The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2076: Yinsi catastrophe, devil proving

The ghost master shot with hatred, with a full blow, the **** of death suddenly counterattacked, the ghost master flees away instantly, disappearing in a blink of an eye. ?

Compared to the general trend of the Yin Division, the ghost master refining the **** of death is more important, as long as it can refining the **** of death, it will be nothing more than turning back chaos.

Without the restraint of the ghost master, the Yin Division showed its decay even more, the lock demon tower turned, and even if the fearful strong struggled desperately, there was no wave of spray, and the lock demon tower was installed in it.

In the void, the old ancestor Jade watched the scene in the Yinsi and rubbed his teeth and said, "Taiping, have you finished attacking this bastard? I don't have time to waste with you, ancestor, I want to watch the excitement."

"If you don't hand over the dry sky, the ancestors don't want to leave." Taiping ancestor's Huangtu turned into a long whip, and the smoked jade ancestor grinned, running and cursing: "Why don't you use the spear before."

In the lock demon tower, Yu Duxiu looked at the loaded fearful man with a speechless expression. The snake **** greeted him again, and the fearful man stared at the snake **** for a moment: "You are not suppressed by Hongjun. Is it? How could it be here?."

The same tone and questioning as Taishijiaozu.

The snake **** smiled bitterly: "After entering this lock demon tower, your Excellency asked so many what to do to suppress your real body and spirit treasure."

Without giving the fearful power a chance to ask, the gourd baby rushed forward and the demon monument moved, and the fear powerhouse followed in the footsteps of the Taishijiao ancestor.

Bring the body of the strong fearing man to the Taishijiao ancestor. At this time, the strong fearing man’s eyes are blurred. Obviously he is a little confused about the situation in front of him. How confused he entered the demon lock tower, and then he was suppressed by others. , And then brought here again.

"Taishi!" Looking at the figure opposite, the one who feared the strong was taken aback.

Before seeing the mighty storm rolling in the void of the lock demon tower, the Taishijiao ancestor had already felt in his heart. At this time, he really saw that the supreme power had ended up like himself, and he was immediately happy: "How do you get in this old thing of?."

"I don't know, I don't know, I just came in confusedly." The fearful strong man scanned the void with his eyes: "How did you get in?"

"It's not that a group of villains of the Demon God race secretly calculated against me. In the great formation of the stars, they tricked me into it. A group of people took the opportunity to take action. The ancestors, I have not yet reacted, have already come here, and then confused. Was suppressed" Taishijiazuo smiled bitterly: "How is the situation outside?"

"Chaos! Chaos! Chaos! I can't tell for a while." The fearful man shook his head, his eyes glaring at the zombie: "Why don't you roll?"

"Don't blame him, he can't help himself," Taishi taught ancestor comforted.

"What's the matter? Why would you guard the lock demon tower?" The fearful strong man looked at the zombie.

The snake **** smiled helplessly: "I haven't been tricked by someone...I can't say it, I can't say it, if I say it will suffer."

"Is there a way to go out?" The snake **** who feared the strong did not know if he was asking or the Taishijiao ancestor who asked.

Taishi taught the ancestors to look at the snake god, the snake **** was silent for a while, shook his head: "Almost nothing."

"How do you say?" Taishi taught the ancestors.

The snake **** said: "The cloud forbidden flow stone veins breed in this lock demon tower world, and various prohibitions are endless, and there are seven gourd children guarding the lock demon monument, and I have to pass my level."

"What does this lock demon tower have to do with you? Why do you stop me from leaving?" The fearful man glared at the snake god.

The snake **** sighed quietly: "I advise you not to do useless work anymore. If you want to escape, you must take out your suppressed natal thing. The seven gourd children guarding the edge of the natal thing don’t say it, just say it. The power of the town demon monument is overwhelming, and you can't resist it with your physical body."

"As the guard here, why don't you let me out, or help me out?" The fearful man said.

The zombie shook his head: "I'm not the master of the lock demon tower, I'm just a slave here, I don't count."

After speaking, the zombie turned and left, disappearing.

At the highest point, Yu Duxiu looked at the town monster monument, the illusory real body under the town monster monument glared at herself, slowly stretched out her right hand, a dark chain stretched out, and instantly penetrated the pipa bones of the illusory figure. Trapped on the town monster monument.

