The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 176 Return

Jiang Li then walked out of the main general's tent, Wang Gang and other mechanical soldiers followed closely, 30,000 puppet walking corpses were left outside the barracks, and 80,000 mechanical soldiers were stationed in the barracks, occupying a large area.

"The king!"

"Your Majesty!"



The soldiers in Tianshui City saluted Jiang Li one after another, with a very respectful tone, no sense of alienation, not as alienated as when Jiang Li first arrived yesterday.

Jiang Li distributed nearly 200,000 blood-refining pills as rewards yesterday. At that time, he obtained some effects of buying people's hearts, which can be regarded as playing a role.


Jiang Li found Luo Tianshui.

Luo Tianshui inspected the border city wall.

"The king."

Luo Tianshui saluted.


Jiang Li nodded and said, "City Lord Tianshui, I give you a task."

"Please command the king."

Luotian Waterway.

"Build a pontoon bridge on the Jiehe River today."

Jiang Li said, "Is there a problem?"


Luo Tianshui murmured, and then said, "No problem."


Jiang Li nodded, "Go on."


Luotian Waterway.

Jiang Li walked off the border city wall.

"City Lord, what does King Jiang Jun want to do?"

Zhang Feiyang asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask too much."

Luo Tianshui said: "Just complete the task."


Zhang Feiyang nodded.

Luo Tianshui issued the order, recruited 2,000 soldiers, and began to carry the boulders and pile them into the Jinjie River. This was obviously intended to fill a bridge with boulders.

The main camp.

hum! ! !

Jiang Li took out the blood-refining bead, clenched it tightly in his right hand, ran the exercises, absorbed the pure blood energy contained in the blood-refining bead, and refined it into his own internal strength.


This time, Jiang Li felt that the speed of refining has accelerated, and the speed of cultivation has increased, which is a level higher than before.


when I was practicing before.

If Jiang Li was using a wheelbarrow, then Jiang Li's practice is like riding a bicycle, and his speed has increased significantly.

"It seems that the thousand-year-old spirit flower has a good effect."

Jiang Chen was secretly delighted, and murmured, "If I can get a few more elixir that can improve one's aptitude, or an elixir, I'll be able to get rid of the title of waste material."

time flies.

Jiang Li practiced for nearly a day.

Because of the help of blood refining beads, the harvest is not small, and the inner strength in the dantian has grown a lot. It is estimated that after practicing for a few days, enough inner strength will be accumulated, and you can try to get through the third seriousness.

at dusk.

Four troops returned.

After Jiang Li got the news, he was already waiting on the border city wall.

Boom! ! !

The roar of the engine came.


Four convoys came, carrying billowing dust, and the large military transport trucks were filled with a lot of spoils.

on the boundary river.

It was a stone bridge made of huge boulders. Although it was not very strong, it could still be used temporarily. It was much stronger than a pontoon bridge.

The convoy returned through this stone bridge.

Come back fully loaded.

A large number of materials, wealth, medicinal pills, and elixir are filled with transport trucks.


The soldiers of Tianshui City watched from a distance, and clearly saw that the special carriages were filled with a lot of loot, and it was difficult to estimate the value of these things.

"Are these things all looted and looted in Linghuang County?"

Zhang Feiyang swallowed his saliva.

"if not?"

Luo Tianshui said something.

"That's too much."

Another deputy general, Wang Dalei, exclaimed, "I estimate that at least four barbarian cities have been looted, otherwise, there will never be so many things."

"I can't stop watching."

In the end, the lieutenant general Li Qing said: "Also, don't forget that the army that Lord Jiang Junwang sent last night will be back this evening."

"That is to say, it took them only one day and one night to raid Linghuang County and capture the six barbarian cities in Linghuang County."


The other soldiers took a deep breath after hearing this.

"Not just that."

Luo Tianshui's eyes fell on a large transport military truck, and there was something inside that caught her attention.

"Not only the six barbarian cities, but the county town of Linghuang County was also captured by them, as evidenced by the tattered county flag in the carriage."


Zhang Feiyang widened his eyes.

"Really are!"

Li Qing looked along and saw the tattered county flag stained with blood. It was estimated that the mechanical soldiers brought it with them when they were cleaning the battlefield.

"Wang Dalei said in shock: "In one day and one night, six barbarian cities were captured, and then the county town of Linghuang County was captured, and finally returned with a full reward. "

"Casualties are almost negligible."

"Such combat power is simply too terrifying."

The four troops returned to the barracks and stopped in the open space.

"The king."

No. GJS01, No. CQ01, No. CQ02, and No. CQ03 came out one after another, stood in front of Jiang Li, saluted Jiang Li at the same time, and said in unison: "Report to the king, the six barbarian cities in Linghuang County, including Linghuang County. Including the city, it has been completely captured, six barbarian cities and county towns have been destroyed, and nearly one million barbarians have been slaughtered."

"All supplies are shipped back."

"mission completed!"

"it is good."

Jiang Li nodded with satisfaction, "You did a good job."

Four troops.

Not including the information mechanical soldiers, there were a total of 40,000 mechanical soldiers, and it only took one day and one night to complete the task given by Jiang Li.


It's just the loss of 1,010 first-order perfect mechanical soldiers, one hundred second-order early stage mechanical soldiers, and five second-order perfect mechanical soldiers.


The ten first-order perfect mechanical soldiers started the self-destruction program, and neither the second-order initial mechanical soldiers nor the second-order perfect mechanical soldiers did not start the self-destruction program.

