The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1040: Quiver

This female worm and the magic tree have a huge body, the body is extremely large, and it is also the most affected. It was originally impacted by the void fissures formed by the three people in the snow mess, although it is not said that the two monsters have too much Great trauma, but also made these two monsters dissatisfied with the snow mess every day.

But at this moment, the force formed by the collision of the three small worlds, but because of the sudden withdrawal of Yunchuan, its horrible mighty power was directed towards this chubby bloated female insect, and that the half root was missing. The devil's magic tree rushed away.

The innocent and bloated female worm made a sharp scream, and a few more scars were permeated with green blood on the huge body, which turned into a white streamer, towards the female worm not far away. The nest exploded, and instantly disappeared into the female insect's nest.

And that huge tree's huge crown is because of the impact of the power of the three small worlds. Although it is said that it is not directly hidden in the magic nest like the mother insect, but Above the twisted face on its trunk, when looking at the snowy sky, his eyes were also skeptical from the beginning, and became a little bit cold.

"Yunchuan, what a Yunchuan!"

At the moment, Xuelantian's popularity was a little snoring, and more of it was a little helpless. This time, Yunchuan struggled with a slight injury and pulled them out of the water. Before this, They never thought of it.

However, the effect is also amazing. Despite the existence of the three of them as a world state, the control of their small world is also extraordinary, and did not allow the power of their three small worlds to continue. Seeing a white boy with a smile on his face in the distance, he knew that the other person did not want to use the three of them to destroy the monster, but wanted an attitude. Now, Yun Chuan's goal has been achieved, so that most of the previous efforts of Xue Luantian have directly become a dream bubble.

You know, at the beginning, the mother worm was suspicious of his previous rhetoric. The relationship between the two was equivalent to a half-cooperative relationship. At this moment, with his accidental injury twice With this female worm, this relationship between the two has also disappeared. If you want to recover, it will be necessary to pay many times harder work than before, and it is even impossible.

And that magic tree, although it is said to be a little messy, does not mean that it is stupid, especially these monsters, from the perspective of the snow and chaos, are essentially cruel and cunning. If this happens now, if With a little carelessness, this monster may strike back at any time.

At the moment, Snow Chaotian no longer had the previous spirited look, but had a kind of chill in his unconscious heart. For Yunchuan, he originally thought that this time he could be sure to kill the other side, but unexpectedly it was Become where it is now.

The same is true of the Lord Buddha and the Supreme Master Xuehai, especially the Lord Buddha. Although he said that he had joined the camp of Xuelantian, he was counted by Xuelantian before. Nothing wrong, but because Xuerantian had previously conquered these two monsters temporarily, he was in the limelight for a moment, so even if he had other ideas in his heart, he also pressed those other ideas to the bottom of his heart, and now The Lord Buddha's gaze toward Chaotian Supreme also flashed a little.

"Two Lords, I'll wait for the Supreme Gift of Chaotian Heaven. Now that he has received it, let's go back first."

At this moment, Yunchuan grinned, turned back and spoke to the Lord Hei Li and the Lord Red Fire.

The black lord and the red fire lord saw this scene from beginning to end. The shocking color on the face still did not dissipate. After hearing the words of Yunchuan, they nodded like dreams.

In the eyes of the two people looking at Yunchuan, at this moment, there are even strands of admiration. The previous two people can be said to be extremely worried, after all, two magic nests, plus three snowy days All the characters in the late stage of the world have gathered in this Dongzhou. If they are not careful, it will be a disaster for the whole Dongzhou.

Before this, both people had thought that the collapse of Dongzhou had become a foregone conclusion. After all, even before this, even a single magic nest appeared in Dongzhou, like the black forest magic nest, but it gathered the whole Nearly all the super-major forces in the Tianxuan world reluctantly suppressed them, but at this moment, there are only two super-dynasties, and the gap between them can be seen naturally by discerning people.

Even with the arrival of Yunchuan, there is not much hope in the hearts of the Black Lord and Red Fire Lord. In their view, the two super-blocks can at best give them greater confidence. It is only to preserve itself. After all, even the existence of a world cannot overturn the overall situation.

However, Yunchuan's next move was to centrifuge the three men and the two monsters in Xue Luan Tian, ​​so that the original terrible power collapsed in an instant.

In this case, for at least the rest of the month, a few people in Xuerantian could not make waves in the Tianxuan world. If it was placed before, the rest of the month may seem a little insignificant, but it is placed now. For the rest of the month, it is absolutely possible to change the battle situation, because during this month, all the superpowers in the Tianxuan world will react and rush to Dongzhou.

At the moment, the three people in Xuelantian saw Yunchuan disappearing gradually, their fists raised, but they finally let go and turned into the magic mist.

In fact, even Yunchuan may not know that this time, his actions have dealt a much greater blow to the snowy sky than his appearance, at least the current snowy sky, the killing of Yunchuan Has reached an unparalleled level.

Stepping into the black magic mist, Xueliantian's complexion became completely gloomy, because he could feel the flower in the other shore, and it trembled at the moment.

Although this is a trivial tremor, ordinary people would not notice it at all, but Xuelantian knew that this flower on the other side is now related to his life and death, so he has separated out a ray of spirits all the time. Paying attention to this other shore flower, the previous change of the other shore flower, it is clear that the spirit of the creator of darkness has reached the verge of awakening.

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