The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 225 Fragments

Chris thought that Jiang Li was a 'human puppet master', capable of making powerful 'puppets', practiced puppet art, and manipulated puppets with his 'soul line'.


Jiang Li is not.

What ancient puppet technique, what puppet master.

Not all.

Jiang Li's mechanical soldiers are not puppets, and they do not need the control of the "soul line" at all. Each mechanical soldier has autonomous abilities and high intelligence.

All the mechanical soldiers just obey Jiang Li's orders, rather than being controlled by the 'soul line'.

There is the most essential difference.


From the beginning.

Chris missed it.

He thought that his ability was Jiang Li's nemesis. Even if Jiang Li had a large number of third-order perfect 'puppets', he was still full of confidence.


Reality taught him a profound lesson.


Chris's screams sounded.

The silver knife light was flickering.

Hundreds of liquid metal mechanical soldiers attacked continuously, forming countless knife lights, falling to Chris, and drawing wounds on Chris' body.

Black blood splattered.

"no no!!"

Chris was roaring and roaring, fear appeared on his face, he no longer had the confidence and pride he had just now, and he couldn't even smile anymore.

boom! boom! boom! ! !

One hundred and fifteen third-order complete mechanical soldiers joined forces to attack and completely suppressed Chris. Chris tried to resist and try to break through the blockade of the mechanical soldiers.

All in vain.

Roar! ! !

Chris spit out a jet-black energy beam from his mouth again, like a laser cannon, heading towards Jiang Li's bombardment.

when! ! !

Hundreds of liquid metal mechanical soldiers melted into a liquid state, like silver mercury, and aggregated together to form a silver wall, blocking Chris's attack.


Chris was completely dumbfounded.

What is this ability?

To be able to change from a solid state to a liquid state, to completely change the form, and to combine them together, this incredible ability is probably even more bizarre than his Chris's soul manipulation.

He even doubted who was the 'devil'.

Clang! Clang! ! !

The two nether energy emperor crocodile rangers have already been killed, and two nether energy sword lights hundreds of meters long fell, and Chris flew out, and two bloody wounds were cut on the chest.

Deep visible bone.


Chris screamed again and again, flew upside down, fell to the ground, and was seriously injured.

puff! puff! puff!

next moment.

Three spears pierced through the air, pierced Chris's body directly, came out through the body, and pierced three huge holes.

almost dying.

at last.

Ten exoskeleton armored mechanical soldiers jumped up and fell from the sky, and the huge iron fists fell at the same time, all bombarding Chris's head with all their strength.

A 'bang' sound.

Chris's head just exploded.

The headless body fell to the ground.

Click! Click!


The corpse actually turned back into a sculpture, and it was torn apart and turned into pieces of black crushed stone, scattered around.


"This devil clone was killed by Jiang Li's subordinates!"

The crowd was discussing in shock.

"Is this the devil?"

Jiang Li walked over slowly, the mechanical soldiers guarding him, Jiang Li looked down at the black broken stone under his feet, and then kicked gently, it really turned back into a stone.

"In terms of strength, this devil clone is indeed at the top level in the third-order perfection rank, and its ability is also a bit strange. It seems to be the power that can control the soul."

Jiang Li murmured, "But he's still dead."



From the broken stones in front of him, a jet-black brilliance gathered together, gradually condensed, and turned into a jet-black spot of light.

This jet-black spot of light was pure black, as if swallowing all the light.



This black light spot melted into Jiang Li's eyebrows.

[Capture a Tier 4 Devil Soul Tinder Fragment (1/7)! 】

Immediately after.

Jiang Li received a prompt.


Jiang Li's expression was slightly stunned, and he took a careful look, "What is this? A special kind of soul fire? The fragments of the fourth-order devil's soul fire seem to be only one-seventh."

"That's interesting."

Jiang Li's eyes lit up and he murmured: "Since the special soul fire has been captured, according to the rules of the game, if I remember correctly, it should be able to activate special arms."


Jiang Li immediately opened the domination panel, and then clicked on the special mechanical service.

[Interface: Mechanical Special Service]

[Arms: Battlefield Commander (unlocked) (3/340 can be manufactured), Mechanical Demon (1/7 not unlocked)...]

"Mechanical monster."

Jiang Li looked at the information in the arms column. Just as Jiang Li had expected, in addition to the battlefield commander arm, there was also a special arm called 'Mechanical Demon'.

"If you want to unlock the mechanical demon, you need seven fourth-order devil soul fire fragments. There are just seven demon cities in Black Prison County. In this way, every demon city should have a 'devil clone'."

"fair enough."

"I originally wanted to capture these demon cities, and now I can collect the 'Tier 4 Devil Soul Fire Fragments' by the way, so as to unlock the 'Mechanical Demon'."

"Does two birds with one stone."


Jiang Li closed all the interfaces in front of him.

the other side.

In the county town of Black Prison County.

