The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2038: give up

The realm of the supreme powerhouse has been mixed, unless the other party takes the initiative to incorporate the tribulation seed into the primordial spirit, and it is simply wishful thinking to forcibly plant the tribulation seed into the supreme powerhouse.

Yu Duxiu was holding Yu Duxiu, and her right hand squeezed the rabbit's three-lobed mouth vigorously. The rabbit's fur was smooth and comfortable, but it made the Yutu dissatisfied and struggled constantly, and it was always difficult to get out of Yu Duxiu's palm.

Listening to the demon gods still pretending to be supremely strong, Yu Duxiu suddenly jumped. This kind of joke can't be made casually.

Holding Yu Duxiu, I quietly turned back to Yujing Mountain, just hitting the absent-minded jade ancestor who came out of the main hall, bumped him into a stagger, and was about to swear, the next moment a pair of eyes fell on Yu Duxiu On the jade rabbit in his arms, a pair of eyes were shocked, and he lost his voice: "God Rabbit."

Jade ancestor pointed at Yu Duxiu tremblingly: "You suppressed the Rabbit God?"

The old ancestor of Jade even knew Taiyin, and it was not surprising that Yu Duxiu knew the body of the Rabbit God.

"What are you doing in my hall? Didn't you say that you are not welcome?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Ancestor and walked into the hall.

The old jade ancestor followed Yu Duxiu: "The lock demon tower is too bad, you still take it back, let's use it ourselves, and lock the eight ancestors, all the demon gods, the demon gods, and the dragon in the lock demon tower. , And then completely abandon the Demon Locking Tower into the chaos. From then on, the great world is ours, isn't it wonderful!"

Listening to the words of the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu shuddered in her arms. Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly: "The ancestor is too whimsical. How many demon gods can be suppressed by the lock demon tower is still unknown."

"How did you surrender the Rabbit God?" The ancestor of Jade Stone stared at the jade rabbit in Yu Duxiu's arms with a pair of eyes, showing curiosity, he stretched out his hand to catch it, but saw that Yutu had flexible hands and feet and jumped instantly. Yu Duxiu's shoulders followed his neck into the sleeves.

Yu Duxiu swung away the jade ancestor's hand and slowly raised the tea in front of him: "Where is the blood demon?"

"I was imprisoned in the cloud-forbidden world of flowing stones, and I won't be able to get out for a while." Old Ancestor Jade had a smug smile on his face.

"Puff" Yu Duxiu almost spit out blood: "I am curious, how can the blood demon escape in that world."

"Don't worry about the blood demons, you kid, now the lock demon tower has become the target of all people. Everyone wants to take it or destroy it. The demon **** family may not be able to keep the lock demon tower." The jade ancestor kept shaking Yu Duxiu's mind.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and meditated, and then said after a while: "Um! It's hard to say! This kind of thing is hard to say! It should be fine if I help you in the dark!"

Among the Yin Division, the **** of death stood in front of Naihe Bridge with his hands on his back, his eyes looking at Yang Shi, his eyes were full of shock: "Since this lock demon tower can suppress the supreme strong, Dacheng innate god, it should not be a problem. Unexpectedly, life is endless from generation to generation, and the wisdom is really amazing. The water in the world is too deep."

After speaking, the **** of death turned around and looked at the void in the distance: "Life and death, death and life, why are you born? Why are you dead? Why are you not born or not?."

I don’t know who the Death God’s words are addressed to, and his eyes are full of vicissitudes: “The Dao Master’s plan is ambitious, and I alone do not know how to deal with it. I don’t know what the Lord should do. This world is becoming more and more interesting. ."

At this time, the demon clan’s star-fighting formation surrounded the giant and the lock demon tower. The giant’s axe opened the world and broke the universe, and the world of star-fighting collapsed everywhere, but in an instant there were more Star fighting is reborn, the power of endless star fighting is intertwined, and it is inseparable from the demon god.

"Bastard! Hand over the Rabbit God, or you will be completely removed from the Demon God Clan today."

Endless meteors fell, rolling up smoke and dust in the wild land, the mountains broke, the rivers flowed backward, the dragon veins collapsed, and the wild land was in a mess.

The penalty guillotine in the void and the altar remained motionless, seeming to be dead.

