The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2007: Open up stars, demons move

Seeing Jinlin and the demon **** do their hands, the eyes of the demon gods in the ground below brightened, and they were all about to move, and their fighting spirit rose.

Without the help of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, the five Dragon Lords turned a blow, and the demon gods put down the Monster Clan today.

The fox **** fascinated Wushuang with a palm of his hand. Even after the law of the great world met this palm, he seemed to be intoxicated in the gentleness of this palm, so obedient and obedient.


As strong as Jinlin, it was also lost in an instant, and was exploded with the palm of the fox god, turning into flesh and blood to reorganize in the air.

"Jinlin, dare you! Could it be that the dragon clan wants to tear up the covenant with my monster clan!" The angry voice of the elephant came, and he took a step to suppress the endless void, and the law of the place must be twisted and avoided.

"Jinlin! What are you doing!"

Donghai Dragon Lord shouted angrily, blocking all the demon gods, and his eyes glared at Jinlin: "Who told you to do it yourself? Could it be that my dragon clan is not too troublesome or not enough? Isn't it right? Who allows you to treat the fox god? Hands-on? Do you think you can represent the dragon?".

Jinlin was reborn, listening to Longhai Longjun’s words, his fists clenched his blue veins and violently, his eyes lowered, his voice suppressed anger: "Now the way to break the curse is to obtain the magic trick, and Han Yan is missing. We are not opponents at all with Jade, the only one who can attack is Fox God!"

"Shut up" Donghai Longjun angrily rebuked Jinlin, turned around and bowed to the icy face and frosty Fox God, and apologized: "Fox God, Jinlin is reckless, please don't blame your Majesty. Lao Long is here to make amends for Jinlin."

The fox **** glanced at Donghai Longjun, looking at the demon **** who was about to move below, pretending to open up the stars in his heart, and was too lazy to talk to Donghai Longjun, turned and walked towards the heaven: "Longjun can do it for himself, this curse art is also in the palace. I am anxious for the Dragon Clan, but I have no choice. The curse is important and cannot be passed on lightly. Jinlin Dragon Lord is angry and anxious about the Demon Clan. It is natural to forget it this time."

After the words fell, the fox **** had disappeared. Jinlin grunted and resisted his anger and said, "Big brother, the little brother was reckless before."

"Oh, brother knows that you are for my dragon clan, but the monster clan should not be offended. The curse can wipe out the foundation of my dragon clan, but it requires tens of millions of evolution. We have enough time to crack and suppress the curse. The harm is far greater than the curse. If we break with the demon clan, my dragon clan will be extinct in an instant. Whether the Four Seas Dragon Clan or the Demon God clan, I will never let my dragon clan go."

Donghai Longjun patted Jinlin on the shoulder. He didn't know Jinlin's thoughts. He also wanted to suppress the fox **** and ask for the magic trick, but at this time it is not the time. There are demon gods who are staring, Hanyan and Hongjun secretly Peeping, even the ancestors of the human race are waiting for the opportunity, and the dragon is now in danger.

"Brother, the demon **** is untrustworthy! The fox **** and Yujingshan are unclear. Let's stay away from the demon clan in the future, so as not to be sold by the demon clan and count the money for the demon clan" Jin Lin lowered his voice.

Donghai Longjun smiled helplessly, not only to be on guard, now the Dragon Race has been sold by the Monster Race.

"If you have anything, go back and talk about it. This is not a place to talk."

Donghai Longjun glanced around, then turned and returned to the East China Sea.

"Unfortunately, there was no fight." All the demon gods in the wild land sighed secretly. If they fight, the demon **** clan will first destroy the demon clan before the demon clan is extinct.

The ancestors of the human race sighed slightly, sitting in the large array of heavens and stars, watching the situation outside Yujing Mountain, thinking a lot, but for the time being relieved, fortunately, the East Sea Dragon Lord knew the general knowledge and did not give hands to the devil clan. opportunity.

In the demon garden, the three demon gods gathered together, the elephant **** and the tiger **** looked at the fox **** with subtle eyes, with a trace of playful abuse, the fox **** said blankly: "I went to Yujing Mountain and got Hongjun's guidance. , Opened up a safe road for the future of my Yaozu."