The county palace.

Inside the hall.



Two jet-black light beams appeared, and the line of sight drew closer. In front of him, sat a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face. He opened his eyes.

The black light beam just now was his pupil light, almost turning into substance.

"The clone of this seat has actually fallen."

There was no respite of anger on his face, as calm as a dead face, but there were black lines on his face, and the lines between the eyebrows were intertwined, forming a black pupil.

"who is it?"

He pondered, "Could it be that Chimei is here? With the ability of this avatar, it has reached the top level of third-order perfection, and ordinary third-order perfection is not an opponent at all."

"Only Tier 4 can kill."

"If it wasn't Chimei, who would it be?"

"Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit!!!"


The cheers and shouts of countless demon people came from outside the county palace. The tone was frantic, and endless black energy poured out of the bodies of these demon people.


All gathered together.

The middle-aged man with the national character face opened his mouth and took a breath, like a dragon absorbing water, and swallowed all the black energy into his body, refining it and absorbing it.

"It's almost there."

He smiled and murmured: "Just a few more times, I can break the shackles on my body, and then I won't have to stay in this kind of place anymore."

"As for those clones."

He pondered slightly, "Although it is a pity, after all, this seat was made by dividing a part of the soul, but at present, it seems that it can only be given up. However, the tasks of those clones have also been completed."

"It's gone, it's gone."


The middle-aged man with the national character face was worried that the one who solved the 'devil's clone' would be Chimei. If it was really Chimei, if he rushed over, it would be delivered to the door by himself.

to take this risk.

It would be better to stay in the county town of Heiyu County. As long as you absorb it a few more times and devour all the 'essence' of the demon soldiers in the entire county town, you will be able to break the shackles on your body.

By the time.

Even if the red eyebrows come, he is not afraid.


The 'devil clones' of the seven demon cities are just containers used by the 'middle-aged man' to collect the 'black qi', and then pass all the collected 'black qi' to the 'middle-aged man' for him to absorb.

In fact.

Not just seven demon cities.

There are black sculptures in many large demon villages in Black Prison County, but the black sculptures in those demon villages are not even 'clones'.

He doesn't need it now.

These demon soldiers in the county town are enough to provide him with enough 'black energy'.

the other side.

Inside the Black Demon City.

Half an hour passed.

City Lord's Mansion.

Jiang Li refined all the collected spirit medicines and medicinal materials, but there was not a single low-grade spirit crystal, and it was likely that the devil named 'Chris' had taken it away.


White light flashes.

All medicinal materials and elixir have been transformed.


[Successful conversion, get 1,204,700 energy points! 】

A prompt appears.

"Millions of energy points are available."

Jiang Li Road.

speak up.

Jiang Li scoured the entire Wushuang County and gained a total of 48,704,000 energy points. He won Hulao County and gained a total of 55,201,000 energy points.

The war consumed 1,407,000 energy points.

The battle lost 3,000 first-order perfect mechanical soldiers, 300 second-order early-stage mechanical soldiers, and fifty second-order perfect mechanical soldiers. It can be said that the loss is very small.

almost negligible.

A total of 750,000 energy points were recovered.

Replenishing these battle losses costs 1,500,000 energy points.

In addition, I just harvested 1,204,700 energy points from the Black Demon City.


The Domination panel expands.

Energy point column.

The number of energy points in Jiang Li has increased from 17962500 points to 120915200 energy points, more than 120 million, and once again exceeded 100 million.

"Although these energy points seem to be many, if they are all made of first-order perfect mechanical soldiers, they can make more than 800,000, and to make second-order early mechanical soldiers, they can only make more than 120,000."

Jiang Centrifugally calculated and thought secretly: "If all the second-order perfect mechanical soldiers are made, there will only be more than 8,000."

"If you raise it by one more level, you will only be able to make 80 of them if you create a complete third-order mechanical soldier."

"At present, the Mechanical Corps still lacks powerful long-range attack methods. Although the mechanical artillery and tank mechanics are not weak, those artillery shells will be blocked by the second-tier army formation, and they will encounter the third-tier army formation. It is difficult to exert too much power.”

Jiang Li thought for a while, operated the master panel, and then started to create new mechanical soldiers, "Make ten laser weapon mechanical soldiers."

Jiang Li unlocked the 'Laser Weapon Mechanic' last time, but he didn't have enough energy points to manufacture it. Now he has accumulated enough energy points to manufacture this new weapon.


The manufacturing interface pops up.

in the interface.

An illusory figure appeared, filled with countless light spots, and next to the illusory figure was the number 'X10', which represented the quantity to be produced.

After a minute.

【manufacture complete! 】

A prompt appears.

brush! brush! brush!

The illusory figures solidified and the reality manifested. In front of Jiang Li, ten figures appeared out of thin air, stood side by side, and then saluted Jiang Li at the same time.


Ten laser weapon mechanics said at the same time.

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