The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2328: All beings in the ruins

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"Borrowing the power of the last epoch? Shouldn't it! The moment the long river of time since the last epoch turned into chaos has become the origin, and no one can cross the past. How can this old thing borrow the power of the last era? Did the ancestor read it wrong?" Yu Duxiu's knife gleamed and slashed towards Jinlin.

"Wrong?" The ancestor of Jade was taken aback, and then jumped his feet and said: "How can I be wrong! How can I be wrong! This old boy must have borrowed the power of the last era! By the way, I know the ancestor. , It must be the ruins of destruction in the Great Thousand World of the last era, so this old boy can borrow the power of the last era. The ruins must be the only flaw that can break the barrier of chaos and time."

Listening to the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu was taken aback for a moment, only to see murderous flashes in the eyes of the ghost master and Jinlin on one side, the next moment the two abandoned the battlefield and rushed into the chaos.

"What are they going to do?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"Chasing, these two **** must have heard the old ancestor say so. They plan to enter the chaos, find the land of the ruins, break the long river of time, and come to the last era. I don't need to say more about the consequences!" With Yu Duxiu.

"Last epoch, I never saw a strong man coming across time and space. It stands to reason that these two guys didn't succeed." Yu Duxiu touched her chin.

"Then you have to stop it to make it unsuccessful? This kind of causal cycle of time is the most troublesome. Once you get caught in it, it is an infinite cycle!" Jade ancestor muttered.

In the chaos, the ghost master and Jinlin walked together: "You mean that the land of the ruins can find the source of darkness and let me merge the darkness?"

"Isn’t this nonsense, the ruins of the last epoch did not even exist, and they were not destroyed in the aftermath of the open sky. It is simply a miracle. If you and I can follow the cause and effect left by the ruins, go upstream. , Breaking through the long river of time and entering the last era will definitely rewrite history," Jin Lin said.

"But in the last epoch, I haven't seen anyone coming across the long river of time!" The ghost master was taken aback: "We must have failed when we crossed, and we must not do any more effortless work."

"The causal cycle of time is beyond your imagination. Who can explain things in the last epoch clearly? Anyway, I didn't explain clearly to you. If you cut off from chaos, it is an era! Oh, there are so many explanations. Why, Hongjun and the others have caught up. Let's go back to the ruins and look for the source of power hidden in the Yinsi." Jinlin's eyes were full of eagerness.

"Why do you seem to be more excited than me?" The ghost master looked at Jinlin in surprise.

"Is there?" Jinlin said with a serious expression.

The ghost master nodded: "Yes!"

"Go to the chaos and find a place to return to the ruins, lest Hongjun preempts you."

While speaking, Jinlin rushed into the depths of the chaos at a faster speed.

"Ruins of the Great Thousand World" Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, and the old jade ancestor followed by her, and the two of them took one step to reach the ends of the world.

"Speed ​​up, don't be preempted by these two bastards" Jade Patriarch said.

"My ancestors don't have to worry, I hold the power of heaven, and the one who knows the chaos better than me, don't need to find the land of the ruins, I know where it is, let's go," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

In the perfect world, the dragons and the innate gods looked at each other, how to say they left? Are there any signs?

What should I do next? Do you still fight?

Zulong killed so many of my clan, and today slaughtered the dragon clan to avenge my dying clan!


The innate gods have red eyes and poured all their anger on the dragons. The dragons are not easy to provoke. The four dragons are not weak, but the number is too small. Facing the innate gods, they are simply I couldn't turn over the waves, and was instantly annihilated by the overwhelming laws of Shinto.

"This is the place to return to the ruins." Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of Jade Stone walked in the chaos, then stopped, looking at the broken world in the distance: "A group of lucky people did not become extinct under the destruction of the world. ."

Jade Duxiu and the Jade Ancestor looked at the land of Guixu from a distance, and the sun radiated a blazing fire.

The sun looks like the sun, but in Yu Duxiu's eyes it is just a fragment of the sun.

