The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2088: Long Jun gave up his life to complete Ao Le

Seeing the demon gods laughing and leaving, the wolves weeping and howling ghosts, the fox **** sighed softly, heartbreaking, a pair of soft and big eyes looked at the ancestors: "Look, fellow Taoists, The Demon God Race is so arrogant, clamoring to destroy my Demon Race, and stirred up the flames of war, causing the lives to be burned. How do several Dao brothers think?"

"The devil race is so arrogant, how can it be allowed to destroy the harmony of heaven and earth, your majesty, please rest assured, my human race will never sit idly by this matter" Tai Yi taught the ancestors of justice and awe-inspiring: "All beings in the world need tranquility, what they need is rest , And even the dragon clan lurking in secret, this matter must not allow the demon clan to succeed."

"If this is the case, my palace is relieved, thank the ancestors." The fox **** gave a gentle salute, turned and left, curling away.

Seeing the departed back of the Fox God, Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed softly: "The troubled autumn."

"This kind of clan war, do you really want to involve my human race? This matter still needs to think of a way to get away, it is best to make the demon race and the demon **** race lose both, and the death and injury is the right thing," the ancestor of Taiping said.

"Go back and talk about it."

Tai Yi Jiaozu glanced at the surrounding void, and all the Jiaozu turned around.

In the West Sea Dragon Palace, the dragons looked at the dying West Sea Dragon Lord, and said, "Uncle might as well go to my East Sea Dragon Palace and sit down. I protect the law for my uncle. Forgive me that Jinlin dare not sneak into my East Sea Dragon Palace."

"It can only be so." Xihai Longjun sighed helplessly, staying alone in the Xihai Dragon Palace was tantamount to taking the initiative to die and giving away the head.

Ao Le looked at Nanhai Longjun and Beihai Longjun with a pair of eyes, and said softly: "The two uncles will turn around and run the younger generation of the marine clan. The future burden of my marine clan will fall in the hands of the two uncles. Please The two uncles must be cautious, and don't let Jinlin take advantage of it."

Nanhai Longjun glanced at Ao Le: "Jinlin is not what it used to be. Be careful, don't give Jinlin a chance to do it."

"Take care, take care of your third uncle." Beihai Longjun sighed deeply, glanced at Xihai Longjun, and the two turned to say goodbye. So far, Nanhai Longjun and Beihai Longjun have no good way.

Xihai Longjun followed Ao Le back to the East China Sea. The two of them sat in the deserted Dragon Palace. They were no longer happy and laughed, and drifted away with the wind.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace is all plain and lonely, and there are two or three big cats and kittens, no people, no lively atmosphere, and it makes people feel depressed and desolate, and a sad atmosphere is raised.

Xihai Longjun burst into tears, crying up to the sky: "Big brother! Big brother! I waited until my eyes were eaten by the dog, and actually recognized the dog thief Jinlin as my brother. Now that you leave suddenly like this, what face will I have? In the world."

"Three uncles, don't cry. If the father is in the sky, he doesn't want his third uncle to be so sad." Two lines of tears were drawn on Ao Le's face.

"Good boy, you must take revenge for your father" Xihai Longjun's eyes flashed with grief, and he drank a glass of wine.

Looking at Xihai Longjun, Ao Le also suffered from sorrow, drinking continuously.

Looking at Ao Le’s dangling pigtail, Xihai Longjun said: "Since you have become the lord of the East China Sea, this blue silk should be pulled up and tied to the emperor. Only then did you lose the majesty of the king. Today, your uncle will bow to you ."

"Uncle, please do it."

Ao Le put down his wine glass and sighed deeply.

The pigtails spread out in an instant and turned into three thousand green silks. Xihai Longjun staggered and came behind Ao Le, smoothed the three thousand green silks, and slowly combed them. His eyes were full of memories: "When you were born, there were scenes In front of my eyes, the Dragon King of the Four Seas enshrined you as the jewel in the palm. These tens of thousands of years have passed. Your father's greatest wish is that one day you can prove the way, and then entrust the East China Sea in your hands and personally present you The mother is pleased with Jing Jing, and then she retreats with your mother."

Ao Le was taken aback when he heard the words: "Father does not hate mother queen?"

