The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2059: Suppress Death

Don’t blame the ghost master for being depressed. Every time everyone uses a trick to attack the **** of death, after the guy is killed by everyone, the power of death will be produced. This power of death will be used by the **** of death, and in turn will deal with the powerful , Can you make the powerful not depressed? .

The power is low, and the **** of death cannot be killed, and the power is high, it will kill the **** of death, and the power will be used by the **** of death. This is simply unreasonable! Whose power can be controlled so well, just not increase or decrease, just suppress the **** of death, and the power is not used by the **** of death.

"Six reincarnations overlap the sixth."

The six reincarnations in the hands of the ghost master began to rotate and superimpose, and a trace of chaotic mood continued to spread, and the world and all things continued to roll up waves, the ghosts and gods in the underworld were crying, the ten halls of Yamas were stunned, and tens of billions of ghosts and gods were panic.

A faint black hole formed. The ghost master held the black hole in his hands and looked at the powerful men with his eyes: "Blast the **** of death into the six reincarnations."

"Good abacus, I want to completely melt me, so that I can completely control the Yinsi, and I do not agree with the good abacus." Death and vitality flowed in the hands of the **** of death, and there was a gust of storm in the void wherever he passed. Toward Jinlin suppressed: "Er Nai is a heresy of heaven and earth, blaspheming the glory of the gods, you should accept the judgment of the gods."


It was as strong as Jinlin was split by a blow from the **** of death, and the flesh and blood splattered and spilled over the entire Yin Division. I saw blood dripping and flowing smoothly.


Jinlin's physical body wriggled and wanted to reorganize. For a time, the power of life and death was intertwined and it was difficult to rebirth.

The "mixed" Jinlin Dragon Ball burst into the sky, and the chaotic air was permeated, and the flesh was instantly melted and reorganized again, looking at the opposite Death God with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, the jade ancestors are fighting fiercely with the four strongest in the Yin Division, or the four strong in the Yin Division are being crushed and beaten by the jade ancestors, but the jade ancestor is bad luck and he is afraid of the Yin Division backlash. , Can not win the Big Four for a time.




The swarms of insects were overwhelming, and the ghosts were terrified wherever they passed. They saw that the insect **** reorganized and instantly appeared in front of the jade ancestor, and the swarms of insects bit the jade ancestor.

"Go and help the ghost master to suppress the **** of death. Jade and I are old friends. Today, we use the power of the Yinsi to meet him for a while." Insect God's hands are full of insects flying and turning into a golden sword, following the insects. Behind the group, bit towards the old jade ancestor.

"Bastard!" The old jade ancestor scolded, watching the overwhelming group of insects, the bad luck was overwhelming to wrap himself up tightly, although bad luck would be bad luck for the old jade ancestor, but the old jade ancestor The opponent is even more unlucky.

The moment the group of insects approached the jade ancestor, they saw the sky fire descending, the ground water rolled up, and the cloudy wind in the void stirred out of thin air, causing the group of insects to stagger, but no death was seen.


The long sword of the insect **** pierced the defense of the jade ancestor, and only heard a scream of crying father and mother, and the black mist instantly rose into the sky.

"You killed me! You killed me! Your sword can't kill me, but you can kill me."

The jade ancestors rushed around the sky, and instantly came to the **** of death: "You are the nemesis of the insect god, you go to deal with the insect god."

The overwhelming air of bad luck instantly contaminated the **** of death. The **** of death couldn’t resist, and I couldn’t see the bad luck on the jade ancestor. Look at the insects in the distance, and then look at the people around me. Five dragon monarchs, four Yinsi strong, black lifeless in their hands.

"Insect God, have the ability to rush to me, I will meet you" The Death God instantly rushed towards the Insect God.

"Stop him" the ghost master said.

The four powerhouses of Yinsi rushed over, and the Jade Ancestor rushed in front of Jinlin: "Don't think about it! I will meet you."

"You better fight with me" the group of insects overwhelmed the sky, passing through the four powerful Yin Si powers, and fell on the body of the jade ancestor.


