The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1030: Dove

The Lord Buddha looked at Xue Luantian and Bloodsea Supreme's increasingly ugly complexion, sneered, and continued to speak. At this time, he was quite broken and broke, plus the previous two People have completely torn their faces, so their words are sharp.

\ "Perhaps, there is another way that will allow me to get out of my predicament now! \"

Blood Sea Supreme's complexion was cloudy and cloudy, the next moment suddenly a ruthless expression appeared on his face, and he said.

\"what way!?\"

Xuelantian heard the words of the Lord Buddha, and his heart was in a mess. At this moment, he heard the words of Supreme Master Xuehai and hurriedly asked.

\ "The dove occupies the nest, since I have sealed the soul of the Dark Creator in the other shore flower, so that I can steal its breath, and according to the previous Dark Creator, this Among the three demon nests that have been awakened, except for the ancient devil's nest, the other two devil's nests are all horses and horses, and we can rely on their breath to exchange for these two demon nests To gain the trust of how to get rid of the dark creator's control! \ "

Blood Sea's supreme eyes flickered, as if pondering, slowly speaking.

His words fell, not only shocked and incredible on the snowy sky, but even the sneering Buddha on the distant side widened his eyes, and for a moment he could no longer make sarcastic words.

\ "This ... is too bold, if it fails ... \"

Xuerantian swallowed a spit, paused for a moment, and then spoke awkwardly.

Xue Luan Tian has experienced all kinds of things since he turned to the Dark Founder as a last resort. He thought he was bold, but he did not expect that the blood in front of him was even more daring than him, at least blood. Before Hai Zhizun put forward this proposal, he dare not even think about this idea.

The dove occupies the nest, inheriting the original position of the dark founder, and controlling the original power of the dark founder. You must know that each of the monsters in the previously appearing magic nests is the kind after they have truly restored their strength. Enough to make them look up, and now, if the proposal made by Bloodsea Supreme is successful, it means that the two of them will truly become the masters of the monsters in the devil's nest that make them look up, and the difficulties they will experience. It is conceivable that, unless the current situation has reached an extremely critical level, Xuelantian would not consider this proposal at all.

However, their current situation is really not optimistic. The previous situation of the Lord Buddha, they are all looking at them. Both of their bodies have become subtle in nature because they have accepted the relationship of magic energy to enhance their strength. The puppet body of an exclusive creator of darkness, as long as the creator of darkness has a little consciousness to move, everything they have done before and all preparations will be useless.

\ "This is the only way. If it fails, I will be the destined end, and everything is over, but as long as it is successful, I will not only be able to completely get rid of the control of the Dark Creator, but also become many The master of the monster, the master of all the monsters, has reached a realm that I can hardly reach under normal circumstances, let alone a demigod realm, even if it is a real divine realm, I can touch it! \ "

The voice of Supreme Blood Sea was low, and his face was excited at this moment, speaking word by word.

\ "I did wait, there is no way back. \"

Hearing the words spoken by Bloodsea Supreme again, Xueliantian's complexion gradually calmed down. His voice was not sad or joyful, but it showed a firmness.

\ "Buddhism, although I said that there were many misunderstandings before, but no matter what, I and Bloodsea Supreme have indeed saved your life. Now I and the other three are on the same rope. Grasshopper, only if we work together can we wait for the three to survive this crisis. I don't think you want this creator of darkness to take you away anytime, anywhere? \ "

At the moment, Xuerantian made up his mind and looked at the buddhist lord who was not far away, and said, not far away.

Although the Buddha Lord was still angry at this moment, what Xue Luantian said was indeed a fact. The three of them were grasshoppers on a rope, and all of them were damaged.

\ "Okay, now that I have reached such a point, the old monk is unwilling to make another puppet, so fight for it!"

After the Lord of the Lord groaned for a moment, he grinned and opened his mouth.

\"Wise choice.\"

Seeing the Buddha's expression of his attitude, Xuerantian and Bloodsea Supreme both showed satisfaction.

\ "That being the case, I should wait no later than this. The magic consciousness in this magic nest in front of me has not yet been fully awakened, which is just an opportunity for me to wait! \"

Xuerantian suddenly became the leader among the three, thinking of the great benefit to him once the matter was successful, his whole body was slightly trembling because of excitement, towards this place in the southern region. Looking at the devil's nest.

Not far behind the three of them, the devil's nest was like a spot dotted on a white cloth, and the magic swelled, expanding in all directions.

The supreme characters of the three worlds looked at each other, and the next moment, they walked towards the rolling devil's nest.

On the other side, when Yunchuan and Arakawa Supreme joined forces with the ancient gods to kill the Dark Founder, they returned to the Apocalypse.

Although Yunchuan is somewhat skeptical, has the Dark Creator been completely killed, but the ancient gods in the ancient devil's nest are obviously more concerned about this than Yunchuan, and ca n’t wait to reach out to Yun. The two of them agreed that after digesting the essence of the Dark Founder, they would immediately seek the trace of the Dark Founder, so Yunchuan and Arakawa Supreme also got up and returned.

\ "Sect, do you think that the ancient gods in this ancient god's nest can be used by me?"

The Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven, in the lord's hall, Yunchuan frowned slightly, looking at the Arakawa Supreme, and began to ponder.

\ "Monsters are monsters after all, it is possible to cooperate with them briefly, but with the improvement of their strength, I am afraid that the ancient **** will not satisfy the status quo \"

Arakawa Supreme opened his mouth with an undeniable voice, saying: "Presumably Yunchuan, you also hold this idea, otherwise, you would not try to absorb the magical energy of the Dark Creator after the collapse of the body! \ "

Yunchuan heard the words of Arakawa Supreme, and also smiled. After the collapse of the red fish transformed by the Dark Creator that day, the two of Arakawa Supreme and Yunchuan were also converging at an extremely fast speed. The magical energy, Arakawa Supreme and Yunchuan, absorbed more than half of the magical energy after the Dark Creator's collapse.

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