The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2073: Awakening of life

In the Yin Division, the Taiping ancestor and the fox **** fought in one place, and the fox **** was infinitely charming between his gestures. The Taiping ancestor's emperor's picture opened and closed vertically and horizontally, and the invisible barriers flashed wherever he passed, blocking the charm of the fox god. ?≠

The fox **** is indeed a stunner of the heavens and all realms, even if it is an old dead tree like Taiping ancestor, when facing the fox god, if one can't hold it, he has to work hard and full of energy.

"Huh?" Suddenly the Taiping ancestor was taken aback, the fox **** took a moment, opened the emperor's picture in his palm, and threw the Taiping ancestor away.

"Shouzhen! Shouzhen! Who is hitting the seal? Shouzhen is back? Don't you want to open the seal." Taiping ancestor did not care about the fox god, and between the open and close of the emperor's map in his hand, one after another tyrannical mana blessed somewhere in the void .

"Shouzhen?" The Fox God was taken aback. The name was too far away, and it took a while to think of the Fox God.

"It's the Shouzhen from Taipingdao? Is Shouzhen returning after hundreds of thousands of years?" Fox God was taken aback, but he acted mercilessly.

"Fox God!" Seeing the Fox God's attack, Taiping Jiaozu was angry: "Old ancestor, I am busy with business now. If you dare to entangle with you, you will definitely be immortal."

"My Monster Race and Demon God Race are also busy with business. I've long been immortal with you." Fox God sneered, not afraid of the threat of Taiping Patriarch, and instantly blasted the Taiping Patriarch away again, exploding the power in his hand.

Looking at the fox god, Taiping taught ancestors with a wry smile: "Please also ask the fox **** empress to raise your hand and help me to suppress the servant of Shouzhen. Taiping will be grateful in the future."

"Thinking about beauty is beauty." The Fox God refused to listen to Taiping Jiaozu's words, and slapped him again.

"It's over" Suddenly Taiping Teacher's expression changed, and he looked at the void blankly.

In the Yujing Mountain, the old jade ancestor retracted his palms, his eyes looked at the dry sky that was recombined with flesh and blood, and a familiar aura slowly dissipated. The old jade ancestor jumped in a hurry, as if something earth-shattering appeared in his mouth. He shouted: "Shouzhen! You are Shouzhen! Patriarch I remember you! I didn't expect your kid to preach again."

Feeling the familiar aura, the ancestor of Jade's eyes widened with an incredible color: "Old ancestor, I am still wondering. Back then, you were a peerless patriarch of Taipingdao. Why didn’t I hear the ancestor after I was born? Your news, I never thought that you were reincarnated and reborn, and the memory was sealed by the old fellow Taiping. Now you can only reincarnate and return with the help of human luck and dragon energy."

"Old ancestor? Long time no see, I didn't expect your elderly home to come out." Gan Tian opened his eyes, and the vicissitudes of life passed by, his eyes filled with emotion.

"Yes, when I saw you for the first time, ancestor, you were still a boy next to Taiping. I didn't expect to become a quasi-superior master now." Old ancestor Jade was full of sorrow.

"Shouzhen?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback. The name was no stranger to him. Back then, he was suppressed by the Taiping ancestors, and there was no shortage of Shouzhen influences. He did not know what Shouzhen did when he was in ancient times. The heart was broken, and its immortal aura was sealed.

The pupils in Xihe's eyes were also tightening, and his eyes were filled with disbelief: "Shouzheng?"

"Are you going to do heaven? Or to keep the truth?" Xi He was puzzled, the two lives merged, Xi He couldn't tell whether the person in front of him was doing the sky, or was the keeper of peace.

Just like Weichen back then, memory awakening Weichen is not there, only Zhuixianlichen.

"Qiantian is keeping true, and keeping real is drier" Gan Tian smiled mildly and took Xihe's hand, but saw that Xihe's complexion was stiff and wanted to pull away, but was caught by Gan Tian.

"I never thought that I would prove the legendary Emperor's Avenue! How can Taiping stand against me now?" A cold light flashed in Gan Tian's eyes, and he raised his head to look at Yu Duxiu: "The proud son of Heaven who emerged from the Taiping Road, known as It’s a one-of-a-kind beauty that overwhelms the world, and this reincarnation can’t breathe. I don’t know if you are really that powerful."

