The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Revisit the old place

"Oh" Yu Duxiu looked at Fairy Taiyin, but she was puzzled, waiting for Fairy Taiyin to answer.

Taiyin Fairy shook his head: "This old guy is too evil, but he can't say more. You have great luck right now, but you don't have to worry about this old guy plotting against you. Besides, you have all the treasures in your hand, but this old thing is You are ready".

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard this. Since Fairy Taiyin refused to say it, there was naturally a reason not to say it.

Looking at the yin and yang air mass surrounded by the innate yin and yang in the hand of the fairy yin and yang, Yu Duxiu whispered: "You are about to reincarnate, and give this child a name."

The Taiyin fairy looked at the divine fetus in his hand lovingly, and a soft flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Baby, my mother is about to reincarnate, but she can't see you being born. It's really a shame. My mother hopes that you will be able to be ashamed after you are born. If you are like a Dapeng, dominate the world for nine days, scream at the heavens and all realms, hit the heavens and invincible hands, and prove to be immortal, like your father, a single show of superiority over the world."

Having said that, the Taiyin fairy looked at Yu Duxiu: "This child is a congenital god. After birth, he must soar into the sky and go straight to 90,000 miles. It is better to change to a Dapeng."

"Dapeng, that's fine." Yu Duxiu nodded, but she didn't know why, a strange feeling always appeared in her heart.

Looking at the congenital laurel and congenital hibiscus, the fairy Taiyin slowly moved to the junction of congenital laurel and congenital hibiscus, and gently placed the congenital yin and yang air mass at the confluence of congenital laurel and congenital laurel. There was a look of reluctance in his eyes, and then turned to look at Yu Duxiu: "This congenital hibiscus and congenital laurel can guarantee the child's spirituality. After my turn, you must find a place where yin and yang meet and put the child in. , A good growth."

Looking at the innate hibiscus and the innate laurel, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, and the next moment he rolled his palm, but saw that the innate hibiscus and the innate laurel were intertwined, and instantly fell from the Yuduxiu Baihui into the Dantian Purple Mansion. .

"Let's go. Now the human race is up, I will take you to my hometown for a walk." Yu Duxiu looked at Fairy Taiyin, looked at that pale face, completely without the arrogance of smiling arrogant nine days in the past.

Fairy Taiyin looked at Yu Duxiu. The eyes blinked: "We just went out like this, but it’s not good. This is slapping the dragon in the face. I will turn around soon, but you are different. You have to live my reincarnation in this world, but it is Don’t be ugly to the dragons, at least before the immortal without a certificate.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Fairy Taiyin said earnestly.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly when she heard the words, and the next moment she stretched out her palm and filled the fairy tale with a palm into it. Seeing the real fire of the sky and the earth in the sun and stars, Yu Duxiu shook her head slightly: "Since then , Among these heavens, I have only a few friends. But they are enemies in the world."

With that, Yu Duxiu turned into a golden light and soared into the sky without any concealment, plunged straight into the clouds, and instantly rushed out of the sun star and landed in the Wuken starry sky.


Outside the sun star, a mighty energy is always paying attention to the movement of the sun star. At this time, seeing Yu Duxiu transforming into golden light and rushing out of the sun star, he suddenly exclaimed.

"Rushed out?"

The great powers of the heavens looked sideways, even the nine supreme ancestors among the Kunlun ancestors cast their gazes at this time, and the wild demon gods felt a little bit. Countless lights came to this place one after another.

Sensing the countless light that saw through the void, Yu Duxiu stood proudly in the void, carrying her hands on her back, and hummed coldly: "Invert Yin and Yang."

The flow of anti-turbulence. The laws of the starry sky on one side were instantly chaotic, the heaven and the earth were reversed, and the Yin and Yang were out of balance. The eyes cast from the sky only felt dizzy. I didn't know the north and south. All thoughts were instantly hit by a force of rebellion. Even the gazes of the ancestors and the demon gods were blocked one after another when they were unable to defend themselves.

When the turbulent starry sky became calm again, and the great powers cast their gazes at the sun star again, there was no trace of Yu Duxiu.

