The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2082: Yun gathers Ao Le, Ao Le proves

"Hong Jun!"

Looking at the figure walking out of the void, Jinlin's expression suddenly became gloomy: "If I hadn't merged with the dragon ball of the East Sea Dragon Lord, I would really not be able to show your trace."

Yu Duxiu looked at Jinlin: "I also want to thank you for your fulfillment."

"If it weren't for finding out why you could manipulate the calamity between heaven and earth, you would have died ten thousand times, and you are worthy to bow down to me?" Jinlin looked disdainful: "Since you have heard the secret of this lord, Choose a method of death yourself."

"So confident? Are you sure you can kill me?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jinlin, although his face was contemptuous, but his heart was very solemn. For the first time, his hiding technique was broken, Jinlin The cultivation base is simply incredible.

"Ridiculous! It is really ridiculous! I have now integrated the origins of the East Sea Dragon Lord, how can I not be a quasi-superior power in your area? If you have not integrated the East Sea Dragon Lord, I might not be able to help you, but now I have integrated the East Sea "Long Jun is like a tiger whose limbs have been cut off and has regrown a claw, and the power is not the same." Jin Lin said with disdain.

Looking at Jinlin, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and the green lotus slowly turned into a Pangu banner: "I want to try your power."

"Come on! Let you see how strong the Zulong quarter is." Jin Lin grabbed Hengduan Void and slapped Yu Duxiu fiercely.

The Pangu banner flew out of Yu Duxiu's hand, and it instantly collided with Jinlin: "Although the cause and effect of tens of thousands of years have been broken, we still have to divide it and see life and death."


The Pangu banner collided with the dragon claws of the Jinlin, and the Pangu banner was hazy and chaotic, and everything passed by became chaotic, destroying all laws. The dragon claws of the Jinlin also rose with chaos, and the dragon claws of the Jinlin flew upside down instantly. Going out, collapsed into the edge of the endless world, the law of madness was bombarded by the storm, and the green lotus in Yu Duxiu's hand turned, turning into a crystal clear moment and submerged in the ancestral orifice of his eyebrows, a mysterious rhythm from Yu Duxiu's body Spread out.

"With my own strength, I am not the enemy of Jinlin. It is simply sensational." Yu Duxiu was shocked secretly in her heart. At this time, the mind of the body and the heaven is very clear, and it seems to be true to the Tao, and there is endless power in it. Shock.

"This is the original treasure of the Great Thousand World. It is really in your hands. Hand over this treasure and spare you not to die." Looking at Yu Duxiu's body, Rongtiandao Jinlin's eyes instantly turned red, and his breathing started to heat up.

"Want treasures? I'll talk if I win."

Yu Duxiu became silent and ruthless at this time. It seemed that all living beings were ants. Only Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm, and the void condensed, and countless mysterious runes moved toward Jinlin's suppression.


As strong as Jinlin, facing Yu Duxiu with all his strength, he was vulnerable to a blow, and flew out like a rag doll.

"Damn it, if I had only one-fourth or even one-fifth of the power in the heyday, you can suppress me" Jinlin looked at Yu Duxiu with a gloomy expression, her eyes full of haze.

Looking at Jinlin, Yu Duxiu's face was expressionless: "Watch me suppress you."

A palm fell, time and space intertwined, as strong as Jinlin was immediately beaten to pieces, and escaped into the mundane.


The divine light of the Heavenly Dao converged, Yu Duxiu's face returned to normal, and the whole body was soaked with red blood stains, and he grinned with pain: "I just understood a little bit of mystery. I want to use the power of the Heavenly Dao. I didn't expect the Heavenly Dao to be so strong."

Speaking of this, Yu Duxiu looked at the direction Jinlin was leaving, her eyes full of haze: "Jinlin is now incredibly powerful, and it is also the top existence among the supremely powerful. If it is asked to swallow the other dragons Jun, I’m afraid Zulong will really come back to life."

Speaking of this, Yu Duxiu slowly condensed her supernatural powers: "The Jinlin at this time should be harder to distinguish Xuanzhen than the jade guy, but Jade has never used Congenital Lingbao. I don’t know how much he uses Congenital Lingbao. Graceful."

The Dragon Lord of the East China Sea has completely fallen, and the world feels that the great power who is fighting can't help but stop at this time, standing in the void in silence.

