The news of Jun Moxiao's occupation of the first kill in the tenth district soon spread throughout the major guilds.

Among them, the person in charge of the tenth district of the Xingxin Guild was Wei Junchi, and since Su Jingcheng informed him in advance about Ye Xiu's situation, the Xingxin Guild had always maintained an attitude of watching the battle.

The three major guilds, such as Lanxi Pavilion, Zhongcao Hall, and Domineering Xiongtu, have become the top three in the tenth district in a short period of time.

On the contrary, the Xingxin team, which made a lot of trouble in the realm of the gods, did not even squeeze into the top ten.

People on the Internet say that Xingxin is now a strong outsider, and the strict conditions for joining the team have led to a small number of people, and no one is willing to go at all.

Some people also said that because Lu Liang's contract was about to expire, the SMC team was about to be disbanded, and the Xingxin Guild couldn't control it.

In short, there are all kinds of rumors, Su Jingcheng is too lazy to go to public relations them, but one thing is right, Lu Liang's contract is indeed coming to an end.

He asked Lu Liang what he meant, and he said that he wanted to take a break and see a different scenery.

So, Su Jingcheng also chose to respect his choice, and that afternoon, Lu Liang left H City with Zhang Xingxing.

As for why he took Zhang Xingxing, he understands everything.

Lu Liang and Zhang Xingxing spent the night, their current team lost the vice captain and agent all of a sudden, Wu Bai could fill this position, but the agent, Su Jingcheng has not thought about it yet.

"Alas, if Ye Xiu hadn't chosen to retire, he would have been my person now." Su Jingcheng sat in a wheelchair in the office, staring at the computer, the list of interested parties in each team.

He clicked the mouse, turned the next page, and his eyes lit up and he found an interesting person.

"Yu Tu? How come I am not impressed? Su Jingcheng looked at the face that looked very similar to Ye Xiu, and he couldn't help but be a little curious.

So, he clicked on Yu Tu's information, and the information in it was also very interesting, the main player was a demon scholar, which was no problem, mainly because the content of his personal profile attracted Su Jingcheng.

"Defeat the old brother, tie the old brother home, and be the boss." Su Jingcheng simply read out these words.

Thinking that he and Ye Xiu's appearances were so similar, Su Jingcheng showed a lewd smile on his face.

"It seems that this place is not the same as the original full-time master world, but more like a parallel world of full-time masters." Su Jingcheng said with a smile.

He couldn't wait to see the two of them meet, when the fake Ye Qiu met the real Ye Qiu, he felt that he could watch a good show.


At this moment, Ye Xian was sleeping in bed, but he stayed up late last night to complete the task, so he didn't know the follow-up of last night's incident.

"Whew~" Lan He couldn't help but doze off, and his teammates next to him hurriedly woke him up: "President, you can't sleep, now that you're asleep, you won't be able to find Jun Mo smiling."

After such a reminder, Lan He cheered up, thinking to himself why Jun Moxiao hadn't come yet, he and the other two guild leaders had been in ambush here for a long time.

"President, Jun Mo is on the line." Said his teammate.

Lan He looked over, and Jun Mo smiled and said, "Oh, so many people? You don't sleep all night, do you?

Listening to Jun Mo's joking tone, Psyllium couldn't bear it anymore.

"Bastard, it's not because I'm waiting for you!" Psyllium said.

Jun Mo smiled and nodded, but he held back a smile in his heart, and he said a little jokingly: "You are so sleepy, you can't catch me."

"I was pretty sleepy, but seeing you, I feel better than ever." Blue River said.

"Oh! I didn't expect me to be so important, hahaha, but everyone, I don't have time to play with you right now. Jun Mo smiled and clicked on the teleportation, and returned to the city under the eyes of everyone.

"Stupid, why didn't you stop him?"

"Didn't you stop it too?"

Blue River and Psyllium scolded each other, and neither of them would let anyone.

Yedu Hantan looked at the two of them a little helplessly, shouldn't he go to the city gate to block Jun Mo Xiao now?

Wait a minute? Maybe this was a good opportunity, so Yedu Hantan decisively led the domineering people to leave.

By the time Blue River and Psyllium reacted, the domineering male was gone.

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