The Legendary Mech Army

Chapter 831 Invasion


A fragment of the Five Elements of Heaven was consumed and integrated into the Super God Game Legion.


[The mechanical warrior of the Five Elements and Heaven has been successfully unlocked! 】

A prompt appears.


Jiang Li was extremely satisfied.

"Dao Yin."

hum! hum!

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Li began to condense Dao Seal.


Daoyin has limits.

Any way.

Only 'forty-nine' Dao seals can be condensed.

a month later.

Jiang Li condensed all forty-nine Dao seals, and used a total of 49 trillion trillion points of origin to create forty-nine mechanical Heavenly Dao warriors.


Forty-nine mechanical Heavenly Dao warriors appeared and saluted Jiang Li at the same time. There were 25 males and 24 females in total, all of whom possessed the fighting strength of the Dao realm.



in addition.

The mechanical warrior of the Five Elements and Heaven.

Because Jiang Li only has one fragment of the Five Elements and Heavenly Dao, Jiang Li can only create a "Five Elements and Heavenly Dao Mechanical Warrior" that can exist forever.



The crafting interface appears.

A young man with a rough face appeared.

Take a closer look.

The appearance of this young man is 90% similar to that of the young protoss back then.


Countless light spots fill it in.

Gradually solidified.

in a minute.

[Manufacturing complete! 】

A prompt appears.


Jiang Li thought about it.

The mechanical warrior of the Five Elements and Heaven appeared.


The Five Elements and Heaven mechanical warrior saluted.


Jiang Li began to check the basic information of the Mechanical Heavenly Dao Warrior and the Five Elements Heavenly Dao Mechanical Warrior.

【Heavenly Arms: Mechanical Heavenly Warrior】

[Stage: Fifteenth - Dao Realm]

【Number: JXTDZS01】

[Skill: Mechanical Heaven]

[Tiandao Daoyin unit: dominated by 'Heavenly Dao Seal', consumes a lot of origin points, and then uses the 'Mechanical Heavenly Way' as a guide to create a Heavenly Dao Seal unit with extremely strong combat effectiveness and possesses the combat power of the Dao realm force. 】

[Promotion conditions: Cannot be promoted! 】


[Heavenly Way Arms: Five Elements Heavenly Way Mechanical Warrior]

[Stage: Fifteenth - Dao Realm]

【Number: No. WXTDJXZS01】

[Skill: Five Elements of Heaven]

[Tiandao Daoyin unit: dominated by 'Heavenly Dao Seal', consumes a lot of origin points, and then uses the 'Mechanical Heavenly Way' as a guide to create a Heavenly Dao Seal unit with extremely strong combat effectiveness and possesses the combat power of the Dao realm force. 】

[Promotion conditions: Cannot be promoted! 】


The basic information has been checked.


Jiang Li nodded in satisfaction.

It can be said.

According to the division of rank and realm.

The "Follower Realm" that combines the power of rules is the thirteenth level; the "rule master" that created the rules and integrated the power of other rules is the fourteenth level; the power of ninety-nine kinds of rules has been fused to reach The "Lord of Limits" is the fourteenth-order limit.


The Dao Realm is the fifteenth step.

The Heavenly Dao Realm is the sixteenth rank.


[Reminder: To have existing Heavenly Dao arms, you need to consume 'Dao Seal' and 'Heavenly Dao Fragments', and to manufacture one-time Heavenly Dao arms, you only need ten trillion trillion points of origin. 】


Jiang Li's eyes lit up, "This is not bad."


Jiang Li left the customs.

He is ready, and the next step is to surrender the "Heavenly Consciousness of the Great Cosmic World".


Jiang Li's figure soared into the sky and directly entered the universe starry sky.

next moment.

Jiang Li disappeared out of thin air.

Entered the original world of the Great Thousand Worlds in the Great Cosmic World.

Jiang Li appeared.

He looks around.


What caught Jiang Li's eyes was a world full of chaotic mist, and the wisps of chaotic mist were actually the original energy of the great world.

The very center of the original world.

Jiang Li looked away.

It was a gray light cluster.

In fact.

This is the materialization of the consciousness of the Dao of the Great Universe.


Jiang Li's figure flashed.

next moment.

It appeared in front of the consciousness of the Dao of the Great Universe.


Jiang Li felt the fluctuations of the consciousness of the Dao of the Great Universe. Jiang Li was very familiar with this kind of fluctuations, and this was not the first time he had seen them.

Think back then.

Jiang Li almost became a puppet, almost perishing in the universe.


The consciousness of the way of heaven in the great universe world has become Jiang Li's prisoner.


Jiang Li has already grown to such a level.

"Mechanical way of heaven."


No hesitation.

With a thought, Jiang Li directly released the power of the Mechanical Heavenly Dao. The Mechanical Heavenly Dao is invisible and intangible, but it is real and vast.

bang bang bang! ! !

at the same time.

The consciousness of heaven in the great universe world is also resisting.

The power of heaven surges in the great universe world.

Very surprised.

The heavenly way of the Great Universe World is not a mechanical heavenly way, but it is very similar to Jiang Li's mechanical heavenly way, and has a lot in common.

For example.

Immortality and eternity.

Destruction and annihilation.

wait wait wait.


