The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 23 Analysis of Super Serum

On the morning of the 17th, Boston.

Taking advantage of the night, Bucky the Winter Soldier returned to the new Hydra base with the plundered serum early, with the assistance of Hydra agents.

At this time, Leo's group was gathering in the laboratory on the second basement floor, patiently waiting for the results of Dr. Zola's analysis of the serum samples.

In the looted box, after Dr. Zola's confirmation, the large and small test tubes were combined, and there was only one serum sample.

Also, the Winter Soldier didn't find the formula for the super serum in the car.

When Dr. Zola knew that there was only one serum, she strongly suggested that Sienna hand over the serum to him for research, hoping to successfully restore the formula with the help of the complete serum.

But Sienna felt that it was better to have one bird in hand than ten birds in the forest, and directly ordered Dr. Zola to take out a little serum first, do a simple authenticity test, and then plan to use this serum to strengthen the warrior.

Therefore, Dr. Zola was very careful when analyzing the samples.

Dr. Zola took a test tube out of the box, carefully poured out a drop of the serum sample, and split it in two again.

Half of it was placed under a special instrument, first through physical detection, and then through chemical reaction to test the structure and chemical composition of the serum.

The other half of the drop was directly injected into the body of the experimental mice by Dr. Zola with a small syringe.

After being busy for a long time, Dr. Zola walked out of the experimental room with a large stack of test reports and said to the few people who were waiting in the hall:

"Good news, good news! The composition of the serum sample is basically consistent with the data left by Dr. Erskine.

Furthermore, the experimental mice were in a good physiological state within 3 hours after being injected with a small amount of serum. I tested the wound healing speed and virus resistance of mice, and they have been effectively enhanced.

The main components of the serum are as follows…

The anatomical study data of each organ of the mouse is as follows..."

Dr. Zola began to introduce the results and parameters of the experiment to everyone, but except for Leo who could understand everything, everyone else was at a loss.

Finally, Siena couldn't help but interrupted Dr. Zora, who was eloquent and eloquent, and said:

"Dr. Zola, please speak human words!"

"Oh, good. It turns out, in my opinion, that the superserum has been restored successfully. Howard Stark lives up to his name of genius."

"Dead geniuses are not called geniuses, they can only be called fools."

With a contemptuous sneer on Sienna's face, she continued,

"There is only one greatest genius, and that is you, Dr. Zola. Doctor, what do you think we should do next, directly start human experiments?"

"Of course human experiments should be carried out immediately. But..."

"What's the matter, is there a problem?"

"However, when the super serum is used on people, there will always be various accidents. We are now in the downtown area, and if there is an accident, we will expose ourselves. I am afraid it is not suitable to conduct experiments here.

And the booster Erskine uses with the Super Serum uses more power than my original hibernation device. Therefore, we need to change the place, and we also need to re-prepare the reinforcement equipment. These all take time. "

"This is not a problem! Bring everything, we will transfer to the 033 base tonight, where all your requirements of Dr. Zola will be met. At the same time, doctor, what instruments and materials do you need, tell Ketal and let him prepare ."

Sienna felt urgent to create a new super soldier.

Therefore, she agreed to all of Dr. Zola's requirements, and only hoped that the super soldiers would be cultivated soon.

"Boss, I voluntarily accept the transformation of the super serum, please give me this rare opportunity."

At this moment, Ketal suddenly jumped out,

Actively want to be the subject of sero-transformation.

Sienna looked up and down at Ketar's figure, then looked at his face, licked her sexy, blood-red lips and said:

"Yes! You hand over the follow-up matters of this base, and transfer with us at night."

After finishing speaking, Sienna didn't know what good things came to her mind, and left the laboratory with a smile on her face with Bucky the Winter Soldier.

Ketar also followed behind Siena with a look of excitement, and at the same time, sneakily began to look at Sienna's bumpy figure.

Leo saw that everyone else had gone far, and stopped Dr. Zola, who was going to work again, and asked:

"Teacher, when I just heard you introduce the experimental parameters of the mice, you mentioned the rapid proliferation of muscles in the mice. Is this normal?"

After a moment of silence, Dr. Zola said in a low voice:

"Actually, I don't know if this is normal. After all, Erskine deleted most of his experimental data before he escaped.

However, the serum recovered by Stark can indeed enhance the cell activity in the organism, and the results of a series of tests are also consistent with the remaining experimental data.

However, I can't guarantee whether the super soldier can be successfully created. It depends on the final result. "

Leo thought about it for a while, and asked tentatively:

"So, teacher, can I see the super serum for myself?"

"Of course! I still need you as my helper when I conduct the experiment. Of course it's fine if you take a look now."

After speaking, Dr. Zola took Leo into the experimental room, took out the sealed serum test tube, and handed it to Leo.

Leo took the test tube in his hand and put it in front of him to watch it carefully.

The super serum looks like a dark red liquid with purple threads in the middle.

This magical serum has the potential to create a super soldier. Leo said that it is impossible not to be jealous.

When completing the mission of Black Widow, Leo missed the [serum transformation body], which is a pity. Maybe, this is another chance to become stronger!

"Mechanical force analysis."

The next moment, Leo tried to analyze the super serum in his hand.

[Analysis... After the analysis is over, congratulations on obtaining the drawing "Thickened Plexiglass Test Tube" and the knowledge "Plexiglas Material". 】

Leo:  …

After discovering that the mechanical force analysis of the opponent's serum was ineffective, Leo tried the [Mechanical Force Insight] skill again, but he could only observe that the serum contained much more energy than conventional liquids and was doing irregular movements.

Other than that, he got nothing.

Leo pouted, put the serum back in the cryogenic box for preservation, turned his head and spread his hands to Dr. Zola, saying that he didn't see anything.

Dr. Zola took Leo out of the experimental room, and then said to Leo:

"We're going to evacuate at night. You can also go back and pack up the things you need to bring. You don't need to bring so much. This time we will go to a base that is no less than the size of the Kapok Tang Manor. It has everything in it."

After listening to Leo, his heart moved, and he said with a slightly complaining tone:

"Are we going to start living underground again? We're not going to leave America this time, right?!"

"This time it's not underground, it's a cave. In addition, we will not leave the United States for the time being. The new Hydra was born out of S.H.I.E.L.D., and we have to rely on S.H.I.E.L.D. to obtain a lot of resources and secrets."

"Teacher, how many secret bases does the organization have? Who are our Hydra people in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"There are many secret bases in the organization, all over the world. In S.H.I.E.L.D., who are our people? These are all secrets. At present, only me and Miss Sienna know, and I can't reveal this information to you yet.

However, as long as you perform well, one day, you will know that I am very optimistic about you. "

Leo found that he couldn't ask any secrets, so he said goodbye to Dr. Zola and prepared to go back to his laboratory to pack up.

When Leo walked to the door, Dr. Zola suddenly said again:

"Leo, in the evening, remember to help me debug the sleep device. Because I don't have time to sleep at night, I have to sleep two hours earlier."

Leo agreed, and then left Dr. Zola's laboratory.

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