The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 112 Jin Bing's younger brothers

The end of summer is also the rainy season, not to mention the fact that it is close to the sea.

The sky was still bright just now, but the moon suddenly did not know where it was hiding, and the sky slowly became overcast. It was getting darker and darker, and most of the coast was already dark.

But, except for the rowing club!

This place lives up to the name of luxury, and the street lights beside the road are densely covered, illuminating the road under the feet of Leo and Bucky.

At this time, the two had just reached the front steps of the main entrance of Snir Hall.

Bucky stepped on the steps and stomped his feet in place: "The slate on which the steps are laid looks good. The bright threads on the ground are golden threads?!"


Bucky didn't know whether it was intentional or not. He stepped on a step and a pit appeared under his feet.

"Don't be jealous of the rich... You don't have any doubts. We have come this way. Except for the two guards, why haven't we met Jin Bing's other men?"

Snapped! Leo looked at the broken second step under Bucky's feet rather speechlessly, "Aren't you nervous or worried at all?"

"What are you worried about?! Worried that when the door is opened next time, hundreds of strong men will rush over to attack us?"

Bucky smashed the third step,

"Back then, on the battlefield, there were thousands of enemies and a hail of bullets, and Steve and I both dared to rush forward. Now this scene is weak."

Leo:  …

Bucky is well-informed, but this is the first time for Leo to do it, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and it is inevitable that he is a little nervous.

Leo didn't believe it, so Jin Ping only called two polite little brothers to stand at the gate to act as guards.

But where are Kim and the rest of his subordinates?

"Leo, I opened the door."

Leo thought about it for a while, Bucky had left a deep pit on the steps, walked to the gate of Snell Hall, and tried to push the door.

Leo thought to himself: Instead of guessing where the younger brothers of Jin Bing are hiding, it is better to go directly to the synagogue with Bucky to find out.

Moreover, Leo has not yet received a signal from Matt, thinking that Peter and Matt's actions are still unsuccessful.

So, he felt that he and Bucky needed to get into the hall as soon as possible to cause confusion and create opportunities for the flexible duo (the duo had already begun to withdraw).

So, Leo also took two quick steps, reached the gate, and nodded to Bucky.


The door made of unknown wood made a soft sound and was slowly pushed open by Bucky.


Bucky and Leo, who had just seen the situation in the synagogue, were somewhat unable to process what they saw in their brains, and their heads were dumbfounded.

The interior of Snell Hall is resplendent, with a gold-trimmed red carpet on the floor extending from the door to the stairs on the second floor.

On both sides of the red carpet, every one meter, a strong man wearing a white vest and black trousers stood on the left and right. The entire first floor hall, with wide eyes, there were about sixty or seventy people.

Each of these strong men is fatter and stronger, and each has a pistol around his waist. And because of the large physique of the strong men, there is only about half a meter of space left in the middle of the red carpet.

If Leo and Bucky wanted to get to the second floor, they had to go through these walls of flesh!

Jin and what is this trying to do? !

Although Leo understands that this is a good battle for Jin Bing, he wants to give Leo a slap in the face.

But... Kim, are you trying to laugh at me to death and inherit my Eltech company? !

Sure enough, the American gangsters in the 1990s had very clear brain circuits...


One person walked along the red carpet from the second floor, walked through the wall of strong men more than half a meter wide, and walked down. He was a little thin and not tall, so he could move through the crowd without any problems.

But it was because he was not tall, so he was blocked by the wall of strong men. It was not until he walked not far from Leo and Bucky that they recognized that this was Jin Bing's housekeeper, Nordori.

Nodori wore white clothes, and first politely performed a noble-like etiquette, matched with the background of the strong man wall behind him, which was somewhat nondescript:

"Mr. Erwin, what about Erchip Technology?"

Leo didn't know what nobles were or not, and he didn't know the so-called etiquette, so he didn't return the courtesy. Moreover, Leo still remembers Bucky's words, and he has to be arrogant here.