"Opening the world, after the rise of my human race, although the supreme power has been suppressed, it is still the first time to fall. What happened to this world?" A touch of anxiety flashed in the eyes of Tai Yi Jiaozu: "It is too insecure."

"The wind is rising, the way of the world has changed." Taiping ancestor clenched the Huangtu in his hand, his eyes were full of melancholy. Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction with Donghai Longjun, everyone was the supreme powerhouse after all. At this time, Donghai Longjun fell. It is inevitable that there will be a feeling of sadness and sadness of rabbits and foxes.


Over the East China Sea, Ao Le's whole body rose in chaos, and the aura that belonged to the East China Sea and the East Sea Dragon Lord left behind was endlessly converging toward Ao Le. For a time, there were gusts of wind and waves over the East China Sea, and the sky and the earth were uncertain.

"Father! Is it your surviving will? I can feel your breath" Ao Le looked at the tumbling void, tears streaming down, like a waterfall on the bank, flying straight down, eloquently.

"Don't worry! The child will definitely avenge you. The sword of Jinlin, which is inferior to a beast, will definitely revitalize my East China Sea." Ao Le slowly closed his eyes.

"Big Brother! Is it your remnant soul that is not scorned? Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you." Beihai Longjun's eyes rose in anger: "You must catch the beast of Jinlin."

"Brother, don't worry, I will take care of Ao Le," Nanhai Longjun said with a gloomy expression.


Under the infusion of the majestic aura, Ao Le's whole body scales crazily transformed, and the airtight and hazy chaos formed a silk cocoon.

A stream of immortal machines disappeared in all directions, and the three Long Jun looked at Ao Le together, and their faces suddenly appeared in surprise: "Proof."

"Ao Le proved it!"

The powerhouses of the heavens and all realms were all shocked. Donghai Dragon Lord died just as well. Although Donghai Dragon Lord died, Ao Le became enlightened under Donghai Dragon Lord's legacy.

"Ao Le became enlightened?" Tai Yi Jiaozu's expression was slightly relieved, and the anxiety in his heart temporarily let go: "I finally have some comfort."

"Ao Le has become enlightened!" Han Fang opened his eyes suddenly, looking towards the sky above the East China Sea.

"Ao Le, this little Pi Niang has actually become enlightened, **** it! Can this be the case?" Old Ancestor Jade jumped up in shock.

Immortal machines are overflowing, golden lotus rushes from the sky wherever it passes, rainbows from heaven and earth soar into the majestic aura of the world is like money, under the control of three dragons. Roll down towards Ao Le.

"This little **** has actually become enlightened" Jinlin's face suddenly became gloomy: "What can I do if I become enlightened? I swallowed your father, and I am no longer the Jinlin of the past. After enlightenment, it will still be my food."

After speaking, Jinlin slowly closed his eyes: "The treasure actually fell in Hongjun's hands. It is really unfulfilled. This kind of treasure should belong to me Jinlin. Only me Jinlin deserves it. A treasure."

After speaking, Jinlin looked at a clear palm print on her chest, and a gloomy air in her eyes rose: "We have to see who is better at it. If we knew that we regretted it, we should choke Hongjun to death in that small village. Why bother The law of greed to overcome the catastrophe."

Jinlin regrets his intestines are all green, if he knew that today, how could Jinlin be greedy at that time.

"If I want to defeat Hongjun, I have to devour a Dragon Lord to be sure to suppress Hongjun." Jinlin's eyes flashed coldly, Hongjun was just the supreme realm, and he couldn't wield that power at all. Only oneself in his heyday is worthy of such a treasure.

"Hongjun! Hongjun! I must kill you! I must kill you" Jin Lin roared up to the sky.

"Ao Le proves it?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, standing in a deserted place, looking at the direction of the East China Sea from a distance, and sighed slightly: "Things are people and nothing is left, and things change without mercy."

"Ao Le's qualifications are higher than that of Donghai Longjun. Now that Ao Le proves, it may not be a good thing. The Donghai may rise under the leadership of Ao Le," Tai Dou Jiaozu muttered.

"In the world of great controversy, the matchmaker, the ghost temple, and the Ao Le have all become enlightened, then who will be next? Who will become enlightened?" The fox god’s eyes flashed coldly: "The age of great controversy is really annoying, too. Much uncertainty."

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