While talking, Qian Tian stood up, roared with a palm of the real dragon, and hit Yu Duxiu.

"Whether you are Qiantian or Shouzhen, in my eyes you are just a defeated general, nothing more." Facing the emperor's law in Qiantian's hands, Yu Duxiu flew out with a bit of a knife, and instantly saw Qiantian fly out. , Nailed to the wall of the main hall, the innate immortal aura was nailed, as if it was a spirit snake twisting crazily, but not moving.

"Although the Emperor's Law is powerful, it is no different from the ordinary law in front of me. I hope you can restrain the Taiping ancestors in the future. This seat will not forgive the waste." Yu Duxiu glanced at the dry sky in the hall, and smiled coldly. Qi Chazhan said: "Send off guests."

The old tortoise came in, as if catching a bird. He caught Gantian and threw it out of Yujing Mountain. Xihe stood in the hall at a loss, staring at Yu Duxiu with startled eyes: "Hongjun! He did it. Heaven is still true!"

"It's dry, but it's more true!" Yu Duxiu looked at Xihe: "You...get it right!".

"I don't know whether to awaken his memory, is it right or wrong, I'm really lost now" Xi He's eyes are full of helplessness.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "What's so confused about you? The Fox God is your patron, whether it's dry or true, no matter how powerful it is, you can't do it! Instead, you have to rely on your strength to deal with the ancestors. ."

"Farewell" Xi He nodded after hearing this, turned and left.

Seeing Xihe twisting his waist and walking away, the jade ancestor came up thiefly and laughed loudly: "No wonder you are entangled with Gantian. It turns out that Gantian is the reincarnation of Shouzhen."

"Yes! If you say that Qiantian is the reincarnation of Shouzhen, then it is clear. It is normal for me to have such grievances with Qiantian. All the luck in the last era of Taiping Dao belongs to Shouzhen, the first half of this era. Duan Qiyun belongs to me. Everything between me and Shouzhen is already destined."

"You kid brought so many hats to Shouzhen. I don't know if Shouzhen will go crazy after he knows the truth." The ancestor Jade rubbed the tooth flower.

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor: "I am curious about what was born in the ancient times that actually caused Shouzhen to be reincarnated by the Taiping ancestor."

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the ancestor of Jade shook his head: "I am also curious."

"You don't know?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade's ancestor with a look of disbelief.

"I only saw Shouzhen at the end of the turmoil. At that time, he was still a boy next to Taiping. Later, my ancestors were shattered by these rebellious parties. I managed to get away with my life. People have been suppressed in Lichendongtian for millions of Otherwise, the ancestor I would have returned against the sky." The Jade ancestor said angrily: "Lichen, this bitch, bad for me! Bad for me! You! I forgot to mention it, ancestor, I was going to find that **** to settle accounts."

After speaking, the old jade ancestor ran out violently and shouted: "Lichen! Lichen! Come out, you little bitch! Come out!".

"Ancestor, what are you arguing about!" Sheng Ying ran out with drunken eyes.

"Scent of wine? You drank? You actually drank? Who taught you to drink?" The old jade ancestor looked at Saint Infant's drunkenness, and suddenly panicked: "This is really not what I taught you."

"Ancestor! The Holy Infant is still young, how do you teach him to drink" Yu Duxiu walked out of the hall with a gloomy expression and looked at the drunken and staggered Holy Infant, the storm in his eyes had begun to brew.

"It's really not the ancestor I taught! You kid don't want to wrong me" The jade ancestor eagerly forgot all the things about leaving the dust: "Holy infant! You say a word of conscience, is it the ancestor, I teach you Wine to drink."

"Ancestor, your million-year-old wine is really fragrant and delicious" Sheng Ying swayed and fell headless.

"I..." Jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu, unable to argue for a moment, ran over to help the holy infant: "Little ancestor, you can tell me clearly."

"Ancestor! Don't quibble, the entire Yujing Mountain besides you, there is also the one who would harm the child like this." Yu Duxiu grabbed his ancestor Jade with a palm.

The old jade ancestor turned into a streamer and fled away in an instant: "Don't worry, I will definitely find out the old ancestor. It is the **** who wronged the ancestor."

"Holy Infant! Holy Infant" Wangchen's shout came from a distance.

Looking at Wang Chen's face, there was a touch of red on his face, Yu Duxiu was stunned for an instant, and the smell of wine came. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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