The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2129: 9 major trends in Buddhism

Listening to Qiantian's words, the black and white impermanence is also annoyed, this servant is simply which pot is not opened and which pot.

Can they blame themselves if they did not preach? Just like the tortoise prime minister of the East China Sea, he was suppressed by the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and he couldn't get a single cent from the air luck. Where could I have air luck to prove the way!

After speaking, the black and white impermanence disappeared without a trace in an instant, and Qian Tianang was not given a chance to refute. Seeing the black and white impermanence walking away, Qiantian's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger: "Damn! Damn! Damn! Use the ghost master and the ancient covenant to press me, I am the supreme emperor, the man of heaven, how can I tolerate it? Are you waiting for the younger generation to threaten?."

While talking, he saw Qiantian overthrow the case. After a while, the atmosphere returned to tranquility, before Gan Tian slowly reduced his anger, and snorted coldly, "You want Hongjun? Go dreaming!"

The place where the human ancestors

The eight ancestors gathered together. At this time, everyone looks at me and I see you, their eyes are full of helplessness.

"The Buddhism is unstoppable. This is the destiny of heaven. Who can violate it? Never thought that I would wait a long time to make the bald donkey in the Da Leiyin Temple cheap. It is really hateful." With a cry, his eyes were full of anger.

Hearing this, the Taiyi teacher said unhurriedly: "No choice! No choice!"

It's no wonder that the ancestors of the teachings are not able to take care of the sky. At this time, the ancestors of the teachings are already burnt. The matter of Hongjun should not be missed. The great prosperity of Buddhism is like the wheels of history, unstoppable!

These two things have already annoyed all the ancestors, where is there time to worry about such a small role as Gantian?

Even if Qian Tian is the emperor of heaven and the supreme power of the emperor's avenue, he has some weight in the eyes of the ancestors, and it is far from being regarded as important.

"When we were fighting for life and death, we never thought that the Buddhist school would be cheaper. We would never allow that Buddhist school to flourish in our human race. Even if the wheels of history are rolling, I will never tolerate this happening." Tai Yi taught the ancestors in a gloomy voice: "Heaven Set? Hongjun can change the number of days reversibly, let alone us?."

"We need to find a clever, experienced person in the lower realm to suppress the rise of Buddhism, and we will arrange our own arrangements to suppress the great prosperity of the Buddhism," Tai Dou taught the ancestor.

"Now my disciples, who can be worthy of use?" Tai Huang taught the ancestors.

The ancestors of the teachings, look at me and I see you, and the ancestors of Taiping said: "My Taiping Road Zhangjiao, Wang Zhuan can be used!"

"The Taishi Taoist tree, green bamboo, Moxie, and the Primordial Heavenly King are also worthy of use. This matter should be entrusted to the Primordial Heavenly King. The Primordial Heavenly King is invincible under the supremacy, and even the supremely strong must also be afraid of it. Unless it is the supreme powerhouse, I will win the Nine Sects."

"The whereabouts of Brother Taiyi Dao is unknown. If the Taishi Dao disciple is pushed out rashly, if there is a damage, what should I do?" Taiyi Jiaozu hesitated.

"This matter is simple. Xuan Yuantian King came to see if Tai Shi Dao is willing to come forward. Although this matter is dangerous, the nine sects of luck are integrated together, which is the opportunity to prove Dao!" Tai Huang taught the ancestors: "Great The struggle is over, and now it’s near the end. If you don’t fight anymore, you can only turn into the dead bones in the reincarnation, and all your hard work will be lost."

"Xuan Yuantianwang" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

Throughout the nine supreme sects, although each sect has the pride of heaven, there are also differences between upper and lower, strong and weak, and high and low. The Taishi Dao, Taiping Dao, and Taiyi Dao are the same.

Not long after, I saw a primitive heavenly king dressed in black walk in respectfully and salute the ancestors.

In a sense, the Primordial King at this time is a supreme powerhouse, but the situation is somewhat special.

Looking at the original heavenly king, Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Brother Taishi Dao is missing. Now Hongjun is reincarnated and Buddhism Daxing has picked up eight of my ancestors for cheap. His great prosperity is like a rolling wheel, and I can’t wait. , I was looking for Tianjiao of my human race as a stepping stone and turned the wheel on top. Looking at the Eight Schools, only Taishidao and Taipingdao disciples are the most outstanding. Hongjun is in front, and Zhang Jiao Wang is behind, Taishidao There are you, Mu Qingzhu and others, all have the resources to become immortals. It’s just that the world of great controversy was entangled by Hongjun, but it was out of control. There is no enlightened person in my human race. Now the great controversy is at the end. The Eight Sects work together to fight against Buddhism and want to support their disciples down the mountain, what do you think?"

