Early in the morning, Su Jingcheng was

picked up by his father early in the morning to run, and after running around his villa for ten laps, Su Jingcheng was out of breath and couldn't even walk.

Su Yunxuan looked at his son with disdain, this body was too weak, and he had to strengthen his training.

So Su Jingcheng was pulled by Su Yunyi for a morning run every day.


On the other side

, "Ye Xiu, come and help me control the boss's hatred." Su Muqiu's fingers waved quickly on the keyboard.

"It's coming, it's coming." Ye Xiu was not in a hurry and manipulated Ye Zhiqiu to attract hatred.

Hatred: It refers to attacking the boss to make the boss attack the A player, but not the B player, which has a lot to do with the output, and the output control is not good, it will be OT.

OT: It's beyond the hatred, which means beyond the hatred of the MT for the boss, and letting the boss turn to attack you, is the hatred out of control, generally speaking, M (anti-damage) is to pull hatred, which is the boss's first attack target. High output, skills can all generate a lot of aggro points! The boss gives priority to attacking the highest hatred, but once someone's output is too high, the hatred value exceeds MT, then the boss is to change the attack target, causing the scene to get out of control, and it will generally bring about the destruction of the group.

The monster will choose the primary attack object according to the hatred value.,MT is used to pull hatred.,Let the monster hit MT ot means that there is a problem with the hatred value.,I originally wanted the monster to hit A.,As a result, after OT,,The monster began to hit B.。

The two of them have been brushing five books in a row, but the two of them are like machines that don't get tired, and they continue to brush.

Whether it's to help others brush or brush themselves, they have two purposes, one is to help Mu Yu Orange Wind level up, and the other is to collect materials for the evil to upgrade.

Since the update, the two of them have temporarily focused on the improvement of Yinwu.

Maybe it's the "passion" of the two, even Su Mucheng doesn't know when he goes out.

It was close to noon before Su Jingcheng slipped out of the house.

"Not good... Meaning, something happened at home. Su Jingcheng said breathlessly.

"It's okay, but do you want to take a break first?" Su Mucheng said worriedly.

"No, just rest for a while." Su Jingcheng said suspiciously.

"Wait, where are we going?" Su Jingcheng asked.

"I'll go to the zoo in a while, and then I'll go to the bubble tea shop," Su Mucheng said.

In this way, the two watched the monkey and the lion for an afternoon, and then came to the bubble tea shop to sit.

There are a lot of people in the store, and because of the summer vacation, there are a lot of students, and basically they are men and women in pairs, and there are few single people.

Su Jingcheng and Su Mucheng sat opposite each other, and the two of them didn't know how to speak for a while.

"What do you want to drink?" Su Jingcheng broke the deadlock and said.

"Let's have a glass of lemonade." Su Mucheng said.

Su Jingcheng nodded, then called the waiter and ordered two glasses of lemonade, the waiter was very surprised, but his own professionalism did not ask.

Su Jingcheng and Su Mucheng naturally noticed this, and Su Mucheng was about to ask what was wrong, when they found that Su Jingcheng motioned for her to look up to the side.

It turned out that most people drank a cup of milk tea with men and women, and when she saw this, she blushed.

Then she glanced at Su Jingcheng resentfully, and after Su Jingcheng sent the waiter away with a smile, he asked, "Why don't we try it too?" "

No!" Su Mucheng said excitedly.

Although she does have a good impression of Su Jingcheng and likes Su Jingcheng very much, she thinks that she is still underage and doesn't want to hand herself over so early.

Su Jingcheng touched Su Mucheng's messy hair, and then added: "It's so cute!" "

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