The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2303: 3 fits 1, 1 hits the world


Yu Duxiu pierced the altar in the sky with a single blow, causing Chaotian to spout a mouthful of golden blood.

Looking at the giant axe coming, Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered coldly, and the will of heaven revolved like a knife instantly, looking at the weakness of the demon god, and shot into the weakness of the demon god's great array.

Like a disk that was suddenly stuck, the twelve demon gods' formation was pierced by Yu Duxiu, only to see a majestic force accumulating in the big formation, the twelve demon gods could not run the big formation to gather that force. The force vented out, and suddenly the twelve demon gods fled the battlefield.


A loud noise shook the starry sky, half of the starry sky was penetrated by the bursting power of the twelve demon gods, and instantly fell to the wild land, not knowing how many sentient beings were buried.

"A terrifying power" Yu Duxiu was shocked thousands of miles away, and the supreme powerhouses were also uncomfortable. Some were shattered and fell into the wild land, and some were thrown out of the world. Into the chaos.

Just this moment, the burst of the starry sky suddenly accelerated dozens of times.

Listening to the wailing of beings in the lower realm, Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "Life and death are reincarnation and disillusionment, everything is phase. Life is phase, death is phase, you wait for life and death, but you will fall into chaos. Open, but in another form, appearing on the wild land again."

Seeing everyone being thrown away, Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm, and the long knife emerged in her hand, violently chasing and killing Taihuang Jiaozu.

"Come and save me!" Seeing Yu Duxiu killing, Tai Huang Jiaozu shouted in horror.

"Stop" Fu Yao roared.

"Hurry up and stop" Lion God roared.

"Ding jingle bells"

There was a rush of intersecting sound, and then I saw Taihuang Jiaozu's innate spirit treasure suddenly exploded, and then turned into fragments and shot into the wild and chaos.

"Hmph, dare to do it right with me, I don't know whether to live or die." Looking at the wind sock thrown by Fu Yao, a windy world in the wind sock rose and fell, Yu Duxiu's palm moved, and God's will suddenly shot out like a knife.

With a loud "bang", all living beings in Fuyao's wind sock were wiped out and returned to chaos, and then the long knife rolled up the ground, water, wind and fire, engulfing the power of the ground, water, wind and fire, and instantly pierced Fuyao's wind sock.


A mouthful of cyan blood splashed out, staining Fuyao's clothes.

At this time, Fu Yao looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement: "It's too scary, this guy is too scary!"

Yu Duxiu Danzhijian killed two supreme powerhouses, and everyone in the field was shocked.

The light in Yu Duxiu's eyes flew: "Those who follow me prosper against me and die!"

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's complexion changed, her eyes looked at the chaos, and her brows frowned: "Ghost Lord and Jinlin are so fast! Unfortunately, I can't take risks, they are too important to me."

"Quick battle and quick decision" Yu Duxiu put away the will of heaven like a sword, a hand that is crystal clear, and the five directions flicker for five days.


Seeing Yu Duxiu's hands, Fu Yao shot towards Chaos without hesitation.

Everyone was stunned, and the elephant on one side reacted. At this time, there was a blade in his own body that was indelible, and he had lost three points of combat power. If he continued to entangle himself, he would have to follow in the footsteps of the powerful.

Elephant God also followed Fuyao into the chaos.

Looking at the punctured altar, he took a deep breath from the sky, hummed coldly, and suddenly broke through the void and entered the chaos.

Seeing someone fleeing, the popularity of the crowd suddenly declined, as if they were an army of defeated generals, they scattered one after another and rushed into the chaos.

In the Great Thousand World, Jade Duxiu stands on top of all beings. At this time, the five directions and five days in Yu Duxiu's body quickly merge with its five-color essence and blood, continuously constructing the cycle of five elements, and countless runes are flashing, good fortune, destruction, and reorganization.

At this time, blood stains on Yu Duxiu's placket, looking at everyone who fled into the chaos, murderous intent flowed in her eyes.

"Puff" a mouthful of golden blood spurted out, and the five-colored blood in Yu Duxiu's body was washing the hair and cutting the marrow at this time.

"Even if I ran, I didn't expect to have to wash the hair and cut the marrow, and reborn." Yu Duxiu's face was like gold and paper. After a big battle, the supreme powerhouses of Yu Duxiu were terrified. The golden body and innate spirit treasure of the superior was crushed by himself, and the superiors finally collapsed.