"How do you say?" Xiangshen looked straight.

Fox God said: "Although my demons have moved into the 33rd heaven, they are just a drop in the bucket. I don't know how many beasts are in the earth. If the demons go crazy, they will fight back and slaughter the demons on the earth. Clan, what should we do? We must know that it is the earth, we are driving the heavens and the stars will come, and we will inevitably suffer from the pressure of the great array, and will not get any benefits."

After hearing the words of the fox god, the tiger **** and the elephant **** have solemn faces. This situation can happen at any time. Before, everyone had this idea in their minds, but because there is no solution, they can only let it go and leave it behind. , At this time, when the Fox God talked about it, Tiger God's eyes lit up: "If you say that, there must be a way?"

The fox **** nodded: "The starry sky is vast, and there are countless stars. This star coexists with the sun and the moon. It is with the heaven and the earth. The heaven and the earth are full of aura in the star. It’s better to settle down on the stars than to be humiliated by the demons in the lower realm.

In fact, how can the demon clan live on the earth be described in a tragic word, it is simply too miserable. The demon **** tribe is hungry and uses the demon tribe as a ration. The ground skyrocketed 30% of its strength out of thin air, and the ordinary monster race had no resistance at all when facing the demon **** family, and could only be swallowed alive.

The people of the demon tribes absorbed the remnants of the demon gods in the heavens and the earth, which affected their own minds and gradually began to become tyrannical. They used the demon monks to force and kill the demon tribes for pleasure. The whole demon tribe lived in In the deep and fierce waters, although some strong monsters rebelled, they were suppressed and put out the flames of resistance in an instant.

After hearing the words of the Fox God, both the Elephant God and the Tiger God moved their eyes and thought quickly, then nodded and said: "Yes! Yes! Hongjun said something human this time. The tribes were freed from the deep and fierce waters, but their merits are boundless."

"Since I have already set the outline, then mobilize the powerhouses of my Demon Clan to start transforming the stars, and introduce the various tribes of my Demon Clan into the starry sky one by one, and make the Demon Clan stare completely." Xiangshen clapped his applause. , Has begun to write the edict, spread throughout all the monster races.


The world shook, and I saw the vast waves of mana spread among the countless ancient stars, the light of the law flickered, and the real bodies were vertical and manipulating the laws between heaven and earth, and constantly improving the environment on the stars .

Looking up in the lower realm, you can only see the tyrannical shadows among the stars constantly flying. The ancestors looked at the movements of the monster race, and their faces were curious: "I don't know what is going on in such a big movement. Moth."

On the stars, the spirits of the demon race merged into the stars that they transformed, and in conjunction with the transformation of the stars by the powerful demon races, for a while, countless stars in the starry sky were rejuvenated and the power of life began to derive.

"Get up."

The three demon gods used great magical powers and great magical powers, and saw countless demon tribes in the earth disappearing instantly.




"Kill these monsters beasts and take them back to make rations."

A demon tribe surrounded and killed the demon tribe, and the entire tribe strongmen were killed one by one by the demon tribe's monks, and then twisted their heads, carried their bodies, and turned them into rations. For a time, the demon tribe's blood flowed into a river.

All demon tribes, regardless of men, women, children, old and weak, sick and disabled, were all killed one by one by the people of the Demon God Clan. The scene was extremely bloody, and blood was flowing for a time.


A vast aura descended, countless demon gods turned into powder, and then the divine light flickered, and all the demonic tribes had disappeared without a trace.

Yu Duxiu scanned the great world with a pair of eyes, and the demon gods took action, constantly rolling up the demon tribes and sending them into the stars that were opened up, so that the demon tribes would settle down in the stars.

"The action is too fast, right? Since the wolf **** has already obtained the lock demon tower, why hasn't he done it so long?" Yu Duxiu was surprised.

At this moment, the demon gods opened their eyes one after another, watching the vast divine light spilling down the starry sky, rolling up countless demonic tribes and falling into the stars, and the waves in their eyes began to rise.

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