The Heavenly Dao consciousness of the Great Cosmic World still couldn't resist Jiang Li's mechanical Heavenly Dao.


There was a loud bang.

The consciousness of heaven in the great universe world exploded.

The gray light ball shattered into countless light spots.



With a thought in Jiang Li's mind, the power of mechanical heaven poured out, gathering the countless light spots, like countless fireflies, fused into Jiang Li's body.

"This is……"

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, immediately sat in a circle, entered the state of comprehension, and carefully comprehended the mysteries contained in the countless light spots.

"This is another way of heaven."

Jiang Li was surprised.

science and technology!

This way of heaven is called: Technology!


Jiang Li comprehended the mystery of technological heaven.

have to say.

The Heavenly Way of Technology and the Heavenly Way of Machinery do have a lot in common, so Jiang Li's understanding of the Heavenly Way of Technology was very quick.


Jiang Li's body emitted a suction force, continuously absorbing the original energy around him, and integrating it into his body, improving himself.

Not only that.

Because Jiang Li had a quick understanding of the science and technology of heaven, he quickly absorbed and integrated the origin of the original world. In a blink of an eye, his whole body was enveloped by the energy of the origin.

A chaotic dome was formed.

at the same time.

Click! Click! !

Cracks appeared in the boundary wall of the big universe world.

A scene of devastation ensues.

The "nothing" of the "cosmic sea" poured into the world of the big universe, combined with the breath of the destruction of the universe, and gave birth to many immortal "weird".


Jiang Li has already made complete preparations.

As long as there is something weird.


There will be a large number of mechanical fleets descending across the space, killing all the strange things that have just been born, and curbing the spread of the disaster.

Not only that.

hum! hum! hum! !

can be seen.

Everywhere in the big universe world.

Temporary plane passages appeared one after another.

These temporary plane passages are all created by the "Master of Mechanics-Game Master God" after consuming a lot of origin points to link the plane passages of the major worlds.


"This is the biggest mission ever!"

"Can you imagine? The reward of this mission is the source of the world's laws, and even rewards law-based arms, even regular arms."

"Come on!!!"

"The Heavenly Dragon Guild is coming!"

"The Invincible Guild is coming!"

"The Divine Beast Lord will come!"


this moment.

Countless players showed up.

There are players from the low world, the middle world, the high world, the super world, the small thousand world, the middle thousand world, and even the great thousand world.

It can be said.

Players from all heavens and worlds gathered together.

The number is endless.


Because the origin of the world was shaken, the consciousness of the way of heaven collapsed, and the resulting signs of world destruction, and then the birth was always weird, and there was no chance of arrogance at all.


As long as they show up, they will be killed.


If it was just like this, Bai Zifeng would not have specifically reminded Jiang Li that Jiang Li must pay attention to the disaster brought about by merging the origin of the Great Thousand World.

can be seen.

There are more and more cracks in the boundary wall, and there are more and more weirdnesses.

in addition.

Because it is a vast world, the seawater of "Nothing" rushed in violently. At the beginning, the seawater of "Nothing" was only a small amount, so there was no powerful strangeness.


The weirdness of the twelfth, thirteenth, and even fourteenth steps was born.

This time.

It caused a terrible disaster.


A large number of mechanical fleets were destroyed, which also resulted in the death of many lower-level players.

Not only that.

The weirdness in the cosmic sea is gradually attracted by the fluctuations in the great cosmic world, like a shark that smells fishy, ​​rushing towards it.

The weird army rushed into the big universe world.

Disaster happened.

Numerous galaxy groups were destroyed, and countless races of life perished.


"Run away! Run away!!!"

"It's too scary, this is really scary!"

"What is this? What is it?"

"Impossible to win, absolutely impossible to win!"


Countless players were crying.

can be seen.

It was a strange existence that had reached the fifteenth level, comparable to the Dao Realm, like a giant centipede magnified countless times, traveling through the universe, the space of the universe was like the earth, and one after another was drilled. space wormhole.

bang bang bang! ! !

Planets, galaxies, galaxy groups.

In front of this kind of weirdness, it is like a toy.

Even Jiang Li's mechanical fleet is made up of twelfth-tier mechanical units, with trillions of huge mechanical fleet legions, they are completely vulnerable to this level of weirdness.

Tail sweep.

I don't know how many mechanical battleships have been scrapped.

"Dao realm, this is Dao realm-level weirdness!"

"This this……"

"How can there be such a level of weirdness?!"


Several players from the Great Thousand World and the Middle Thousand World were full of horror and fear. They already had the intention of retreating and wanted to leave.


Those plane passages from the heavens and worlds, because of the cracking of the boundary walls, coupled with the strange destruction, have cut off the retreat of countless players.

Follow this rhythm.

The entire universe world will perish.

"Send out the mechanical Heavenly Dao troops."

Qianlong looked at the battle reports from various battlefields in the universe with an incomparably dignified expression. Thinking of the task entrusted to him by the master, he took a deep breath and gave the order.

"Mechanical Tiandao troops! Deploy!"

hum! hum!

Fifty 15th-rank Heavenly Dao units.


Forty-nine mechanical Heavenly Dao fighters, and the only five-element Heavenly Dao mechanical fighter, traveled across the universe and went to battlefields all over the universe.

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