The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 920: Words fall in love, 3 demons are horrified

What is most afraid of people who do bad things? .

I am most afraid of leaking my own news and being found.

"This time there is a problem. These old guys can't kill, so what if they can be beaten? Even if the opponent is blown up, the opponent will still be like a dogskin plaster. Yu Duxiu frowned, a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

"Wolf Dongyi" Yu Duxiu said somberly.

After speaking, he saw that Yu Duxiu instantly turned into a breeze and dissipated in the void, and disappeared: "No matter how much, this innate Hunyuan got it all at once, but the task of recklessness has been completed, I just don't know that Fuyao. Did you find what I wanted".

As he spoke, he saw Yu Duxiu transforming into an innate divine wind drifting through the void, constantly catching the Qi machine that Fuyao remained in the air.

The advantage of Yu Duxiu's supernatural good fortune is here, wherever he goes, all the Qi and faculties are all deterred one by one, and then deduced, Yu Duxiu turns into an innate divine wind to come to the door.

But after saying that Fuyao and Yu Duxiu were separated all the way, they were alone in the wild and wandering indefinitely. The kinds of elixir that Yu Duxiu said were not comparable to the worm flower and Xiantian Shenshui, but It is also a rare treasure medicine. How can it be so easy to find? Even if this Fuyao card is in ancient times, it can only turn around like a fly in the wild.

It is also reasonable that this Fuyao Luck Dao is good, and if the quasi-immortal can prove it is the immortal Dao, there are not many bad lucks. This elixir was staggered by the Fuyao to make up for it, only the last medicinal material, Called the heart-breaking grass, the effect of this heart-breaking grass is unknown, but it takes a full 30,000 to 40,000 years of medicinal properties, which is difficult to rise.

That Fuyao was resting on a hill. Looking at the uncultivated wildness, he frowned and said: "Heart-hearted grass, this heart-hearted grass is so weird. Tell me where to find it."

As he was talking, he saw a divine wind across the void. Yu Duxiu appeared next to Fuyao: "Brother Dao takes a break again, but have all these medicinal materials been collected?".

After hearing this, Na Fuyao turned his head and looked at Yu Duxiu, but threw the baggage behind him at him: "All the medicinal materials are complete, but this heart-breaking grass, but there is no trace?".

Yu Duxiu sighed when she heard the words: "It's hard to find this heart-wrenching grass."

"Oh" Na Fuyao looked at Yu Duxiu, but his expression changed: "Brother Dao, please help me out."

Yu Duxiu slowly said, "Because this heart-breaking grass did not grow congenitally. It was created by humans."

"Man-made? Please also ask Dao brother to give some guidance." Na Fuyao looked at Yu Duxiu and said.

Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "It is important to know that there are four realms of three calamities, good fortune, quasi immortal, and immortal in the realm of monks in this world."

Na Fuyao nodded when he heard the words: "Not bad."

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, she didn't know what medicine was sold in Yu Duxiu's words, and how this heartbreaking grass had something to do with the monk realm.

Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "This heart-defying grass is a special method to plant a kind of spiritual flower in the heart of the monk. The higher the monk's cultivation level, the more prosperous the spiritual flower will grow. , The greater the effect."

"What?" Na Fuyao was shocked when he heard the words, but was startled by Yu Duxiu's words.

"What's all the fuss about, isn't it just planting flowers and plants into the monk's heart" Yu Duxiu pouted.

Na Fuyao moved his finger when he heard the words. There was a touch of unbearable in his eyes: "It is too cruel to plant flowers and plants into the heart of the monk."

"Cruel?" Yu Duxiu turned her head and looked at Fuyao, with a weird smile: "That's why we ran to the wild. Use these beast hearts."

When Na Fuyao heard the words, he couldn't bear it: "After the spirit grass is planted, what will happen to the monks and monsters?".

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, she moved her palm, her eyes revealed a faint light, and a weird smile appeared: "If you are an ordinary monk, after being planted with this spirit flower, it will naturally be the process of growing that flower and all the essence of your body. All of them have been extracted and completely turned into ashes. If it is a quasi-immortal, it is equivalent to exploding the quasi-immortal's body once, and it has no effect."

