The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1441 Strange State

After swallowing the spiritual liquid, Matthew's body trembled slightly involuntarily.

He felt a warm power spreading from his throat and quickly permeating his limbs.

Immediately, wisps of milky white gas began to emerge from his body.

These gases lingered around him like mist, emitting an extremely strange smell.

They did not dissipate in the air like ordinary smoke, but seemed to be attracted by some force, all gathered around him, forming a milky white halo.

Under the cover of the milky white gas, Matthew's skin began to emit a faint luster, which looked quite mysterious.

Matthew looked calm, his eyes closed, and he kept meditating.

His body seemed to be isolated from everything around him, leaving only his fusion with this mysterious energy.

As he breathed steadily, a wisp of milky white gas drilled into his mouth and nose.

His breath was intertwined with this power, and the halo flickered slightly with his breathing.

And his mind gradually emptied, as if he was drunk, and his consciousness gradually began to become a little confused.

His thoughts began to drift, as if he had entered a dream-like world.

In this world, he felt an unprecedented tranquility and harmony.

In a trance, when Matthew opened his eyes, he found that everything around him became blurry and illusory.

He seemed to be in a wonderful world.

There were strange lights all around.

These lights were like meteors across the night sky, and like rainbows across the sky.

They flashed in various colors, intertwined together, forming a gorgeous picture.

He tried to see these lights clearly.

However, when his eyes focused on a certain light, it flashed before his eyes and disappeared in an instant.

This wonderful feeling made him feel a little familiar.

"This place is a bit like the strange space inside the purple and mysterious pattern, but the inside of the purple and mysterious pattern is a ball of light, and here are rays of light." Matthew whispered to himself in his heart.

Moreover, at this moment, he could see his body.

Although he knew it was a state similar to the soul, it was different from the inside of the purple and mysterious pattern.

After watching for a while, he slowly closed his eyes and used his heart to feel the existence of these lights.

Gradually, he began to feel a subtle feeling connected to these lights.

This feeling made his soul seem to be strengthening little by little.

But just a moment later, the feeling around him suddenly disappeared.

When Matthew opened his eyes again, he found that his consciousness had returned to his body.

"It's really the pseudo-empty mystery. It's over before I feel anything." After shaking his head slightly, Matthew sighed and said.

Just when he was about to get up and leave this place, he found that the white ring had not disappeared.

With a change of expression, he reached out and gently touched the white ring.

As soon as he touched it, the white ring immediately collapsed and turned into a ball of thick white gas that rushed straight to his body.

In an instant, Matthew felt his head buzzing.

Then, the unused purple and mysterious pattern in the mysterious space also broke.

Matthew felt dizzy, and even his consciousness became extremely confused at this moment.

It took a long time for Matthew to recover.

At this moment, he was lying on a meadow full of purple grass.

When Matthew opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the purple sky.

This place seemed to be in a mysterious space, but he knew it was not.

When Matthew turned his head, he saw that the purple tripod was lying quietly beside his head.

Confused, Matthew immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to grab the purple tripod.

But to his surprise, when his palm touched the purple tripod, the tripod emitted a purple light to block his palm.

Then, the purple tripod floated up from the ground and floated in front of him.

Matthew stretched out his hand again, but the purple tripod flew forward.

Seeing this, Matthew immediately followed.

The purple grass under his feet was very soft, and stepping on it was like stepping on a piece of cotton.

Zi Ding's speed was not very fast, but whenever Matthew caught up, Zi Ding would immediately speed up.

Matthew didn't know why Zi Ding was like this, and the only way now was to follow Zi Ding first.

There was nothing else around here except the endless grassland.

I don't know how long it took, Matthew followed Zi Ding to a huge lake.

The water in the lake was still purple.

And next to the lake was a simple thatched house.

Zi Ding flew straight towards the thatched house, and when it stopped in front of the thatched house, Matthew had already rushed over.

After Matthew arrived, a purple light sprayed out of Zi Ding and fell on the wooden door of the thatched house that looked dilapidated.


This simple thatched house looked shabby on the outside, but when the door was opened, there was no dust in the house.

At this time, the mysterious Zi Ding flew into the thatched house as fast as a bird.

Seeing this, Matthew followed it without hesitation.

The moment I stepped into the house, a circle of soft purple light suddenly lit up around me.

These lights were like a group of lively elves, jumping happily, and then gradually gathered into a huge purple light screen.

Then, the light screen flickered slightly, shining like the bright stars in the night sky.

On the light screen, vivid pictures appeared in front of Matthew.

It was a peaceful and peaceful landscape painting, with undulating mountains and rippling water, beautiful beyond words.

This scenery seemed to bring people into a fairyland isolated from the world, making people feel relaxed and happy.

And when this beautiful scenery emerged, the picture began to move slowly, like a gentle hand, leading Matthew to explore more areas here.

Matthew widened his eyes and stared at this magical scene with full concentration, his heart full of curiosity and expectation.

At this moment, he felt that he had completely integrated into the picture, as if he could feel the cool breeze brushing his cheeks, and even smell a trace of the fresh breath emitted by those green plants.

As the picture slowly turned, Matthew's vision also came to a tall mountain.

This mountain is towering into the clouds, magnificent and breathtaking.

It stood like a giant between heaven and earth, giving people a sense of endless majesty.

Matthew couldn't help but wonder how high this mountain was.

According to his visual estimation, it was at least two or three thousand feet.

The picture continued to move, this time moving towards the mountain.

The outline of the mountain became clearer and clearer, and the details became richer and richer.

Matthew could see the clouds, strange rocks and dense vegetation in the mountains.

He seemed to be in it, climbing towards the top step by step.

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