The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1995: Prelude

"What to do? What to do?" The old ancestor of Jade anxiously walked back and forth in front of Yu Duxiu with his hands on his back, his eyes full of anxiety: "The hatred between Han Yan and the Sihailong clan is comparable to that of the four seas. The water is even deeper. This spell falls into Han Yan’s hands. The dragons are waiting to cut off their children and grandchildren, and this magical power flows out of my hands. Half of the sins are to be attributed to the ancestors. How can this be good? How can this be good!"

"Hongjun, don't meditate. Your kid will say something. When the time comes, the cold karma will be overwhelming, and your kid won't be better. Sometimes you regret it."

The ancestor of Jade came to Yu Duxiu and shook Yu Duxiu's body.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her finger: "The devil clan is cursed and will gradually decline, the demon clan will gradually decline, and the four sea dragon clan will also decline. In this way, the human race will dominate the heavens and the world, isn't it wonderful? Why should I stop?"

"You,,,,,," Jade ancestor pointed at Yu Duxiu, not knowing what to say.

"How can you be like this, how can you be like this? Didn't this pit me in?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes were full of impatient: "No way, this magical power is your deduction, you must have a way Dissolve it, won't you? Tell me soon?."

The old jade ancestor rushed over and grabbed Yu Duxiu's collar: "Hurry up and tell me!"

"Deserve it, who told you to be cheap."

Yu Duxiu rolled his eyes, as if he was no longer an old god: "Han Yan has defrauded your magical powers, so you can just go back. Don't give Han Yan the time to use it, and entangle Han Yan, isn't it all right? This magical power? Once I use it, there is no solution. Unless I do it myself, but the cause and effect are too great, how can I do it? This supernatural power was created to cut off children and grandchildren. How can this seat resolve this supernatural power?"

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and paced back and forth and rubbed his hands. "You said I was fighting with Han Yan, that's amazing?"

"Of course it's the ancestors you are great."

Yu Duxiu didn't even think about it.

The old jade ancestor looked hesitant, and said in a weird voice: "That's not necessarily true. Han Yan, the little girl's skin, has actually condensed the laws of coldness in the world and can freeze everything. Although the ancestor my battle strength is above the little girl's skin, it is true. When fighting, I may not be able to bear this little girl's skin, this cold air is a bit difficult, what can you teach me?"

"Do it yourself" Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and sat cross-legged, the angry jade ancestor jumping.

After a while, the old jade ancestor stomped his feet: "No matter what, you have to take back the magical powers from the little girl's skin, otherwise, how can you still have good? In the future, the ancestors are entangled with karma, and I am already unlucky enough. With so much karma, I just don’t live anymore."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade walked out of Yujing Mountain and headed towards the cave mansion of Kunlun Mountains where Han Gang was located. He sneaked into the cave mansion of Han Gang, but there was no trace of Han Gang. The ancestor of Jade suddenly frowned: "Strange Oh, could it be that the little Niangpi had already expected that, knowing that I would come to my ancestor, so I ran ahead? This time it’s really bad, if Han Yan hides and hides in a small world to complete the spell Show me what should I do, ancestor?."

The old jade ancestor jumped anxiously, looking at the endless starry sky with a pair of eyes, the world is vast and boundless, where do you ask the old jade ancestor to find the traces of the cold.

Monster race, at this time, three monster gods and five dragon kings gathered together. The fox **** wears a fiery red robe, like a ball of flame, sitting on the god’s seat, watching the battle in the starry sky, stretching out delicately. With a charming finger, he wiped his own sleeves: "The way to restrain the devil clan, this palace has already obtained."

"The Demon God is invincible, I don't know how to restrain it. Please show your Majesty the Demon God." Jin Lin moved his eyes upon hearing this.

The fox **** said unhurriedly: "The demon **** clan is powerful and powerful. If you want to reduce the power of the demon **** clan, you can only reduce the power of the demon **** clan from the root and blood line, so that the demon **** clan will cut off the children and grandchildren. I have a magical power here. As long as it is displayed, you can bless the shackles in the blood of the Demon God Clan. In the future, the Demon God Clan’s fertility will decline day by day until it is completely extinct. My Demon Clan does not take any effort. The sin is not small."