"Otherwise, if you turn on the punishment guillotine, all the strong will be jealous." The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu, with an uneasy look in his eyes: "Old ancestor, I am bad luck to the sky, if I fall into the lock In the demon tower, that's not a good day."

"If you don't cause trouble, why would the demon gods come to you? Now that the demon **** family tree is so popular, the demon gods have already begun to scruples in their hearts." Yu Duxiu took the fur to feed the jade rabbit without hesitation. Constantly twisting, just can't transform.

Jade ancestor stared at Yu Duxiu: "But ancestor, I have already forged a vengeance with the devil."

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and said nothing, after a while, she said, "I want to deduct the situation in the world. I don't have time to grind with you. Prime Minister Turtle will not see off the guests."

"Swish" a big hand stretched out from the sky, and instantly grabbed the jade ancestor.

The dragons, the five dragons looked at the battlefield, Xihai Longjun said: "The situation has reached this point, should we help?".

"Of course it's time to make a move! Isn't it possible to suppress us after the Demon God Clan has completely suppressed the Demon God?" Jin Lin was impatient on his face, and was about to jump away, but was held by Donghai Longjun: "The virtuous brother is not anxious. , Don't worry, this matter can't be anxious, we have reached an alliance with the Yinsi, it is still important to recharge and kill the **** of death, and the virtuous brother should not be distracted."

"Big Brother!" Jinlin roared heavily.

"Big brother said Shaoan not impatient, don't you listen to what the big brother said?" Beihai Longjun stood up abruptly.

Jinlin smiled helplessly when he heard the words, sat down, and said nothing for a long time.

Ao Le on one side also spoke at this time: "Father, as far as my daughter sees, we are better off. Locking the demon tower is always a big trouble."

"What do you know! Locking the Demon Tower is no longer the problem of my Dragon Race and the Demon Race, but the problem of all the supreme powers in the entire world.

"Lingshan Buddha sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, Yuanshi Tianzun did not see the movement, and the teaching ancestors did not take any action. They are not in a hurry. What are we in a hurry?" Donghai Longjun explained: "If these forces are forced to take action, we are taking action. Help will be more secure."

"I am afraid that the human race and the powerful people of all walks of life are like the big brother," Jin Lin said with a gloomy face.

This was embarrassing, and asked Donghai Longjun to not come to Taiwan for a while, and the other three Longjun did not pick up, and the hall fell into silence.

"In fact, we should believe in the gods of insects. Even the world that suppresses the blue sky can be bored, not to mention the mere pagodas," Beihai Longjun muttered for a long time.

"Xiangshen, it’s not the same thing for us to fight like this. It’s better to temporarily retreat, and secretly investigate the situation of the lock demon tower. The lock demon tower is not part of our family. Why should we work here? We might as well retreat, and then invite the powerful from all over the world to gather in the demon court to discuss the matter of locking the demon tower," Fox God said.

Xiangshen heard the words and looked at the timid giant underneath, countless stars fell, and turbid storms swayed. Although the demons were killed and injured, they were far from the goal they wanted.

"Withdrawal!" Tiger God gritted his teeth: "If you want to defeat the Demon God clan, you must break the lock demon tower. This lock demon tower is the nemesis of the demon clan. There is the lock demon tower. We are unable to fight and withdraw our troops temporarily."

With an order the sky full of stars seemed to be rolled up by a violent wind, disappearing instantly without a trace, and the distance between the world and the earth opened.

"Withdrawal" the wolf **** said.

"Hahaha, these beasts finally withdrew their troops, let them know how good we are" E Shen Yangtian laughed wildly.

"Why not take this opportunity to break into the palace?" Centipede ancestor said excitedly.

"Don't worry, first build the blood pool and multiply the tribe of my demon gods. Then, there is a lock demon tower, we are already invincible, but the tree is big to attract the wind, and we must guard against being besieged by the group" Bull God bored.

"This old bull is not stupid," the demon gods teased the bull god.

When the demon **** withdrew his troops, the turbid air on the ground dissipated instantly, and dived into the depths of the earth. When the turbidity disappeared, the wild land was desolate. All the vitality was swallowed by the turbid air of the demon **** clan. All the members of the demon gods were spared.

"The devil, it is the tumor between the heaven and the earth! The destruction is too great!" Watching this scene, Tai Yi Jiaozu suddenly turned blue with anger, and the earth's spiritual veins were destroyed. What is the use of regaining the center in the future? .

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