He raised his hand and tapped his head a few times, and said lightly, "Here."

Cold outfit|Forcing should be considered an arrogance, probably!

"Hmph, pretending!"

Contrary to the way he was submissive in front of Jin Bing, Nordori took out the attitude of his big housekeeper, sneered and snorted.

Although Nodori was very strong, he was actually panicking in his heart.

According to the original plan, Nodori's interviews were supposed to take place in the billiards hall on the fourth floor.

At that time, if Leo did not come with chip technology or Bullseye, Nodori could arrogantly instruct his subordinates to kill a hostage Liwei first.

However, now that the two hostages have been rescued, Nordori came to the entrance of the lobby on the first floor with Jin Bing's arrangement.

Now even though Leo didn't have chip technology, Nordori only dared to sneer, and he didn't dare to show the slightest bit too much.

In the face of Nodori's sneer, Bucky was even more arrogant. He took a step forward and pointed at Nodori's nose:

"Don't talk so much nonsense, what about the hostages? What about Jin Bing?"

Although he was pointed at the nose, Nodori breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

What Bucky just said exposed the fact that Leo and Bucky didn't know that the hostages had been rescued.

In this case, Nodori felt that he could deceive Leo and Bucky and deceive them upstairs. At that time, a bunch of brothers on my side surrounded the two of them, and it would be difficult for them to fly with their wings attached.

Thinking of this, Nodori finally regained a confident smile on his face. He didn't answer and asked, "Where's Bullseye?"

"Well, here it is!"

Leo put the black bag he had been carrying on the ground and kicked it with his feet, as if there was a human-shaped object struggling in the black bag.

Nodori stared at the black bag with a condensed expression, a little suspicious: Could it be that Erwin and the others didn't kill him after catching the bullseye?

"I want to see if there's a bullseye in there..."

"It doesn't matter if it's Bullseye or not. Didn't the note you sent over emphasized 'bring your own guns and ammunition, and be conceited about your life and death'?"

Bucky interrupted Nodori strongly and arrogantly, took out the pistol from his waist, and successfully loaded it with a click.

The strong man wall behind Nodori was agitated and pulled out his pistols one after another, and the sound of loading suddenly rang out.

Bucky suddenly drew a gun, which not only shocked Jin Bing's people, but also shocked Leo.

Bucky became arrogant, as if he had changed someone, and Leo always felt that he seemed to have unlocked some amazing attributes.

Nodori is now the closest to Leo and the others. If his family has a conflict with Leo and the others here, it is estimated that Nodori himself will be the first victim.

In order to save his own life, Nodori thought it would be better to trick Leo and Bucky upstairs first.

"Mr. Erwin, I believe there are bullseyes in the bag, so let your bodyguard not get excited first."

Nordori also stretched out his hand to signal to the younger brothers behind him to be calm, and then continued,

"Mr. Fisk and the two ladies are upstairs. Please come upstairs. Mr. Fisk has something to talk to you face-to-face."

The thin butler Nodori made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Erwin, Mr. Bodyguard, please come with me."

Nordori turned around and walked along the red carpet to the second floor, neither too fast nor too slow, apparently wanting the two to keep up.

Excluding the part occupied by the strong men, the entire red carpet is only half a meter wide. Now they are holding pistols one by one, and people are walking among them, and the pressure is naturally not small.

This is only the first floor, and I don't know what Jin Bing's crazy brain circuit will prepare on the second floor.

If Leo and the two of them walked all the way obediently like this, although it was estimated that nothing would happen, it would obviously be a little weaker in terms of momentum.

Moreover, the original intention of Leo and the two came in to be arrogant and to cause confusion. If they went straight up, it would not match their original purpose.

So Bucky gave Leo a questioning look, meaning: what to do?

Leo pondered for a while, and with a flash of inspiration, he thought about it, and he whispered:

"Bucky, you go ahead, don't go too fast, I have a way to deal with this situation."

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