Yu Wenzhou knows that the pressure Huang Shaotian is facing now is like Sun Monkey facing Wuzhi Mountain, once he is crushed, it will have an impact on the future games.

Ye Xiu also seemed to know this truth, so he released the water intentionally or unintentionally, although he was eager to win, he would never let a talented player fall down.

But after all, this is what the two of them think about after all, Huang Shaotian is the kind of personality that gets stronger and stronger the more he fights, if he fails, he will only work harder, and Su Jingcheng, who has PK with Huang Shaotian, has the absolute right to speak.

Every failure will make Huang Shaotian's skills improve by leaps and bounds, and the sword shadow step can skillfully manipulate five, this progress speed Tang Rou cried when she saw it.

"Three-stage slash, upward picking, even thrusting, A, A, silver light falling blade." Huang Shaotian played the moves in his hand while using skills that had nothing to do with the moves.

The three sections were split into three sections, first by displacement, narrowing the distance between the two, and then a middle flip was pulled in again, and the displacement again went around the rear of a leaf Zhiqiu.

Before he could shoot, he was caught.,Dodged by a leaf Zhiqiu's Z-word shake.,The sound of the night rain annoys Ping A to pick up.,Close the distance.,Because the distance is not enough.,So the hero will automatically move forward.,The two of them used this mechanism.,So a leaf Zhiqiu made a block.,Then the flower palm attacked.。

Yiye Zhiqiu's transformation from defense to attack made the audience hold their breath and stared at this god-level operation with wide eyes.

A burst to keep up, the heavenly strike is ready to take advantage of the situation to fly, but don't forget that the sound of the night rain is annoying and there is a three-stage slash, pinching the skill at the last second to dodge the attack, but Yiye Zhiqiu did not panic at all, and used the next section of the stab to release the dragon to break the army at the same time.

The night rain without a displacement skill can only choose to block, and the skill hit instantly reduces the HP by 10%.

At this moment, 60 percent of the leaves know the autumn, and 31 percent of the night rain is still annoying.

The pace of the battle was fast, lasting only one minute and fifty-six seconds from birth to battle.

The operators of the two characters only felt that they were all hot, especially Huang Shaotian's palms and backs were sweaty, constantly tapping on the keyboard and mouse, but his eyes stayed on the big screen.

Return wind style, ascending dragon slash, falling phoenix slash, quickly go around behind him, at the moment of collision with a leaf Zhiqiu, his own blood volume is also crazy, just a few moves are too aggressive, the blue bar has bottomed out, and now he can only wait for the blue bar to reply automatically while roundabout.

But Ye Zhiqiu didn't give this opportunity, Huang Shaotian is an opportunist, he Ye Xiu is not bad, if he can carry the other party away in two minutes, he won't stay to three points, looking at the other party's blood volume of thirteen percent, Ye Xiu used a hundred dragons meteor to fight.

In the end, he won, and Ye Xiu rarely came up to the stage and said to Huang Shaotian: "Let's fight again next time."

Although Huang Shaotian did not have the arrogance before the game, he was happy from the bottom of his heart: "I must beat you next time."

Then Huang Shaotian walked down, he did not choose to return to the team as soon as possible, but went to the bathroom to vent his emotions.

Su Jingcheng had been waiting for the other party here for a long time.

"Doesn't it feel good to lose a game?" Su Jingcheng asked.

Huang Shaotian nodded, he was actually not very comfortable in his heart, after all, he promised his father to fight the best.

"Come on for the team game, but you'll only be more desperate if you win." Su Jingcheng said.

Huang Shaotian was stunned for a moment, and then reacted excitedly: "We won't lose, you just wash your neck and wait for us."

After saying that, Huang Shaotian hurried back to the team, and Su Jingcheng took out a tissue to go to the toilet after seeing the people leave...

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