"What does it mean to teach ancestors?" The original heavenly king was moved when he heard this. Although this matter was dangerous, it was full of opportunities. It should be understood that Buddhism is not very hot, and there is a danger of death at every turn.

"Lingshan Amitabha is the invincible strong under the supreme. The meaning of this seat is naturally to send you to wait for a walk down the mountain, but Taishi Dao brother is not there. If your Taishi Dao goes wrong, I can't wait Brother Shi Dao confessed that he can't afford it either." Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly.

"Why don’t the ancestors order all the princes of my nine sects to go down the mountain. We must know that the Buddhist school is very powerful. The road to the sky converged in the past. I don’t know how many strong people have fattened the Buddhist school. I waited to go down the mountain alone. The fist is hard to beat the four hands. I am afraid that it has been calculated by the Buddhists, especially the Venerable Sun Chi in the Lingshan Mountain. This person is the Five Elements Mountain that is overwhelming the world. The copper skin and iron bones are not bad. The golden body is not bad. The most difficult to deal with, I am afraid Only when the disciples dispatched the Great Moment to destroy the world can they embark on a few tricks with the "primitive heavenly king."

"The disciples of all sects are all going down the mountain. If once I get the calculation, my nine sects will be completely damaged, and there will be no possibility of turning over. The danger is too great," Tai Huang Jiaozu objected.

"But now it's the end of the big fight. If you don't stand up, instead of sitting and waiting to die, it's better to let go," the original heavenly king said.

Listening to the words of the Primordial Heavenly King, the ancestors teach you to look at me and I see you. Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Come on, life and death are all by the destiny, whether you can jump through the dragon gate, it is this one."

"I went to the Great Leiyin Temple and took a gamble with Amitabha to determine the future trend of the Buddha's prosperity." Taiyi Jiaozu slowly stood up and looked at Taiping Jiazuo: "You and I will go together. , Forgive that Buddhist school dare not be ignorant."

"Alright, it's overwhelming, I like it the most" Taiping Jiaozu chuckled.




In the Lingshan Pure Land World, bells rang, and the colorful light and auspiciousness were overwhelming. The two ancestors entered the Lingshan directly without looking at it.

"The two fellow Taoists came from afar, please come to your seat." Amitabha chuckled lightly and never stood up to greet him.

Tai Yi Jiao Zu and Tai Ping Jiao Zu slowly sat down with a smile, and Tai Yi Jiao Zu said: "I am waiting here today. I have something to tell Brother Dao. We are all supreme and powerful, and our hearts are like mirrors. The big power is like the texture in the palm, and the backhand is impressive!"

"Which fellow Daoists have in mind, you might as well say it clearly" Wukong showed compassion on his face.

"Today, we are on behalf of the Eight Sects and want to gamble against Lingshan. The Human Race Daxing is my nine-sects' hard work, but now I have decided that the Buddhism is rejuvenated. I waited for the Jiu Sects to be dissatisfied, and now I have to compete with Erdeng." Taiping The ancestor touched his beard.

"How to test? If you talk about the test, I have never been afraid of anyone!" Wukong heard the words in his eyes.

"It's not me waiting to do it, but my disciple, and the quasi immortals rely on their methods, how about?" Taiping ancestor said: "Is it good to wait and watch the changes?".

When this word fell, Wukong looked at Amitabha, and Amitabha muttered for a while before slowly spitting out a word: "Okay! It's up to you, I can't wait for the supreme to intervene."

"Well, that's the case, then it's settled! I'll wait for the signing of the covenant!" Taiyi Jiaozu decided to cut off Amitabha nodded. After both parties vowed, Taiyi Jiaozu and Taiping Jiazu hurriedly left.

Wukong touched the hair on his body: "These two old guys are acting like this, I'm afraid they are cheating!"

"It's nothing more than relying on the Primordial King. This person is supreme and invincible, but I have the innate **** Dapeng in Lingshan, the Asian immortal Kong Xuan, and Sun Chi is now about to prove the way. How can he be afraid of him? Humans are asking themselves. It’s hard to eat, not to mention that there are still Jinlin and Ao Le from the outside world who are staring at the exterminating great mill. The exterminating great mill was originally an ancestor dragon. In the past, the primitive heavenly king tortoise shrank up, but that’s all. Looking for death, guaranteeing that his death has no place to bury his body, it is worse than Donghai Longjun" Amitabha smiled unpredictably: "Now I have to rely on methods, my Buddhist family is prosperous, this is heaven and no one can stop!"

He said so, but Amitabha had other thoughts in his heart.

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