The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1432: Spiritual Pearl

Under Matthew's expectant and curious gaze, the black sphere emitted by the Forbidden Demon Monument gradually approached the suspended black ball, only three meters away.

Matthew also wanted to know whether this mysterious black ball would disappear without warning like before.

When the black ball entered the three-meter range, its surface began to tremble slightly, as if it was fighting against some invisible force.

After entering this area, the speed of the black ball suddenly slowed down, but it still moved slowly forward.

As the distance got closer and closer, the suspended black ball also began to shake violently, as if it was extremely afraid of the approaching black ball.

However, no matter how it struggled and swayed, the black ball released by the Forbidden Demon Monument still slowly approached it.

Finally, when the two black balls touched each other, the whole room instantly fell into endless darkness, and Matthew could not catch even a trace of light in front of his eyes.

He was stunned by the sudden change, and a slight sense of tension surged in his heart.

In the darkness, time seemed to freeze, everything was extremely quiet, only Matthew's slight breathing echoed in the air.

Suddenly, a cry of surprise sounded.

This sound came from beside Matthew, and the evil beast was standing there.

Matthew's eyes flickered with purple light, and he looked in the direction of the evil beast.

After performing the secret technique, he could now roughly see some vague shadows.

The evil beast was still standing beside him, which made him a little confused, why did the beast suddenly make such a strange cry.

Just as he stared at the evil beast, he saw the beast shook its head slightly a few times, and then fell to the ground.

Matthew was a little puzzled by the evil beast's behavior, and then turned his head to look at the location of the two black balls.

There was complete darkness there, and even if he performed the secret technique, he could not see anything.

In the darkness, there was no way to know the passage of time.

Matthew could only rely on the rune that the ghost clan gave him to record time.

The darkness lasted for an hour.

Then the darkness gradually disappeared.

Matthew had been staring at the front.

When the light came back, he saw that the two black balls had disappeared.

Instead, the golden man was standing at the original position of the black ball.

Seeing this, Matthew immediately turned his head and looked at the forbidden magic monument.

He saw that there was a black rune on the forbidden magic monument.

This rune was like a living thing, constantly jumping.

Moreover, there were wisps of black air in the rune that were constantly being absorbed by the forbidden magic monument.

Matthew wanted to put away the forbidden magic monument, but found that he couldn't do it.

He also noticed that the evil beast lying next to the forbidden magic monument was also absorbing some of the black air drifting out of the black rune bit by bit.

It still looked very enjoyable.

The golden man was walking slowly towards him.

After coming in front of him, the golden man spread his palm, and a nearly transparent bead appeared in his palm.

The bead was not big, about the size of an egg.

The surface exuded a bright light, which looked quite mysterious.

"Thank you for saving me..."

Just as Matthew was concentrating on staring at the bead, a voice that seemed to have experienced many vicissitudes of life and was so weak that it was almost inaudible suddenly sounded.

Matthew was shocked when he heard the voice, because there was no one around.

This sudden voice scared him a lot.

Then he realized that the voice seemed to come from the bead in the hand of the golden man.

Sure enough, with the appearance of the voice, the bead in the hand of the golden man trembled slightly, and in the flash of spiritual light, an old man in white clothes appeared out of thin air in front of him.

The old man's face was extremely old, and his body also showed an illusory state, but his posture was straight and his temperament was elegant, like an extraordinary and transcendent Taoist master.

Especially, the clothes on the old man were somewhat different from those worn by people in the world, and they looked more noble.

"Who is the senior?"

Matthew looked at the old man who suddenly appeared and asked in confusion.

"It's been too long, and I can't remember my name anymore." The old man waved his hand and said.

"This thing is called the Spiritual Pearl, and the old man is the owner of this place. This pearl has been hanging here since it was infected by the evil spirit, and I don't know how many years have passed."

"And I ventured into the Spiritual Pearl to remove the evil spirit in it, but I have been trapped until now."

"If it weren't for the Taoist friend's help, I don't know how long it would take for me to get out of this trap."

The old man obviously didn't want Matthew to ask more questions, and quickly told his experience.

"The Taoist friend should have seen that I don't have much time. There is nothing else to say. Since it was the Taoist friend who removed the evil spirit in the Spiritual Pearl. It means that this pearl is destined for you, and I will teach you how to use the Spiritual Pearl."

After the old man finished speaking, a faint light lit up on his fingertips.

As he moved his fingers, the light slowly flew towards Matthew.

At the same time, the Spiritual Pearl in the golden man's hand also floated up and floated towards Matthew.

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