The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2107: Dismemberment, suppression

Seeing Wu Bi Wei Li exploded in Ao Le's body, the ancestors were shocked. The gods avoided far away, and the demon gods quickly evacuated. On the contrary, Jin Lin's face was joyful, and his real body was suddenly revealed, turning into a tens of thousands of miles. The giant dragon, roaring to the sky, shaking the chaos: "Hahaha, you bitch, are also worthy to compete with me for the life of the ancestor dragon? If you were not lucky enough to have Hongjun blood and luck, how could you have room for enlightenment? Today is your time of death. If I swallow you, I will break into the Demon Locking Tower and make the Zulong Avenue."

While talking, Jinlin opened his mouth, and suddenly swallowed Ao Le, transforming it into a human form, running the dragon ball to suppress Ao Le in his belly, trying to absorb Ao Le for refining.

At this time, Ao Le hit Yu Duxiu with all his strength to suppress the strength in his body. How could he be Jinlin's opponent? .

Seeing that Jinlin was really merciless and wanted to be cruel, Ao Le's eyes flashed a cruel look: "You die! You die together!"


Wasn't Ao Le suppressing the Kaitianjishu in his body, but slammed it to release it.

"Damn it! Bitch!" Jinlin's complexion changed wildly, and the next moment an unparalleled force burst out, instantly blasting the Jinlin to pieces, turning it into a blood mist, mixing with Ao Le's blood mist, and couldn't distinguish each other.


The blood mist gathered in the sky, and Ao Le and Jinlin stood in the field with pale faces. Obviously the previous blow was absolutely uncomfortable.

At this time, Yu Duxiu was uncomfortable, looking at everyone in the field with a golden face, with bitter smiles in her heart: "It's a loss! It's a loss! It's weird, how can I suddenly lose my mind, so I can fight with everyone like this."

Yu Duxiu was shocked and suspicious: "Is it possible that someone has calculated on me?"

"Hongjun, don't be aggressive, you kid, let's run! Otherwise, you ask Laogui to meet you, forgive these **** are definitely not Laogui's opponents" Old Ancestor Jade shouted from a distance.

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu's mind flickered. Observing her whole body, 10,000 alpacas flashed across her heart.

"Fuck! The calamity consumption is too great, and I can't suppress the bad luck of this bastard. I was actually affected by the bad luck on this old thing" Yu Duxiu's heart burst, a pair of eyes scanned the audience, Chaos in her hand Qinglian.

"He can't do it! The quasi immortal is only a quasi immortal after all, and it can't be a big climate! Let's kill him." E Shen roared up to the sky and rushed towards Yu Duxiu again.

Terran, the ancestors are watching the battle from a distance, you see me and I see you, Tai Yi taught ancestors to play with the turtle shell in his hands and said: "Hong Jun is a terrible power."

"It's a pity, Hongjun used it for his own use, hitting the stone with an egg, facing so many supreme powerhouses, only to explain." Tai Dou Jiaozu shook his head and sighed deeply: "Should we take action?"

"There are countless tribes of the demon clan and dragons in the lock demon tower, which is the root of the curse. Hongjun will not give up on the demon tower lock, and the powerful will not let him go. We will only set fire to the body. Now you have reached the critical moment. , If the powerful people find an excuse to hit the door, it will be miserable! The gain is not worth the loss!" Tai Yi Jiaozu shook his head.

Listening to the words of Taiyi Jiaozu, everyone was speechless, you see me and I see you, silent.

"Hongjun! Hand over the demon tribes in the demon lock tower, the demon lock tower will not be contaminated by the demon tribe, and even help you retreat from the strong enemy, are you willing?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu, Full of expectation and pleading.

"It's better for the jade to be broken than for the complete. Today is either you die or I live" Yu Duxiu scanned the audience with a pair of eyes, speaking coldly.

"Hongjun! Don't be aggressive, you kid" The old man Jade held his head helplessly.

"You old **** stay away from me. It's so bad. I can't stand your bad luck now" Yu Duxiu said helplessly.

While talking, Yu Duxiu's hands were full of green lotus, his words flowed, and he fought together with God E, tumbling waves in the void, and tumbling chaos.

