The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2002: Elephant God and Ghost Lord

Tomorrow will be a big explosion, and today will be filled with water. There is no substance in this chapter. This chapter can be read without subscription or pirated edition.

The wolf **** gave up his seat to the jade ancestor, and now he has to be a grandson because he wants to be a grandson.

The wolf **** rubbed his nose and said: "I want to ask the ancestor for the curse technique, and I also ask the ancestor to fulfill it."

The old jade ancestor heard the words and spit out: "Asshole! You dislike the ancestors and my life is better, right? Old ancestors, I am already in bad luck now. With the gradual onset of the curse, the cause and effect of the devil and dragon clan The strength will fall on me, you guys are looking at my ancestors and I don’t have enough trouble!"

"As long as the ancestor is willing to make the conditions, everything is easy to say" Wolf God smiled.

The old jade ancestor sprayed the wolf **** and spits out the stars: "It is a wishful thinking to take out the magic trick from the ancestor me. You may be able to ask Hongjun to help you break the curse, but if you want this trick to harm people , Forget it!"

The old jade ancestor said categorically, he winked at Yu Duxiu secretly, then glanced at the fox god, then turned and left: "Old ancestor, I thought there was something. I didn’t expect it to be this. It’s really bad luck. You are dead. This mind, don’t even think about using this technique to harm people, but think of a way to get rid of the curse, ancestors and I will be less sinful."

"Ancestor! Ancestor! Don't go, we have something to discuss."

Watching the old jade ancestor go away, the wolf **** kept shouting, but he could not get the answer from the old jade ancestor.

"Haha" The Fox God sneered.

The wolf **** turned his gaze to Yu Duxiu: "Also please Mian will take a shot to break the curse."

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "You are too overestimating me. I really don't have a way to crack the power of the curse. If I lie to you, I won't be able to prove the truth."

This oath is vicious enough, and Yu Duxiu really does not know the solution to the curse. As the Tao hangs high today, once the oath is taken, it will come true.

Hearing Yu Duxiu’s oath, the Fox God breathed a sigh of relief, but the Wolf God looked ugly, and said, "Is it because the gods are going to perish my Demon God clan? I don’t know that the **** actually realized this harm. The tactics are really meant to fall into reincarnation forever and not to be superborn."

After listening to the words of the wolf god, Yu Duxiu's mouth twitched. The wolf **** is a demon god, who speaks the constitution and interacts with the laws of heaven and earth. This word will come true.

"The mountains and rivers are nowhere to be doubted, and there is still another village in the dark, and the wolf **** must not despair, maybe there will be a way after a few days." Yu Duxiu comforted the wolf god.

The wolf **** lowered his head: "Thank you, Mianxia, ​​for your relief, I'll leave you!"

After speaking, he walked to the fox god, and his eyes rose with anger: "My demon clan is extinct, and your demon clan will not think about getting better, and you will inevitably die with you at that time."

Watching the wolf **** walk out angrily, Yu Duxiu picked up the tea cup and said to the fox god: "You have to be careful in the future. If the Demon God clan is really driven to a dead end, I am afraid that you will choose to burn both jade and stone."

"Hmph, my monster race is not scared." Fox God glared at Yu Duxiu.

"Why do you have to go there yourself, since I promised you, how can I give the magic trick to the demon **** clan" Yu Duxiu looked at the fox **** helplessly.

The fox **** snorted coldly: "It's strange if I believe you, I don't even blush when I lie."

After hearing the words of the Fox God, Yu Duxiu rarely blushed, and said nothing.

In the Yinsi Difu, the ghost master sat there boringly, with a pair of eyes watching the battle of the great world, a trace of irritation rose in his heart.

"The ghost master is in charge of Yinsi, is there any sad thing to do?" Xiangshen's voice came, slowly walking out of nothingness.

"Congratulations, the monster race is now set, and the situation of unifying the heavens and the world has taken shape, and the heavens and the world are in the dominance, and the world is the same." The ghost master said weakly: "How do you have time to run to the Yin Division, not in the Yang World? Enjoy the fruits of victory?"

"My heart is distressed, I have to come here for a while." Xiangshen sat opposite the ghost lord, his face solemnly said: "You should know when my demon clan cursed the devil clan.

