The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2061: Yin division

All the power of the ghost master is used to suppress the **** of death, and Yu Duxiu's providence is like a sword. If it is so easy to pick up, why should he cultivate him? .

I have lost seven or eight out of ten of my abilities. I still don’t stay at home honestly. Why do I run out? .

The ghost lord flees, Yu Duxiu looks at Elephant God and E God with a pair of eyes. At this critical moment, the monster race and the Demon God race are competing with each other to an emergency. Whether it is the Monster Race or the Demon God Race, they don’t want to provoke Yu Duxiu. .

Although everyone is greedy in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, there is no doubt that the race dispute is the right thing. The elephant **** and the E **** are about to say goodbye and leave, but suddenly they see the edge of the wasteland flooding the sky. Everything was filthy, and then the blood demon scolded: "Jade! You old thing is bad for me."

The blood demon was with the sea of ​​blood. Although trapped in the world of forbidden stones, he still had a sense of the situation of the sea of ​​blood. The overall situation was good, but it was abruptly destroyed by the jade ancestor and gave the Yinsi counterattack. Opportunity.

"The blood demon escaped?" The old jade ancestor was clever.

"Lord!" The blood demon stepped forward and came to Yu Duxiu's body. He saluted Yu Duxiu, his eyes looked at the old jade ancestor viciously: "I will concoct you later."

"Lord, I have something to report. A few days ago, my subordinates went to the underworld to inquire about the situation, and accidentally heard the big plan in the underworld," the blood demon said to Yu Duxiu.

"What plan?" Yu Duxiu showed curiosity.

Xiangshen and Eshen on one side saw that they wanted to talk about secrets, so they wanted to leave.

"Don't bother me, there are still a lot of things to deal with in my demon court, I'm leaving" Xiangshen clasped his fists in a salute.

"I'm leaving too" E Shen said with a fist.

"Don't leave in a hurry, you two. This conspiracy and trick involves the heavens and the world, and you are somewhat prepared." The blood demon hurriedly stopped.

Xiangshen and Eshen looked at Yu Duxiu, and Yu Duxiu nodded: "Since the blood demon said so, it's okay for you to hear it here."

Elephant God and E God stopped, the old fox Tai Yi had been standing there, motionless, and had no intention of leaving.

The blood demon didn’t care about him, and said, “It’s all jade that broke my plan. The **** of death must not be suppressed. The ghost master of Yin Si designed a scheme of extinction for me in the Great Thousand Suns, deliberately using the water of the sea of ​​blood to pollute the ghost of the Yin Si The soul of the man is then called to be reincarnated and reincarnated from all races, annihilating his spirituality, lowering his understanding, ruining the foundation of Dao, and making me less and less elite in the great Qianyang life. Over time, the Yang life will become weaker and the Yin Division stronger and stronger. The Lord wants to counterattack Yang Shi! It's better to leave the **** of death to trouble the ghost Lord."

"What?" Hearing the words of the Gorefiend, the tortoise shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand almost fell to the ground.

"Is this true?" Xiangshen was stunned.

"How dare the ghost master do this, don't you want to joke" E Shen didn't believe it.

The blood demon smiled bitterly: "Don't be anxious to wait for you to believe it. After you go back, check whether the newly born descendants from the family are dim and difficult to open. If things go on like this, it will not take thousands of years. My family will be killed in a thousand years of age. The world is under the jurisdiction of the Yin Division."

Listening to the words of the Gorefiend, the powerhouses look at me and I look at you. Without saying anything, they didn't say any polite words, and they returned directly to the tribe.

"Unfortunately, you came back late, the **** of death has been suppressed" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly.

"Oh, it's also a fate, I should have this catastrophe in my great thousand suns" Blood Demon smiled bitterly.

Yu Duxiu smiled lightly when he heard the words: "The Yinsi matter has nothing to do with me. I'd better go back to Yujing Mountain to watch the excitement."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu returned to Yujing Mountain, and the old jade ancestor followed Yu Duxiu. The gorefiend hesitated and followed Yu Duxiu to Yujing Mountain.

"Ancestor, the six reincarnation formations have been comprehended, so return the original."

Yu Duxiu casually drank a cup of tea and looked at the old jade ancestor: "If I train the six reincarnation patterns into the lock demon tower, the lock demon tower will complete the small world of 129,600. It's done."

