The Legend of the Immortal Cauldron

Chapter 1589 Human-Snake Monster

After Hunyuan Famu absorbed the gray light, Matthew also found that his vision was a little clearer than before.

He continued to move forward, and then encountered many five-eyed monsters one after another.

Every time he encountered a five-eyed monster, Hunyuan Famu would take the initiative to kill it without Matthew's action.

Moreover, no five-eyed monster could escape from Hunyuan Famu's attack.

All of them were killed in one blow.

After killing a five-eyed monster every time, Hunyuan Famu would reabsorb the black light inside.

The more black light absorbed, the clearer Matthew's vision was.

After getting rid of another five-eyed monster, Matthew finally saw the end of the passage.

It was just that the end was bright and nothing could be seen clearly.

Since he had come here, it was impossible to return.

Matthew walked forward with Hunyuan Wuchan Sword in his hand.

When he came to the end and was about to go out, a strong suction force appeared without warning and instantly sucked him out of the passage.

Under the pull of this strong suction force, Matthew's body was completely out of control.

His body kept spinning and flew forward.

When he used his magic power to control his body again, a silver figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Matthew didn't even look back, as if he had eyes behind his head. The moment the silver figure appeared, the Hunyuan Black Toad Sword in his hand stabbed directly behind him.


A crisp sound was heard, and Matthew felt a huge force coming from the Hunyuan Black Toad Sword, causing his body to fly forward suddenly.

After flying forward for a distance, Matthew turned around suddenly and his body slowly fell to the ground.

At this moment, he was in a huge cave.

About 20 to 30 feet in front of him stood a monster.

The upper body of the monster was like a strong man, with long silver hair like steel needles.

The muscle lines are clear, as if each muscle contains infinite power.

However, this is not an ordinary muscle. His skin is covered with dense scales, and each scale flashes with a cold luster, as hard as iron armor.

His face is ferocious, his mouth is wide, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, revealing a row of sharp teeth, flashing with cold light. His eyebrows are like two sharp blades, tilted upward, looking extremely fierce.

Those red eyes are like two balls of blazing flames, full of tyranny and bloodthirstiness, as if ready to tear everything they see at any time.

The lower body is the body of a silver snake, which is seven or eight feet long and as thick as a bucket. The silver scales sparkle as his body twists.

Each scale is like a carefully polished gem, reflecting a cold light in the weak light.

In his hand, he holds a silver spear, the tip of the spear flashes with cold light. It was this silver spear that attacked Matthew just now.

"Human, this is not a place you can come to. If you don't want to die, leave quickly!" At this time, the snake-man monster raised the silver spear in his hand and pointed it at Matthew.

Its voice was as sharp and harsh as metal friction, extremely unpleasant.

Matthew felt that his eardrums were slightly painful after hearing this sound.

"If you can tell me the location of the altar, I can spare your life." Matthew looked at the snake-man monster opposite and said without fear.

Hearing this, the snake-man monster narrowed his eyes slightly, flashing a dangerous light.

"I haven't met someone with such a big tone for a long time. Since you don't want to leave, stay here forever!"

After saying that, the snake-man monster shook his body and made a series of harsh friction sounds.

That was the sound of the scales on its body rubbing against each other, as if countless sharp blades were sharpening, which made people feel cold.

At the same time, the snake-man monster also shone with dazzling silver light.

The silver light was like a flash of lightning, instantly filling the entire space, making Matthew's vision blurred.

With a flash of silver light, the snake-man monster disappeared directly on the spot.

When it appeared again, it was already in front of Matthew.

At that moment, Matthew only felt a strong sense of oppression coming at him, as if the whole air was squeezed and became dense, making it difficult for him to breathe.

But since Matthew said that, it is impossible that he was not prepared at all.

When the other party took action, he had already released the Hunyuan Dharma.

After these years of nourishment, the Hunyuan Dharma has also fully recovered.

When the snake-man monster appeared less than ten feet away in front of him, the purple giant sword in the hand of the Hunyuan Dharma immediately slashed at the snake-man monster that had just appeared.

The purple giant sword was like a purple lightning, with terrifying power, slashing straight at the snake-man monster that had just appeared.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the snake-man monster, but its reaction speed was extremely fast, and it twisted its body to avoid the fatal blow.

The giant sword slashed on the ground, making a deafening sound, and the ground instantly cracked into a deep crack, and dust flew.

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