"Since the quasi-immortal has no effect. Let's catch a quasi-immortal, a quasi-monster," Fu Yao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Yu Duxiu patted the Fuyao shoulder: "You are very confident of your own strength, is the quasi-monster so easy to catch?".

"It's with you and me. Naturally it can suppress the quasi-monster god" Fu Yao's face was full of self-belief.

Yu Duxiu smiled softly when he heard the words: "Alright."

Na Fuyao was happy when he heard the words, and then looked at Yu Duxiu and said: "Then you told me before that it takes tens of thousands of years to age this heart-wrenching grass. Why is this?".

Seeing that swaying gaze, Yu Duxiu said with a calm expression: "The age here naturally refers to the age of the monk who was planted with the heart-shaped grass."

"Do you think that any monk can plant the heart-breaking grass? This heart-breaking grass needs tens of thousands of years of blood irrigation and tens of thousands of years of spiritual nourishment, before it has incredible power" Yu Duxiu is There was a hint of indifferent light from the corner of his mouth: "Don't talk about gossip, I know where there is a quasi-monster, and you can walk with me for a while."

As he said it, he saw that Yu Duxiu instantly turned into an innate divine wind and disappeared, and in an instant he had disappeared into the air.

Watching Yu Duxiu go away, that Fu Yao sighed slightly, then turned and followed.

But after saying that the three quasi-monsters, the bear barbarian, the ancestor Tai Sui, and the Viper, returned to the cave mansion of the bear barbarian angrily, the bear barbarian was shocked: "What a **** little thief, not only has he stolen the ancestor my innate Hun Yuan was so angry that even the empty stone was stolen. It is really horrible."

Having said that, the Xiong Manzi turned around and looked at the Viper ancestor and said: "What do you think that kid is from? It deserves your attention."

The ancestor of the Viper walked two steps in the cave after hearing the words, and then sat down on a stalactite, with a solemn expression in his eyes: "This kid is in the heavens. It is a legend. Since the Tao, throughout the past and present, I have never met such a wicked generation, even if it was more evil than the prestigious ancestors of the past when they were young."

The Xiong Manzi and Tai Sui ancestors both showed solemn faces when they heard the words, but the Xiong Manzi was dissatisfied with his face: "Say it quickly, don't be long-winded."

The ancestor of the Viper moved his palm when he heard the words: "This person has only spent a hundred years in the realm of the strongest man in the heavens since the beginning of his practice."

The Xiong Manzi showed disapproval after hearing the words: "It's just a hundred years. If there are enough spiritual things, anyone can do it."

"But what if you say that this person is pure good fortune?" Viper's ancestor's eyes flickered.

The Bear Manzi moved his lips when he heard the words, and then he suffocated his neck and said, "Although there are not many things that can purify mana in the heavens, there are always so few things. If this kid is lucky enough to get this Treasure, purifies but it's nothing."

"Really? That person's supernatural powers throughout the ages, but they have never existed in the past. Even if they are the supernatural powers of the ancestor demons and gods, if they don't bless the power of the law, even if they fight with this person, they may not take much advantage. , And this person has all kinds of supernatural powers, very weird, it is full of tricks, unfathomable," said the ancestor of the Viper.

The ancestor Tai Sui on one side shook his head: "No matter how many magical powers you have, the ancestors can break through ten thousand magic with one magical power."

Seeing the two ancient quasi-demon gods unwilling to admit defeat, the Viper sneered and said, "What if this person condenses the real species of Dao at the beginning of cultivation?"

"What?" The Xiong Manzi and Tai Sui ancestors were suddenly shocked to their feet by this sentence, with endless horror in their eyes. The Xiong Manzi lost his mind: "At the beginning of cultivation, the Dao Dao true species were condensed. , Did you make a mistake?".

The Tai Sui ancestor on one side was also full of amazement and did not dare to say: "Don’t make a mistake, boy, among these heavens, who is not the realm of self-creation, has only begun to understand his own way and understand the supreme mantra, and then he can The avenue blossoms and condenses the true species of the Dao. How could this kid condense the true species of the Dao when he first embarked on the road of spiritual practice, don’t be too funny, you kid". (To be continued.)

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