After the game, Su Jingcheng did not take everyone to the restaurant for a meal as usual.

After returning to the base, Su Jingcheng immediately contacted the housekeeper.

After the housekeeper learned the young master's advice, he turned on the computer without saying a word and transferred the equipment over.

"Captain, did you call us for something?" Chu Yunxiu asked.

Originally, they planned to go to the newly opened dessert shop next door to taste it together.

But Su Jingcheng sent a message asking them to come back quickly, saying that there was a mysterious surprise for everyone.

"Y'all log in to the game and check it out." Su Jingcheng sold a pass, and didn't tell them what it was at the first time.

Lu Liang seemed to have a guess in his heart, he was the first to turn on the computer.

Everyone else stared at Lu Liang's screen, only to see that as soon as they entered the game, a weapon from a friend popped up on the screen.

"Ginwu !!" Everyone was shocked.

The difficulty of making Yinwu is quite complicated, and the premise of wanting to make Yinwu is to have a strong guild as a backer, because only in this way can you get resources among tens of thousands of players, of course, if you have money, you can also buy it in the hands of other players.

There is a good saying, Yinwu is not necessarily the strongest weapon, but the strongest weapon must be Yinwu.

With Lu Liang's demonstration, others also turned on their computers and logged in to their accounts.

Sure enough, everyone has a set of silver martial arts, although the level is still level one, but this does not prevent everyone's inner happiness.

Lu Liang: Scythe of DeathTang

Rou: Fire Dance Liuyan

Chu Yunxiu: Staff Tribulation Wind

Su Mucheng: Hand Cannon Swallowing Sun

Su Jingcheng: Xuantie Heavy Sword All the silver martial arts are made for the player, and Su Jingcheng

also specially made a Xuantie heavy sword for himself.

(The account of the swordsman belongs to Su Jingcheng's private use, while the tiger wolf gunsmoke is a public account.)

(Also, I revised the first fourteen chapters, replacing the first person with the third person, while cutting out most of the nonsense and retaining the basic plot.)

(In general, the awkward plots have been replaced and more reasonable story development has been arranged.)

(When I finish writing a chapter, I usually don't go back to read it as soon as I finish it, because the thoughts after writing it are basically the same as when I wrote it, and the writing is still at the level of that period, so I usually wait for the writing to improve before I go back to read what I wrote before and revise it.)

In the academy, after everyone watched the live broadcast of the league, they realized how terrible their main players were.

But it's because of this that they're even more glad to be able to join the SMC team.

"I don't know, when will I see Lu Liangda, my younger brother joined the Huangfeng team last year because he admires Lu Liang, but he didn't expect that Lu Liang had quit the team." Jiang Shaohan said.

"Then your brother is too miserable!" Liu Yanxue said with a smile.

"Wei Junchi, why did you join the SMC team?" Chu He asked curiously.

"There's no reason, it's just because I want to play professionally." Wei Junchi said.

"Oh, what about you, the king?" Chu He looked at Wang Gui and asked.

"I... I... Be... It's because of the goddess Yunxiu. Wang Gui stammered.

"It turned out to be chasing stars." Chu He said.

"Don't keep asking others, what about yourself?" Liu Yanxue asked.

"Me! Naturally, I came here to knock cp, let me tell you, I saw at a glance that Captain Su was interested in Mu Cheng, and those black fans on the Internet didn't believe it at that time. Chu He said.

"So you are?" Liu Yanxue looked at Chu He with a little confusion.

Who knew that Chu He actually nodded and admitted that he was participating in the selection on behalf of the CP fan, but he didn't expect to be selected.

"This is a ruthless man!" Jiang Hanyun commented in her heart.

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