"I'm neither deaf nor blind, so how come I don't know such a big movement," the ghost master said with a drooping head.

Looking at the listless look of the ghost master, it was like Shinto: "Heaven! Do you know that."

The ghost master closed his eyes: "I feel the aura of the heaven, which is the same as the blue sky. Although the two are different, they have the same aura. I can't say this aura, it is the most noble aura."

"You suppressed Qingtian's body here, and the relationship between the sky and the sky is unknown, so you are not afraid that the sky will come to the door?" Xiangshen looked at the ghost master, his voice bewitched.

The ghost master sneered: "What I am thinking about now is how to regain the Yin Division and suppress the **** of death. The matter of heaven is naturally blocked by the monster clan and the demon **** clan. It is my business. The formation and the twelve heavens and gods are in a big formation, this heaven cannot enter my Yin Division."

Xiangshen Mo Ke's words refuted by the ghost master's words was stunned for a while, and after a while, he said: "That's it, I'll ask you something, is this alright?"

"If you have anything, just ask!" The ghost master looked at Xiangshen.

Xiangshendao: "In the age of chaos and gods, when you were with jade, have you ever heard the news of the sky? Have you heard the news of the sky?."

The ghost Lord heard this and shook his head: "I have never heard of it, whether this is the blue sky, or the sky, I have never heard of it. If the insect **** opened the world barrier, the blue sky would not be born. You should ask the insect god. The insect **** is one of the earliest beasts in the world."

"The worm **** will talk about it later. Let's talk about it first. Let me ask you, have you ever thought about it, if it's the sky or the blue sky, it's a member of a certain race hidden in the dark world, so what? "Like Shinto.

The ghost master was taken aback when he heard the words, and then suddenly sat up, and said in amazement: "No way?"

The ghost master was so frightened that all listlessness disappeared completely: "Doesn’t that mean that we are simply a group of ants, with a group of dominators on our heads, dominating our lives in secret? It’s like the spell of curses, In fact,'Heaven' shot!"

Thinking of this possibility, the ghost master suddenly became energetic, not even sleepy, let alone yawning, and his eyes looked at Elephant God in amazement: "Really?"

"I don't know. There can be blue sky and heaven in this world, why can't there be blue sky, yellow sky, red sky? And so on countless sky?" Xiangshen's eyes were full of horror.

The ghost master was also frightened by the elephant god: "No? This kind of existence has violated the law of heaven and earth, how can there be so many?."

"We don't know anything about the sky, but maybe the sky knows a lot about me and other sentient beings. The enemy is dark and I know how to fight this battle?" Xiangshen looked at the ghost master.

"Tell me about your intentions!" The ghost master looked solemn.

"Although we have all kinds of contradictions, it is because we are at the same level. If there is some strong person who overlooks our existence on our heads, that is, the so-called'heaven', we can die at any time. The race is extinct and the world is destroyed, what do you say?" Xiang Shen took a deep breath.

The ghost master was horrified, the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he lowered his voice and said: "Then we should hurry up and completely refine the blue sky. This kind of thing will die one Let's be safe.

"The key thing now is that we have to find the traces of the'Heaven' lair, and see what the details of the sky are?" Xiangshen said solemnly.

Listening to the words of the gods, the ghost master was speechless: "Where to find the footprints of the sky, the sky is invisible and invisible. It is difficult for all the heavens and sentient beings to find the existence of the sky. If it weren't for the last time the treasure was born, we would have discovered it. The existence of'heaven' cannot be avoided."

"I am here today for the treasure. Your prince seized the treasure. I'm afraid that'heaven' will come to you. I don't know how to deal with it at that time?" Xiangshen opened his mouth and finally said his own. purpose.

Looking at the elephant god, the ghost master was speechless, and after a while he said: "If I said, the treasure is not in Yinsi's hands at all, would you believe it?"

"Of course I don’t believe it. What a treasure is that treasure. If someone knows where it’s located, it must be restless. It is normal to hide it. Don’t worry, as long as the treasure is in the Yin Division, no one will make an idea. In the Yin Division, except for death No one is your opponent." Xiangshen has an expression that I understand you, you don't need to admit it. The ghost master with this expression wants to hit the wall and die.

ps: It's a big explosion tomorrow, it's been a long time!

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