The void trembled, and the old jade ancestor cried and called his mother again. The **** of death just caught up and was entangled by the four powerful yin divisions. The dragons on one side also shot together at this time, and the five dragons urged. Dragon Ball, the law of heaven and earth, I saw that dragon ball instantly formed a light curtain, facing the power of the four great Yinsi supreme powers, flying the **** of death.

When a person is thrown away under the action of a huge external force, he is involuntary, and this is still useful for God.

The **** of death was driven by great power. At this time, the rogue moves of the ghost master in the underworld showed its power, and the six reincarnations in the hands of the ghost master appeared behind the **** of death out of thin air, and the judge's pen flashed in the hands of the **** of death. , Wanted to penetrate the reincarnation, but a star appeared out of thin air in the sky, hitting the head of the **** of death, smashing the **** of death, and after the **** of death penetrated the stars, six reincarnations It was already near, and the **** of death was installed in an instant.


The death **** closed his hands, the reincarnation merged, the whirlpool disappeared, and the death god's figure disappeared.

"As long as the **** of death can be refined, this seat can completely become the master of Yinsi!" The ghost master had a smug smile on his face.

"Don't think about it." The old jade ancestor rushed out, with bad luck rolling on his body, wind and thunder bursts, a punch instantly pierced the void and fell on the ghost master.

Seeing the billowing bad luck, the ghost master was shocked: "No."

"Stop" the four powerful Yinsi were anxious, Qi Qi shot towards the old jade ancestor, wanting to encircle Wei and save Zhao, but it was too late.


The ghost master was blown into the air by a punch, and he abruptly withstood the force of the jade ancestor's punch, and his body was filled with bad luck, and the jade ancestor was also knocked into the air by the four powerful Yinsi masters who came.

The bad luck on his body was rolling, and the ghost master felt that the whole person was bad in an instant, and seemed to subvert his life, and something ominous would happen in the next moment.

"How could this be?."

The ghost master frowned: "Jade! You old scourge, God has no eyes, how can I let you out?"

The old jade ancestor crawled out of the mud, patted the dust on his body, and smiled: "Ghost Lord, the **** of death is not so easy to refine, nor can you refine it if you want to."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade looked at the **** of insects: "You are a congenital race, and you have united with the natural creatures to deal with the **** of death. You are in a big trouble. The **** of death is not terrible. What is terrible is behind the **** of death Dao Master, wait for your luck in the future, someone will settle this account with you."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade slipped away and disappeared between Qingming instantly.

Seeing the jade ancestor walking away, the ghost lord frowned, and Sihai Longjun also looked at Jinlin with his eyes. Before the death **** gave up all the powerhouses and attacked Jinlin wholeheartedly, and he said something about the living dead, everyone did not believe it. The **** of death will aim for no reason.

"The **** of death is pure nonsense, deliberately slandering me, sowing discord, you must not fall into the trick of the **** of death" Jinlin said with a black face.

Looking at the expressions of several dragons from all over the world, the ghost master laughed: "Everyone, now that the **** of death has been suppressed, it is not suitable for this seat to stay here for a long time. You still need to find a secret place to practice retreat. Say goodbye! Don’t worry about the lock demon everyone, the worm **** is sure to open the lock demon tower, even if the worm **** can’t open the lock demon tower, after the breakthrough of this seat, we will definitely get it back for you justice."

After speaking, the ghost master ignored Sihailongjun's expression and disappeared instantly.

Seeing the ghost lord going away, the insect **** sighed slightly. The words of the jade ancestor made the insect **** press a big stone in his heart, and his heart was extremely heavy. He bowed to Sihailongjun, then turned and left, suppressing the blood. sea.

On one side, the four powerful Yin Division looked at Sihai Longjun, good and evil said: "Several dragons might as well enter the hall and sit for a while, let’s congratulate my Yin Division for eliminating this serious harm. In the future, the Yin Division will be unified. Friendship."

"No! Let's take what we need, congratulate yourself! I still have things left in the world, let's get together another day" Donghai Longjun stretched out his hand, interrupted the words of good and evil, turned around and left the void.

The other four Longjun followed closely and disappeared in the Yin Division.

"There seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere between the uncles and the dragons of the dragon clan."

The Crown Prince came out.

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