"Want to escape? In the next life!" After speaking, Yu Duxiu began to form the seal, and continued to practice the lock demon tower.

The outside world is already surging at this time. There is no great ancestor, no fear of the strong, and the ghost lord fled in a hurry. The whole Yinsi was in chaos for a moment, and the remaining strong were difficult to support. The dragons of the four seas are struggling to support, but facing With several times his own strength, there is no hope of winning at all.

"Big brother! Let's withdraw!" Jinlin looked at Donghai Longjun.

Donghai Longjun's expression is gloomy: "Hold on for a while, maybe things will turn around. Don't panic."

"Big brother, the ancestor of the human race is the power of my dragon, and it is not the opponent of the demon race and the demon race. The world has been set, and it has become the world of the demon race and the demon race. We should avoid its edge, recharge and take the opportunity. It's just work. It's so competitive and against the general trend. It's not that the wise man has worked hard to persuade him as a "jinlin". For the demon clan's attack, I saw the chaotic air flow in his hand, constantly dissolving the other party's muddy air.

"The virtuous brother must not relax, we must know the principle of man's victory over heaven!" Donghai Longjundao.

Listening to Donghai Longjun's words, Jinlin was speechless for a moment.

As he was talking, suddenly a subtle wave spread across the Yin Division, spread across the heavens and worlds in an instant, and for a while, the sky rushed in.


"Someone proves again?."

"Who is it?" All the powerful exclaimed, you look at me and I look at you, looking for the source of the immortal qi machine.

"Demon Race! Demon God Race! You dare to invade my Yin Division, this prince will wait endlessly with you."

The prince of Yinsi sat there with a gloomy expression, with a pair of eyes watching the battle in the Yinsi in the distance, his fists clenched, and a little dark green blood dripped.

My home is being ravaged, but I can't do anything, I can only watch, who understands this pain? .

"Prince, this calamity is a calamity destined by my Yin Division. The ghost master miscalculated. I never thought that the **** of death needed six reincarnation formations. It gave the heavens and hundreds of clans a chance to take advantage of it. Damn it, as long as the prince retains a useful body and waits for the ghost master to refine the **** of death, this Yinsi is still our "black impermanence comfort!" Yes! As long as the prince retains his usefulness, he will naturally be able to set things out at that time." The words of Bai Wuchang closely follow Heiwuchang.

Seeing the souls of countless ghost tribes being beaten up, the power of life and death revolving, and the six reincarnations are uncertain, the prince of Yinsi suddenly realized that he had a new understanding of the avenue of life and death.

"Life and death? Who lives and who dies? Why are you born? Why are you dead? What is life and death? What is longevity?" The countless life and death secrets in the Yinsi Prince's mind boiled at this moment, and the Yinsi Qiyun was blessed by the Yinsi Prince.

"Life? Death? It's just a journey. Life and death is a point. Life is not the beginning, and death is not the end."

At this moment, the prince of Yin Si was born with immortal auras, and then intertwined into a dharma body, which emerged behind him.

The whole body of this Dharma body is vague, wearing a mian's head, and the whole body's life and death emperor's clothes, and it is extremely majestic.

"Yan Luo Dao", the Yin Si prince kept cognizing Yan Luo Dao in his mind.

After Yu Duxiu came out of the Yujing Mountain, he saw this scene, and the prince of Yin Si was actually empowered by the Yin Judiciary.

The laws of the world have the function of self-protection. At this time, facing the invasion of the strong in the Yang world, the Yin Division has no resistance to resist, and unexpectedly opened the Dao Law to the Yin Division Prince, and gathered towards the Yin Division Prince to help him gather the Yan Luo Dharma body.

The smallpox fell chaotically, the ground poured in, and countless smallpox slowly fell from the void. The jade-colored discs in Yu Duxiu's eyes flowed, and the blades in his hands gathered and dispersed. After hesitating for a while, he turned and walked into Yujing Mountain: " Forget it! Good luck for you."

"Is the prince of Yinsi? This guy actually proved it? Following the little fox." Fox God's pupils shrank suddenly. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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