The entire world is only one ten-thousandth of the size of the original great world, and for these lucky people, it is no longer small.

"Don't underestimate these people" Old Jade Ancestor said: "These people will experience the destruction of chaos, and for the rest of their lives, they will inevitably have a source of blessing from heaven, master a mysterious power, and really fight, although they are not as good as you and me, But the combat power is really hard to say."

"Is there such a thing?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"The great world is shattered and the law collapses. There will be fragments of the law that will inevitably be absorbed by people, and even the entire law will be absorbed by others. The good fortune of a whole law, the combat power can be imagined, and it is more powerful than it is. It will not be weak," said the ancestor of Jade.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback when he heard the words: "When the world was annihilated, all the cause and effect came from me. Now the cause and effect should be over."

"What do you mean?" The ancestor of Jade was taken aback: "You want to kill them all?"

"Am I so cruel? Since these people have survived, they should not be extinct. They should go to the perfect world to survive, and the perfect world should have a place." Yu Duxiu sighed and was able to survive the catastrophe. , But really lucky, just looking at the riddled world, doesn't Yu Duxiu know whether he is lucky or unlucky?

The law collapses and everything becomes extinct, how can we survive?

"Who?" At this moment, a figure rushed out of the place where he returned to the ruins and looked at Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of Jade Stone. Then his pupils shrank suddenly and he lived for hundreds of millions of years, but it was the first time. See the strong who can't see through.

Since the world changed hundreds of millions of years ago, when the world collapsed and the earth broke, sentient beings fell asleep. This man woke up and found that he had some mysterious ability to change the sky and the day, the star and the battle, just facing the vast and uncultivated chaos. , Still dare not get involved.

But now looking at the two people in front of him, the man's pupils suddenly shrank, his eyes were filled with amazement, he could not see the details of each other.

"It turns out to be a supreme power, a supreme god" Yu Duxiu glanced suspiciously at the ancestor of Jade.

The ancestor of Jade said: "That kid, ancestor, I used to be a creature of your great world, but later, because the supremely powerful played against the great world, it collapsed. In order to avoid the aftermath of extinction, I escaped."

The man was taken aback: "Your Excellency is also a person from this world?"

"Now that the chaos is perfect, and there is a perfect world to open up, why bother, why not go to the perfect world to pursue a higher realm? It is true that this land of the ruins will soon become a land of right and wrong, and it will be soon. Was destroyed."

Yu Duxiu looked at the man with a touch of appreciation in her eyes: "Yes! Good cultivation level!"

"The land of right and wrong? The perfect world?" The man was taken aback.

Besides, Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "Come on!"

"As expected of Hongjun, the power of heaven is in charge, and the speed is faster than I wait" Jin Lin joined the ghost master.

"I'm not going to prepare to relocate the tribe, this Guixu will soon be turned into a fan in the war" Yu Duxiu glanced at the man.

"I didn't expect you would actually care about the lives of these ants. When you killed the world with one blow, why didn't you see you so compassionate? The cat cried and the mouse was not kind," the ghost master said mockingly.

"Destroy the world?" The man on one side was taken aback, looking at Yu Duxiu and Jade Patriarch in amazement.

"All of this has nothing to do with you. You quickly led the tribe to evacuate, and you must take away all the plants and trees in the ruins. Since you can survive the catastrophe, you are eligible to enjoy everything in the perfect world. "Yu Duxiu doesn't change his face.

The man looked ugly, thinking of the collapse of the sky hundreds of millions of years ago, and suddenly a little thought began to develop, and he turned and walked into the world and began to greet the strong in the ruins to pack sentient beings.

Jinlin and the ghost master just watched quietly, adjusted their breath slowly, and restored themselves to their peak state. There must be an uphill battle later.

Not long after, I saw seven or eight supreme powerhouses walking out of the Guixu, and there was no vitality in the Guixu.

The ancestor of Jade said: "Go straight along the chaos, you can see the perfect world after all. If you are worried about getting lost, you can wait for me outside."

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