Yu Duxiu sat alone on the top of all beings, looking at the tilting starry sky, speechless for a long time.

Too many people were killed in this battle, but Yu Duxiu knew that even though these people were temporarily killed, these guys would return in the future.

Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, and the jade-colored disc flickered in her eyes: "What a pity! What a pity!"

I don't know what Yu Duxiu's pity is.

Yu Duxiu stood on the peak of the heavens for a long time, with a pair of eyes looking at the chaos, where Yu Duxiu sensed a touch of eagerness from the old turtle.

"If it weren't for the two **** like Jinlin and Ghost Lord, I would let you go." Yu Duxiu sneered, "But the twelve demon gods are afraid that they will become a problem. Once the chaos is perfected, the twelve demon gods will inevitably become chaos. Demon God, it will be difficult to deal with then! But in comparison, the people in the Yujing Mountain are more important, and it is still up to you to wait to be more powerful. As long as I condense the Chaos Law Body, it will be your death date."

Looking at the terrified sentient beings in the vast world, and then at the constantly tilting starry sky, the world is in chaos at this time, and all sentient beings in the chaotic world are not as good as pigs and dogs, a mess, surrounded by all kinds of sins.

Yu Duxiu's face was cold: "Inferior roots! All living beings have inferior roots! Animal nature! If so, then I will completely bury you, cut off some people's thoughts, and cut off the last hope of these bastards."

After speaking, I saw the golden light flashing on Yu Duxiu's body, and then saw three figures coming from afar, blending into Yu Duxiu's body.

In Yu Duxiu's palm, the power of five directions and five days circulated, and with one punch, he rolled up fierce storms, the flow of chaos turned, and the power of ground, water, wind and fire spread.

Destroy the world in one blow and bury all living beings!

The earth, water, wind and fire are rolled up, and they continue to smelt and decompose the wild world. It takes only three or five breaths to see that the entire world is flooded with earth, water, wind and fire. After a loud noise, the chaotic air permeates the world. Only the world's fetal membranes survived.

"This is a good thing." Yu Duxiu held the world's fetal membrane in her hand, with a strange color in her eyes.

Three figures walked out of the body, the past body, the present body, and the future body, instantly submerged in the chaos and disappeared.

There are two kinds of so-called extinction.

The first is that the sky collapses, as if the house collapsed, but it may not destroy all living beings, because when the house collapses, there will be very few lucky people to avoid the catastrophe, and the fallen objects are supported by walls or cabinets.

The second kind is like Yu Duxiu now. It doesn’t count when the house collapses, and a fire was set The world is vast, and there may not be lucky people or lucky tribes to survive. .

Where did Yu Duxiu stand quietly, the great world shattered, and the good fortune of the great world feeds back the chaos. At this time, the chaos begins to complete, turning from an incomplete chaos into a complete chaos.

The chaos at this time is the real chaos, the complete chaos, that is, the chaos where the Ancestral Dragon existed back then.

In the chaos, there is no southeast, northwest, no past, no future, no time.

Yu Duxiu was going to be drowned, indeed he was going to be drowned.

To be drowned by the overwhelming force of disaster.

The world is shattered and all beings are buried. What a powerful disaster this is. At this time, all of them have been completed.

The third generation body has rushed over to support the old tortoise, Yu Duxiu stood quietly in the chaos, digesting the power of calamity, and the eleventh stage of the flower blooming is now.

In chaos

Countless powerful men watched Yu Duxiu bury all living beings and buried the world in one blow, with anger in their eyes, but they were powerless.

It is indeed powerless. At this time, Yu Duxiu's combat power is at the top, who is Yu Duxiu's opponent?

The overwhelming bad luck spread out from the ruins of the Great Thousand World, and found the powerful in the chaos.

Seeing the overwhelming bad luck, everyone's faces turned green, and the next moment they rushed toward the depths of the chaos.

"Something's wrong." Deep in the chaos, Jinlin stood with the ghost master.

"What's the matter?" The ghost master was taken aback and stopped.

"Hongjun destroyed the world, why didn't the will of the great world come out?" Jinlin said in amazement. In the chaos is his world and his hometown. Standing in the chaos, Jinlin can feel that his ancestor dragon is fast. Repair.

"Yes, why isn't there the will of the Great Thousand World?" The ghost master was taken aback and looked at Jinlin blankly.

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