A total of 162,500 energy points were recovered.

consumption of war.

Replenishing ammo and restoring mechs cost 5200 energy points.

"Bring the spirit crystal in."

Jiang Li walked into the main general's tent.


GJS01 nodded, removed a jade box from the large military transport truck at the front, and followed behind Jiang Li into the main general's tent.


The soldiers of Tianshui City gathered, but they did not dare to get too close. They just watched from a distance, looking at the various items on the transport truck.


So many items and trophies made these soldiers extremely envious. At the same time, they were jealous, and there was a lot of discussion and noise.

"Zhang Feiyang."

Seeing this scene, Luo Tianshui frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Disperse all the soldiers, what a formality to gather here like this."

In fact.

Luo Tianshui was also worried that the gathering of these soldiers would make Jiang Li unhappy.


Zhang Feiyang nodded.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Feiyang walked over immediately and shouted loudly, "It's all gone."


The soldiers dispersed, some reluctantly walked away.

In the main camp.

"Put it on the ground and open it."

Jiang Li Road.


GJS01 put the jade box containing the low-grade spirit crystals on the ground, then opened it, and the neatly arranged low-grade spirit crystals caught Jiang Li's eyes.

A lot.

There are one thousand seven hundred thirty.


Seven hundred and thirty coins were collected from six barbarian cities, and a thousand coins were collected from Linghuang County. Compared with Jiang Li's harvest in Chilong County, Linghuang County was obviously richer.

"One thousand seven hundred and thirty."

Jiang Li murmured, "It's already quite a few."


Jiang Li put his right hand on the low-grade spirit crystal.

[Found items that can be converted into energy points, is it converted? ! 】


Jiang Li immediately confirmed.


White light flashed.

All the 1,730 low-grade spirit crystals in the jade box disappeared.

[Successful conversion, get 17,300,000 energy points! 】

A prompt appears.

"it is good."

A look of joy appeared on Jiang Li's face.

More than 17 million energy points have been obtained.


The Domination panel expands.

Energy point column.

The number of energy points has been increased from 10079300 to 27536600.

"The energy point has increased to nearly 30 million."

Jiang Li murmured, "There are too many soldiers in the military camp on the border defense line, and there are too many eyes and eyes. It is not easy to transform medicinal materials, and it is almost time for me to return to Daxia City."

"The border defense line must stay behind the army to guard against the attack of the black snake barbarian country."

"And the Qingshan Mountains will also send troops to station."

"Not enough troops."

the next day.

Jiang Li was about to leave the border defense line. He left behind 30,000 mechanical soldiers, and all the 30,000 puppet walking corpses were left to guard the border defense line.


The first-order perfect mechanical soldier.

There are 6,000 combat mechanical soldiers, 6,000 cold weapon mechanical soldiers, 6,000 firearm mechanical soldiers, 6,000 biochemical mechanical soldiers, and five information mechanical soldiers.

Second-order early mechanical soldiers.

One thousand electric mechanical soldiers, one thousand transport mechanical soldiers, one thousand mechanical artillery soldiers, one thousand tank mechanical soldiers, and one thousand mechanical rangers.

The second-order perfect mechanical soldier.

There are 200 electrical machinery soldiers, 200 transport machinery soldiers, 200 mechanical artillery soldiers, 200 tank machinery soldiers, and 200 mechanical rangers.

The interim commander is YNMMYQ01.

A total of 30,006.

"Respectfully send the king!"

outside the barracks.

Luo Tianshui, Luo Yilin and the others stood at the front, and behind them were the soldiers of Tianshui City and the 30,000 mechanical soldiers temporarily commanded by YNMMYQ01.

Boom! ! !

Jiang Li sat in the passenger seat of No. YS01. The vehicle was driving at full speed, bringing up bursts of dust, which gradually disappeared from Luo Tianshui's sight.

"Let's go back."

Luo Tianshui withdrew his gaze, "Don't let your guard down. There must be enough patrols on the border city wall at all times to prevent sneak attacks from the Black Snake Barbarian Nation."


The soldiers responded in unison.

"City Lord Luo Tianshui, 30,000 puppet walking corpses can move around 24 hours a day without interruption, and can be competent for patrol duties."

The huge YNMMYQ01 came, and the nether energy mammoth knight jumped off the back of the nether energy mammoth soldier, standing in front of Luo Tianshui and said.

"it is good."

Luo Tianshui nodded, "If you can help, it will be even better."


Jiang Li returned to Daxia City, and Guo Yi, who happened to be in Wangcheng, personally led the team and transported all the elixir and medicinal materials in Wangcheng to Daxia City.

The two sides met in Daxia City.

"Your Majesty!"

Guo Yi rushed over and said in a flattering tone: "This subordinate can be considered to have seen you. These are all the medicinal materials and elixir in Wangcheng, please check them."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Jiang Li glanced at the carriages. The carriages were filled with medicinal herbs and had a strong herbal smell. He nodded, "Send someone to transport them to the City Lord's Mansion."

"Yes Yes."

Guo Yi nodded quickly.

PS: Thanks to the mentally handicapped dad for the 2000 starting coins, thanks to the starting point Wu Luqi for the 500 starting coins, thank you for the 100 starting coins for Wuye Y You Y Min M, and thank you for the Autumn Rain and Xiaochunfeng. 100 starting coins, thanks to book friends 120515173350769 for the 100 starting coins, thank you for your support! ! !

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