The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1533 Archives Room No. 3

Seeing the three people standing outside the cave, Matthew smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and gently patted the evil beast to stop it.

He didn't come here to cause trouble for the three people this time, and there was no need to make things awkward at the beginning.

After seeing the evil beast stop, the three people were slightly relieved.

The chief knew that Matthew would not come to him for no reason. This was not inside the cave, so he raised his hand and released a huge soundproof cover, covering everyone including Matthew.

Matthew just glanced at the soundproof cover without any intention of stopping.

"We are still discussing about the Daoyou becoming the patriarch. I believe there will be a result soon." After the soundproof cover was formed, the chief patriarch said slowly.

"I have been in the ghost tribe for several years, and I know that you are not efficient." Matthew said with a hint of sarcasm.

Hearing Matthew's words, the faces of the chief patriarch and the other two were also a little ugly, but no one refuted.

"What is the reason for Daoyou to come here this time?" The chief patriarch obviously didn't want to argue with Matthew here, so he asked again.

"I want to enter the place where our clan stores information."

Matthew also immediately stated his intention.

"Your identity is not suitable for entering that place at present, otherwise how about waiting patiently for the result of our discussion?"

This time, without the need for the chief to speak, the second chief directly rejected Matthew's request.


Matthew also shook his head and rejected the second chief's words.

"There are three places where our clan stores confidential information. If you let you go directly to the core place, we can't explain to the clan members. However, you can go to the No. 3 archive room."

After Matthew refused, the chief did not insist this time, but unexpectedly made a proposal.

"Okay, I just want to see how the information you collected is."

This time, Matthew did not refuse again.

He originally wanted to go directly to the core place, but later thought that it was a bit inappropriate.

The chief and his people would definitely not agree to this.

Now that the chief has proposed a compromise, he will agree to it according to the other party's wishes.

He will plan slowly later.

Since Matthew agreed, there was nothing else to say.

After removing the soundproof cover, the chief called a man and asked him to take Matthew to the No. 3 archive room.

After Matthew left, the second chief looked at the chief with a puzzled look and asked, "Brother, why did you agree to let him go to the No. 3 archive room? That's where we keep our secrets."

"Second brother, do you think he will give up if you don't agree to this person's request today? In addition, this person has a good relationship with the third brother, but he didn't find the third brother but came to us. Don't you think this is strange?" The chief looked at the distance and said slowly.

After hearing the words of the chief, the second chief's face changed slightly, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"The third brother has not come back since he left last time, and the fifth and seventh brothers are also busy. Could it be that Matthew came here just now to deliberately provoke us?"

After pondering for a while, the second chief expressed his judgment.

"Maybe that's it. The third brother is a man of deep thoughts. No one knows what he is thinking. Maybe he deliberately wants to use Matthew to make him do something to us. And he can benefit from it." The chief patriarch shook his head and said.

"Matthew is not a brainless person. He should have seen through the third brother's intention, so he agreed directly when the eldest brother asked him to go to the third archive room. He is taking advantage of the situation and pushing the problem back to the third brother."

The second patriarch seemed to think that he had guessed the cause of the matter, so he immediately expressed his guess.

"Maybe, then we have to see what the third brother will do next. We can't wait any longer here, we have to hurry up." The chief patriarch said after slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air.

On the other side, Matthew followed the chief patriarch's people in the ghost clan headquarters for a long time before they came to the front of a black mountain.

"My lord, the third archive room is inside this mountain. I will open the ban now." The man said respectfully to Matthew.

After finishing speaking, the man immediately took out a token and continuously entered a series of spells into it.

Then, the token shone brightly.

The man stretched out his hand and pointed the token at a location on the mountain in front of him.

A beam of light immediately shot out from the token and went straight to that place.

When the light fell to the ground, a milky white light curtain suddenly appeared.

The light curtain was not big, only about ten feet wide.

"Sir, please follow me."

After putting away the token, the man said respectfully to Matthew and walked towards the light curtain first.

Matthew followed behind.

The evil beast and the seven treasures had been put away by him.

These two guys might cause trouble around.

After Matthew arrived, the man entered the light curtain.

Matthew also followed him in.

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