Out of the attention of the powers of the heavens, Yu Duxiu's body shape is flowing, and the yin and yang are turned upside down, and all his qi and heavens are disordered. As Yu Duxiu joins the three thousand chaos, the jade is the only one in this world. All past information is slowly being erased.

Jade Duxiu turned into a streamer, and the Dharma sky revolves like the earth, crossing a galaxy in one step. At this time, the Jade Duxiu God’s passage and Dharma have reached an incredible realm. Since the starry sky has turned into the human land, it is not young enough. Time is up.

In the middle territory of the Nine Provinces of the Human Race, now outside the Dagan Yanzhou Mansion, a flickering light flashes, Yu Duxiu hides his figure in the void, reverses the yin and yang void, and releases the Taiyin fairy with a move of his palm.

After a year, Fairy Taiyin's face became paler.

At this time, Fairy Taiyin converged, looked at the bustling Yanzhou Mansion, but smiled softly: "Did you live here when you were a kid?".

Yu Duxiu heard the words and shook her head: "No, it's just a palace city. Here I found the remnant from the ancient times, and then washed it with the innate **** water. I didn't expect this innate hibiscus tree to be dead. Jue, actually came alive in the innate divine water."

"Fucheng?" The Taiyin fairy stepped out after hearing the words, and slowly walked towards the mansion.

Yu Duxiu followed closely, and the two wandered through the void, but the whole mansion turned a blind eye to them.

When Yu Duxiu feasted and drank in this Yanzhou Mansion, he accidentally discovered the branches of ancient innate hibiscus tree on the beam of the main hall. Then, when the mountain bandits came, he set fire to the Yanzhou Mansion and stole the innate. Branches of hibiscus.

"It's this hall, still decorated like that, but it's not a human being, and the hall is no longer the hall, and the beam is not the same beam anymore" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly.

Looking at the vermilion beams in the hall, it is obvious that the beams are made of new wood, and they are still full of vitality.

"It's here" Fairy Taiyin slowly said.

Yu Duxiu nodded, looked at the Fairy Taiyin whose face was flushed, and took hold of the Fairy Taiyin's bare hands: "Follow me."

As he said, Yu Duxiu shrank into an inch, but he had already traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers in his breath and came to a dilapidated small village.

"Where is this?" Fairy Taiyin stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the small village.

Yu Duxiu sighed slightly. This was the place where she was reborn. She noticed that there was a gathering of calamity in this place, but she notified the people in the village. Unfortunately, some people were motivated by profit, but they refused to leave. The rich and noble children of the government slaughtered the village, but only a few people survived.

"This is the place where I have lived since I was young." Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, and walked slowly into the village. The village was not abandoned. On the contrary, after Yu Duxiu planted the Tribulation Seed here, it was the result of the Tribulation Seed. In the turmoil of the enfeoffment of gods, people came out ahead and killed a blue sky. Some people even pardoned gods in the heaven, so this small village has become more and more a hundred years of accumulation Yes, the popularity has become much stronger.

"This is the village head's house" Yu Duxiu looked at the house, and there was a familiar coughing sound inside. Yu Duxiu did not go in, but took the hand of Taiyin Fairy and came to a deserted blacksmith shop. , Here he got a three-pointed two-edged sword. It was precisely because of the three-pointed two-edged sword that he dared to rush out of the village and enter the barren woods to hunt. Only then did he have the opportunity to overwhelm Wen Yingji and get that ray of too suicidal energy.

"This is where you have lived since childhood?" Fairy Taiyin flashed a curious look: "I don't know that after I reincarnated, I won't be like you, and I live like an ordinary person."

Yu Duxiu heard the words and looked at Fairy Taiyin: "As long as you are reincarnated, you will not be able to hide from me. I will take care of your body in the reincarnation wheel, help you step into the fairy gate, and then accept you as a disciple.

"I'm going to die" Fairy Taiyin gave Yu Duxiu a white look, poked Yu Duxiu lightly, and then smiled softly: "How did you step into the path?"

Yu Duxiu's smile was stagnant when he heard the words, and then his face returned as before: "The Jinlin Dragon Lord was here to survive the catastrophe, I accidentally formed cause and effect with him, and the Jinlin Dragon helped me to enter the Tao." (To be continued.)

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