"Everyone, shoulder to shoulder" shouted the wolf god, and the twelve demon gods rushed over, and the elephant and tiger gods also rushed over. Ao Le Jinlin didn't care about recuperating at this time, and immediately rushed over.




The Monster Race, Demon God Race, Ao Le, and Jinlin respectively buckled part of Yu Duxiu’s body, firmly holding Yu Duxiu’s true spirit, and then everyone violently pulled Yu Duxiu's body, and then everyone separated. Use means to suppress part of Yu Duxiu's body.

"Where is the Locked Demon Tower?" The Fox God held Yu Duxiu's head and held it in front of him.

Yu Duxiu glanced at the Fox God and closed her eyes: "Want the treasure? But don't think about it! You should suppress me."

"This servant is really hard-mouthed. If you suppress you for millions of years, you will know it is amazing." Xiangshen walked over and began to use the forbidden method, continuously sealing Yu Duxiu's head and an arm.

The demon clan sealed Yu Duxiu’s shoulders and abdomen, and the wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu’s upper body: “Mianxia, ​​why bother to resist so stubbornly, hand over the lock demon tower, why not do it? After the conflict, as long as you return the lock demon tower, we will release your physical body and true spirit."


Yu Duxiu's abdomen turned into a big mouth, and he spoke at the face of the wolf god: "I want to see this seat, how long will you wait to suppress this seat!"

Jinlin and Ao Le took a thigh, turned and left, and turned back to their respective sites.

Seeing the powerful people leaving one after another, only the Jade Ancestor stood there in shock: "It's just suppressed? What kind of trick is Hongjun playing? It's weird that I didn't ask the old ancestor to help me. Does this guy have a hobby of being abused?."

While speaking, the old jade ancestor turned his head to Yujing Mountain, looked at the old tortoise with closed eyes, and tugged the old tortoise's beard: "You old bastard, Hongjun has been suppressed, you still don’t move, will Hongjun rescued?."

"The Lord has said that without his order, I will never be allowed to take action." The old tortoise pushed away the jade ancestor unhurriedly, his eyes were full of peace: "The Lord has always considered foresight, and there may be no plans this time. for sure."

"The battle of enlightenment? Hongjun is not dead now, nor is he enlightened, it is weird," Jade ancestor said bitterly.

As he was talking, he saw Lingyu rushing over: "The ancestors, the sacred baby, and the aunts, grandma Wangchen is going crazy, and she wants to force her to go to the strong to have a theory. Please help me."

"Oh" the old jade ancestor sighed: "Hongjun, being a servant, is really not worrying."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade took a big stride and came to the exit of Yujing Mountain. Not long after, he saw the holy infant grabbing the tip of the fire, forgetting the dust, leaving the dust, and Wen Yingji behind him, followed by anxiously. Anger rolls! "The Jade Ancestor blocked the exit.

"Ancestor, you just came here, go with us to avenge my father." The Holy Infant saw the jade ancestor with joy on his face full of grief and anger.

The old jade ancestor looked gloomy and yelled angrily: "Naughty, you are not enough to teach your ancestors, the supreme strong can blow you down, why bother to add chaos? Or just stay here. In the Yujing Mountain, waiting for your father's return. Your father is already enlightened and immortal. The heaven and the world can kill him."

"Ancestor! Do you want to stop me?" Sheng Ying's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"It's to stop you, or to prevent you from going to death." The Jade Ancestor shook his head.

"My ancestor, my brother treats you very well, so you don't want to take revenge, so why stop me from waiting for revenge" Wangchen said dissatisfied.

"Anyway, as long as the ancestors are here, you don't want to go out of the front door and make trouble outside. You have old tortoises in the Yujing Mountain. Outsiders dare not come in and make trouble. If you go out, you will become powerful men and threaten Hong. Jun’s handle, ancestor, how can I allow you to wait for mischief" After Jade ancestor finished speaking, he did not go to see everyone, but said: "Old tortoise, you should take care of this."


The two tortoises in the sky dashed through the void, instantly rolled up everyone and dragged them in.

"Hey! I don't know what kind of medicine Hongjun sells in this jar" Jade ancestor said with his hands on his back, heartlessly: "But this time is fine, where is this kid going to the sky for a million years? Good wine, but it's cheap ancestors."

After speaking, he took a fine step and looked around, and flew towards the back of Yujing Mountain.

Zhang Tui

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