"Can limit the fertility of the Demon God clan?."

Hearing this sentence, everyone in the field brightened their eyes, and the Tiger God said coldly: "When the two races are fighting, we will slaughter the demon gods, and what is the difference between using magical powers to slaughter the devil gods? In the end, the consumption of air luck cannot be avoided, and the consumption of air luck is the same. Fox God, your thinking is in a misunderstanding."

Hearing what the Tiger God said, the Fox God was stunned. He really had a wrong idea. Killing a person, killing him with a knife or shooting him, is not all one death. What is the difference? It's just that the method of killing is different.

Jin Lin said: "There are such magical powers in the world that can kill a race from the root of blood. Such magical powers are simply shocking to the world. I wonder if the fox **** can enlighten me?"

The fox **** shook his head: "No, there are only a few people who know this magical power in the heavens and all realms. The less you know, the better. Otherwise, one day, someone will plant blood yoke in the body of my monster tribe. To follow in the footsteps of the Demon God clan."

"Let’s cut off the fertility of the Demon God Clan first, and then launch an army to consume the demon God Clan’s viable power. As a result, the Demon God Clan is getting weaker and weaker, and the number is getting smaller and smaller. One day, it will be completely wiped from the world. , My monster race dominates the heavens and all realms, and is invincible."

The elephant **** looked at the fox **** with excitement: "Please also the fox **** to cast a spell."

The fox **** looked at the elephant: "Is this supernatural power that can be controlled by one person? I need the power of my monster clan to perform sacrifices, and then use the power of my monster clan to curse the blood of the demon **** clan. In the blood of a clan, a yoke is set up to eliminate the vitality of the demon **** clan. The demon **** clan does not break the blood yoke, and can't want to multiply again. This yoke is only due to my strength, I am afraid that it is too powerful."

"Come here!" Tiger God stood up and shouted to the outside.

"Quickly let people prepare the altar, my demons must prepare to sacrifice to the heavens and the earth, and fundamentally solve the hidden dangers of the demons, and immediately make people set up the heavens and stars again. My demons must fundamentally damage the demons. One clan, make a contribution with one blow, and don’t stun the snake."


Hearing that it was necessary to fundamentally solve the Demon God Clan, the guard had a look of shock flashing in his eyes, and immediately ecstatic, immediately ran out, and began to recruit people to arrange the altar.

Looking at the demons and tribes in the starry sky who are barely entangled with the powerhouses of the demons, the demons and gods have a gloomy expression. Fortunately, the power of the hundreds of millions of troops is not so easy to consume. It does not last for millions of years. Decide the winner.

"Han 缡! Where is Han 缡 in the end!" The jade ancestor jumped up and down, constantly searching for the signs of Han 缡.

"My grandmother, don't really use that spell. That spell is very harmful. If you say you don't want to live, you don't want to live. Just go to Hongjun and ask for supernatural powers. Why should I be innocent? People get involved."

The old jade ancestor looked around, crying anxiously.

"Dragons? Fox gods? I have to tell all the dragons about this so that all the dragons are prepared, and if there is less loss, there will be less cause and effect." Jade ancestor looked at Qi Ji Soaring to the 33rd Heaven, stepped forward and ran towards the 33rd Heaven.

"Jade, why are you here?"

There was a glimmer of light in the hall of the demon race, and the old jade ancestor appeared in the hall out of thin air. Seeing the appearance of the jade ancestor, everyone's complexion changed, and Jin Lin shouted.

The ancestor of Jade smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Oh, ancestor, I came here to say sorry to several dragons."

"How can I be sorry?" After listening to the words of the Jade Ancestor, Donghai Longjun subconsciously "cocked" in his heart, his heartbeat accelerated, a pair of eyes looked at the Jade Ancestor, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

The old jade ancestor smiled bitterly: "Just not long ago, that Han Yan cheated a magical power from me."

"What is the mystery of that magical power?" A voice of anxiety began to rise.

(The new book asks for recommendation, asks for collection, I will give you a big hit on the 28th).

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