The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1010: Outbreak of internal and external problems

Because in the present Tianxuan world, more and more monsters have appeared, which can be regarded as a dangerous current. Even the previous super-blocks that are high above can not stand alone under the current wave. .

It is for this reason that strengthening the strength of the super block can be said to be the top priority, especially in the annihilation battle of the two super blocks. This is a situation of gains and losses.

Although it is said that there is an alliance formed by many super-blocks in the Tianxuan world, this alliance is not very stable. After all, each super-block has its own self-confidence, although the super-block alliances are mutually agreed. Watch and help each other, but if you really put the safety of your super-blocks under the help of other super-blocks, then I am afraid that it is not far from extinction.

Not only the elders of many supermassages, but also the master of one case knows this truth, and even Yunchuan knows the joints in it. It is because of this that he seems somewhat helpless.

"Is that the red fish transformed by the Dark Founder, the reason why the snow did not appear, is the relationship that caused the super-major alliance to crack?"

Yunchuan's heart was startled when he saw the tense atmosphere among the many super elders not far away.

In his view, the alliance formed by these super-blocks in the Tianxuan world will definitely have a huge benefit in resisting the dark age that is coming. The power of many super-blocks is all twisted into one. In this case, it can be said that in the Tianxuan world, under normal circumstances, absolutely no one can stop it.

Just like the two supermass that have been destroyed, the Great Guangming Temple and the Snow God sect. Before these two supermass are annihilated, who would think of the super sect standing on the top of the pyramid for many years, there will be a day of annihilation, but In the face of this super-mass alliance, the destruction of these two super-mass seems very fast, even under the series of relations of the Snow God sect, there is no one month from the attack to the destruction.

And this super big alliance, Yunchuan also played a lot of promoting role in it, is to want this super big alliance to play a role of sheltering the wind and rain before he really grows up, so that He has enough time to grow up.

However, this super-large alliance is also a great threat to the red fish transformed by the Dark Creator. Yunchuan can naturally think of the red fish transformed by the Dark Creator for his own sake. , Will spare no effort to destroy this super big alliance.

Especially after the former founder of darkness was hurt by Yunchuan again in a small world, the resentful words could clearly reveal his thoughts, and Yunchuan had to be extremely attentive and attached great importance to his words.

\ "However, although there are cracks in these many super-blocky alliances, it is simply impossible to fall apart under the external worries of many monsters. This is not in the interests of many super-blocks. \"

Yunchuan murmured, guessing in his mind, after a moment he suddenly looked dignified, saying: "If internal worry is only one of the reasons for this, it is to make this super-major alliance unstable, and that can cause this super-major alliance to collapse, It is very likely that it is an external problem! \ "

Right now, the division of the Snow Gods by many superblocks has been going on for half a month, and it is finally coming to an end.

This division is not only the treasure left behind in the Snow God Buddhism, but also the sphere of influence of the original hegemon of the Southern Region.

We must know that compared with other regions, the entire southern region is relatively barren. Therefore, the Snow God master controlled large and small gates, and the site was extremely large. After the destruction of the Great Guangming Temple in the early days, although the site of the Xihuang has also been affected by many The super bulk is moisturized, but because Yunchuan had already controlled Ke Moxie early, the entire western wasteland has been secretly controlled by Yunchuan secretly, and the other super bulks have not captured much oil and water at all.

However, no one has been involved in this Southern Region before, so many super-blocks have been equally profitable, and it can be said that most super-blocks have made a lot of money.

Yunchuan's contribution to the Snow God's mass annihilation battle this time can be said to have contributed, so the benefits of the entire Heavenly Emperor's Sect are extremely huge.

After all, this time, if it wasn't for Yunchuan's accidental hit and accident, he trapped Snow Chaotian, so that he never returned to the Snow God Master to host the overall situation, otherwise, the Snow God Master, the super master, and many super masters, Even if the Alliance wants to attack it, it will take more time and pay more than the previous attack on Daguangming Temple.

It was only after Yunchuan returned to the Emperor's Sect of Heaven, that he had not been able to find out what he deserved in the Emperor's Sect of Heaven, and had already received bad news. This news immediately made him feel. It sank to the bottom.

According to the news he received, just a few days after the little red fish transformed by the dark founder led the three Buddha lords to escape, in the Tianxuan world, the magic nest where they knew the specific location, Everything has broken out.

The remaining three magic nests were sealed in the Southern Region, Middle-earth, and Dongzhou respectively. Since the moment when the three magic nests broke out, they have begun to expand wildly. Forest magic nest, but also more than several times stronger.

"Three magic nests erupted at the same time, and my previous hunch was indeed true. The creator of darkness separated me and other super-major alliances, and after the internal worry was formed, the external troubles broke out completely!"

Yunchuan's brows frowned, and the three magic nests erupted completely at the same time, which really made him a little unexpected, or that he had never thought that the current creator of darkness would have such ability. At the same time, let the three magic nests erupt in advance.

And this kind of early outbreak, like the previous one, it is unrealistic to form a supermassive alliance annihilation in the Tianxuan world. The power is destined to be scattered. In addition, the internal cause of the division of the Snow God was caused by Disagreement, that kind of hidden danger will also erupt completely in this case.

At this moment, it is only a month since the Snow God Master was completely annihilated. Although the major super masters have received some benefits, these benefits are derived from the Snow God Master. Because of the short time, there is no It is completely digested, that is, it has not been transformed into its own power at all.

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