. A judge's pen moved the power of the law between heaven and earth, and the power of the **** was Infinite is revealed at this time.

When the four powerhouses met, the judge's pen pierced and collapsed, and his body was broken. The ghost master saw that he recovered his mana instantly and rushed towards the **** of death: "Six Paths of Reincarnation."

"Dacheng's innate gods are really too difficult to entangle." Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at the fight of Yinsi, somewhat lost.

"How does the ghost master break the game?" Taiping Jiaozu thoughtfully.

"Come on, the ghost lord is not a good stubble. The **** of death faces the ghost lord and only has the upper hand." Tai Yi taught the ancestors to play with the turtle shell in his hand, surrounded by the river of chaos and fate.

In the distance, the prince of Yinsi was holding a half-roll of Life and Death in his hand, followed by black and white impermanence, watching the powerhouses fighting from a distance, but could do nothing and couldn't get in.

"What should I do now?" Prince Yinsi looked at black and white impermanence.

"Prince, how can we intervene in the battle of such a strong man" Hei Wuchang smiled bitterly.

"Being aspiring to others and destroying one's prestige, the laws of the two of you are mysterious and very, and the **** of death can't catch up with you. This prince Yan Luo Dao is the same as that of the **** of death, and it may not be impossible to cause trouble to the **** of death." Life and death are thin, a pair of eyes kept tapping the palm of his left hand, and after a while, his eyes lit up: "Yes."

"The prince figured out a way to break the game?" Bai Wuchang was overjoyed.

"Of course, since we can suppress the **** of death, we can ask for reinforcements." The prince Yinsi stretched out his hand unhurriedly.

"How to ask for reinforcements? The ancestors are eager for us to fight you and die with the **** of death, and die together. At this time, the demons and demons are also tense, and the race war is about to start. Where can there be any reinforcements?" Hei Wuchang bowed his head.

"Hehe, this reinforcement is not the same as the reinforcement. The Yin Division is not our Yin Division. The powers of the Gorefiend and the Buddha are all rooted in the Yin Division. The God of Death cannot be dealt with by our family. The Yin Division is the God of Death. The world, the place where you sleep, allows others to sleep soundly." Prince Yinsi slapped his palm: "Look at me, lead the **** of death into the sea of ​​blood and the pure land of the Buddha, and see if the Buddha can sit and watch."

After speaking, the prince of Yinsi could not tolerate the impermanence of black and white, and had already urged the life and death in his hand, a peculiar energy escaped from the life and death, and then spread out in all directions in an instant, and was instantly captured by the **** of death.


The **** of death Bengfei drove the four powerhouses away, pushed away the ghost master, looked around, chose the direction, and chased it towards the place where life and death were thin.

"Let go!" Seeing that the **** of death wanted to seize life and death, the ghost master dare not really ask the **** of death to seize life and death. He saw the six reincarnations revolving, and the unparalleled mighty force formed the force of sucking and pulling. The figure of the **** of death sucked the lord.

"Retreat! Fast back!" The ghost master said to the prince Yinsi.

The Yinsi prince smiled and ran towards the battlefield of the Yinsi and Asura clan without hesitation.

The ghost master is not a fool, he immediately understood the meaning of the prince of Yinsi, and the six reincarnation whirlpools were collected, allowing the ghost master to chase after him.

The blood demon fought against the insect god, but the Yin Division's movements could not be hidden from him. Seeing the ghost master ate and scraped off, the blood demon didn't know how happy he was. He became more vigorous in chasing and killing the insect god, but waited until he saw the Yin Division. When the prince ran towards the sea of ​​blood with the life and death book, he suddenly noticed something wrong.

"This bastard, it's really wishful thinking that he wants to cause trouble." The blood demon Yuantu longsword turned into blood and slashed towards the prince of the underworld to stop the prince of the underworld.




Numerous golden insects took the initiative to fly into the wind, blocking Yuantu Longsword, and constantly weakening the trend of Yuantu Longsword.

At Thirty-three Heaven, Yu Duxiu suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the blood sea below, and immediately slapped her thigh: "Well, I forgot this crop. I just hope the blood demon is clever."

"Don't be foolish, you kid. It is unrealistic to suppress the ghost lord. The best result is that the **** of death and the ghost lord will rule the Yinsi together and rule by dividing the land." Jade ancestor stretched out his head: "This matter has caused the Buddha to take action. , The Buddha will inevitably share a piece of the pie, your kid is not worth the loss!".

"Compared with Buddhism, I think the ghost master is more harmful." Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor: "To join forces with the Buddhism, if the ghost master can be suppressed, it will be worth it."

ps: To update, there was a big explosion before May 1st, and it is now being saved.

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