Xihai Longjun shook his head: "This is the race! It's not between me and your other two uncles. I waited when I was young and did terrible things in order to prove the truth, but now it's not worth it to come and die. What is the fame? Race disputes are race disputes, and the relationship between husband and wife is a relationship between husband and wife, and it is not the same."

Listening to Xihai Longjun's words, Ao Le was stunned when he heard the words: "The father doesn't hate the queen mother? Then why every time they meet, the two are facing each other."

"Oh" Xihai Longjun sighed softly, "You are still young, when you have someone you really like, you will know."

When Ao Le heard the words, his eyes were lost and his voice murmured: "The person I like? The person I like can't wait to kill me."

Xihai Longjun acted for a while, with guilt on his face: "You will be the master of my East Sea and West Sea in the future. Both the East Sea and the West Sea are in your hands."

"Uncle is alive, why did you say this?" Ao Le was taken aback.

"I have the same brotherhood with your father. Your father is dead. How can I live alone?" Xihai Longjun said with a bit of loneliness: "I live and die with your father. Since your father has gone, I Naturally, I have to follow it closely and accompany him to fight the unknown world. I really hope that I am a mortal now, and my soul enters the Yin Division after death, and then I can gather with my eldest brother.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?" Ao Le turned his head abruptly and looked at Xihai Longjun.

Xihai Longjun gently rubbed Ao Le's forehead with a kind color on his face: "Good boy, I will leave it to you in the future. Jinlin has swallowed my eldest brother. It is no longer something I can defeat. This hope of revenge. , It's in your hands."

While talking, the dragon ball flew out of Xihai Longjun's mouth, and instantly penetrated into Ao Le's eyebrows, fixing his figure, and the power in the dragon ball madly irrigated towards Ao Le's chaotic dragon ball.

"Don't struggle, since Jinlin swallowed your father, I know that if my brother is swallowed by the Ancestral Dragon's blood, he will be able to reproduce the Ancestral Dragon's power. If you resist, your uncle's sacrifice will be done in vain. Don't be rebelled" Xihai Longjun sounded like thunder.

"Three Uncle" Ao Le's eyes fell with two lines of clear tears, his expression sad.

"After you swallow the uncle, you will be able to match the Jinlin, and then you can fight the Jinlin. You are devouring your other two uncles, completely cutting off the back of the Jinlin, killing and devouring the Jinlin, Become an ancestor dragon again, and take revenge for your father" Xihai Longjun voice is sad.

"Uncle" Ao Le cried.

"Promise me, you must swallow your other two uncles, and avenge your father. My four brothers live and die together. You promise me! You must promise me!" Xihai Longjun's eyes gradually dimmed: "You must promise me They will forgive you. I have arranged this matter. After you swallow my dragon ball, you will get a jade book from me to arrange things for you."

Donghai Longjun looked at Ao Le, panting, like a candle in the wind: "Promise me! You must promise me."


Ao Le tears like rain, watching Xihai Longjun who is dying and about to return to nothingness, naturally can't bear to refuse Xihai Longjun's conditions.

"Get revenge for your father and kill Jinlin! You must kill Jinlin!" Xihai Longjun's voice was hoarse.

A roar of the dragon shakes the world, the bright aurora flashes, the heavens are shocked, and the laws are turbulent.

"Sanshu!" Ao Le screamed, and Xihai Longjun turned into nothingness.

"The Dragon King of the West Sea is dead." In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu was stunned, a pair of eyes stared in the direction of the East China Sea.

In this short period of time, the two supreme powerhouses fell one after another, completely disappearing into the great world.

Not only was Yu Duxiu stunned, but the ancestors of the human race, the demon gods of the demon race, and the demon gods who were turning around were also stunned, staring blankly at the aurora rising into the sky, looking at the world. The rain of blood that fell in between, his expression dull.

"How did Xihai Longjun die?" Taiyi taught the ancestors for a moment.

"Ao Le is so cruel. Could it be that Ao Le started and swallowed Xihai Longjun?" Taiping Jiaozu was shocked.

"The most poisonous woman's heart" Tai Dou Jiaozu took a deep breath for a long time.

Listening to the words of several people, everyone looked at the direction of Donghai blankly, waiting for the result.

"Donghai Dragon Palace, Ao Le is so cruel, could it be that Ao Le swallowed Xihai Longjun? Is Ao Le crazy?" Fox God was stunned.

"Really crazy" Elephant God nodded affirmatively.

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