The old jade ancestor heard the words and smiled and said, "Where is there such a fast, your kid, Tianzong, who is blessed by the will of heaven and earth, can he quickly understand the six reincarnations. My ancestors are not as smart as you. No one is hundreds of thousands of years old. , Is to never want to comprehend the essence of the six realms of reincarnation."

"You immortal, don't you want to be greedy for the six reincarnation formations?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch suspiciously.

Seeing that the old jade ancestor was nervous, he smiled awkwardly: "How is it possible!"

"Really?" Yu Duxiu said without comment: "Then you will bring back the six reincarnation formations and show me."

Let’s talk about the elephant **** returning to the demon court, looking at the tiger **** who is sitting and dealing with affairs, his face solemnly said: "Quickly send people to investigate the newly born descendants of my demon clan to see if the wisdom, talent, and roots of the demon have weakened."

"What's the matter?" The Tiger God was taken aback: "My demon clan's ancient bloodlines emerge endlessly, how can it weaken."

Xiangshen's face solemnly said: "The blood demon said before that the ghost master was uneasy and kind, and contaminated the soul with the power of the blood sea, and then reincarnated into the race of the world, destroying the foundation of my world, and sever the rise of the arrogant! I just don’t know the truth."

"Is there anything?" Tiger God was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly stood up and said to the quasi-demon **** below his head: "Quickly investigate and invite the fox god."

Not long after, the Fox God arrived, looking solemnly at the Elephant God and the Tiger God: "I already know what happened. I don't need to go into more details. Wait for the result to know."

"My lord! My lord! It's not good! It's not good, it is true that the three souls and seven souls of my demon race descendants are all contaminated with blood, corroding the foundation of the soul, and the road to practice is broken, and it is difficult to achieve success. If you don't find out again The reason is to stop it. I'm afraid that we don't have to wait for the demon clan to attack, and we don't wait for the demon clan to be extinct.

Speaking of this, the quasi-demon **** presented a jade slip with his hands, and the three demon gods watched together, all of them changed their colors. The fox **** suddenly overturned the case before him: "Too much deception! It is too much deception!" .

"Yin Si, dare to count my demon race, we will never die," Tiger God's eyes were murderous.

The demons, the twelve demons personally explored the newly-born descendants of the demons, and then one by one, their hearts were cold, with grief and anger in their eyes, and they roared to the sky.

"Yin Si, such a vicious heart, actually cut off the hope of my Demon Clan, and my Demon Clan will never die with you."

E God roared up to the sky, shaking the world, and Yin Si was slightly shaking.

"Yin Si! Blood debt and blood, dare to count my demon clan, you must pay the price!" The wolf god's eyes were murderous.

Listening to the roars of the demon gods and demon gods, the ancestors looked at the souls of the human race in fear. After a long time, the ancestors let out a long sigh: "It's okay! It's okay! It's a ghost, I didn't dare to be right. My human race will do it, otherwise he will have to be spared."

"Wait to see the excitement, now the monster race and the demon **** race are getting worse, this matter will never end."

Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled: "Yin Si is a stunner, but this is forcing the Yao and Demon Race to fight him hard."

Yin Division

Hearing the grieving roar, the ghost master suddenly changed his expression and looked at the prince Yinsi: "Ghost, the blood sea contaminated the soul, how far has it progressed?"

"The monsters and the demons have already begun to dirty their souls, and the humans have just begun!" Guisha respectfully said hurry up and stop the humans." The ghost master changed his face when he heard the words.

The Yinsi prince was stunned: "It's late, it's already started."

"Then quickly stop, don't continue to expand" the ghost master scolded.

Hearing the words, the prince of Yinsi was confused, and took the order to prevent the human soul from becoming dirty.

"Blood demon! Bad my Yinsi plan, this time is really troublesome, the monster race and the demon gods will never let go, and quickly invite Sihai Longjun to come over to help my Yinsi." The ghost master looked black and white.

Hearing the words, the black and white impermanence led the way, and the ghost master punched on the table: "Where is the insect god? How did the blood demon be given the opportunity to detect my ghost clan's plans."

"This seat was negligent." The insect **** noticed the movement of the world and walked in slowly.

Looking at the insect god, he is the supreme powerhouse, an ally of the same rank as himself, at this time the enemy is currently, the ghost master dare not say anything serious, afraid that the insect **** will leave, and can only sigh helplessly.

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