The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1057: Immature plan

With the fighting in this period of time, the clear color in the eyes of the Lord of the Buddha is also constantly decreasing, replaced by the unique bloodthirsty light that is filled with the body and the body of the monster week, and the situation of the blood sea is supreme, and the Buddha The Lord is even worse than that. He is the incomplete magic power left behind by the Dark Creator. It is hard to resist the assimilation of the Dark Creator ’s magic energy. At this moment, blood Hai Zhizun already only knows that she simply shots, and she has almost no ability to think.

As for the monsters that were previously bred by the mother worm, during this period of time, it was because of the loss of control of the mother worm, and its strength was not as good as before, and it was slaughtered.

"For the sake of today, we can only activate the immature plan!"

Xuelantian saw the almost sideways situation around him, biting his teeth, and a bit of ruthlessness was revealed on his face at this moment, but he also knew that to continue like this, as long as it took less than a moment to incense, they They will be completely desperate.

"Give me recovery!"

Xuerantian looked at the strong tree that was about to be blasted by Yunchuan and Gushen, and a sneer sneered on his face, roaring.

With his roar, an invisible breath suddenly emanated from the female worm that had not yet awakened. Then, the elders of the major super-majors who were fighting the monsters in the distance suddenly looked pale. Once changed, the breath of many of the elders who are in supernatural powers has been greatly disturbed at this moment.

The main elders of these magical realms can clearly see that after the words of the snow chaos have exited, under the skin, there are many bumps and cubs rising and falling under their skin, like In its skin, there are countless small bugs.

And the elders of these supernatural powers turned pale and bloodless one by one. It seemed that the moment when the little bugs appeared from their skin, they had absorbed most of the blood in their bodies.

Each of the elders of these supernatural powers is extremely powerful, but at this moment, just a few breaths of time, the vitality of these giants has disappeared, many of them Has become like a dead body.

There are also some elders in the magical realm. There are not many rugged worm eggs under the body, so the disappearance of the power of blood and blood should be slowed down, so that the spirits can escape, and all the faces are exposed. It was shocking.

After the spirits of the elders of these supernatural powers escaped, the flesh of these main elders appeared with a twisted smile on their faces, and they suddenly shot towards those supernatural realms around them. After their bodies exploded, countless small flying within the body. The insects scattered and smashed toward the elders in all directions.

In an instant, more than a dozen principal elders were directly injured, and even a few low-level principal elders had no time to escape, and were immediately eaten by the small flying bugs that suddenly emerged from their bodies.


There were also several tragic changes in the appearance of the elder elders in the middle of the miraculous state, but after seeing this sudden scene, one by one immediately responded, and the spirits broke away from the flesh directly, but although their reaction speed was fast, but On top of the detached spirit, there are already potholes, with numerous holes, like trees that have been eaten by insects.

"not good!"

This sudden scene suddenly changed the face of many supreme figures in the world such as the Lord of Black Li, and shot one by one to prevent this from happening. The faces of the Lord of Black Li and the Lord of the Red Fire were extremely ugly. Of these chief elders parasitized by small bugs, most of them are the chief elders of these two super dynasties, and the chief elders who did not even escape the spirits are also the two super dynasties. Being there.

As for the other main super elders, although the worm eggs have also erupted in their bodies, the situation is much lighter than their two super dynasties. Many of the main elders have even been suppressed.

"How is this going!"

At this moment, the face of the Lord of Red Fire became extremely ugly. The whole body was snoring. Only this round of worm eggs erupted, so that the principal elder who came here within the dynasty lost 50% directly. As many as possible, although most of the remaining spirits escaped, they were also potholes and lost their fighting power.

"Oh, what's going on? Red Fire Lord, you are also a veteran of the veteran world, how can you ask such a stupid question, do you think that the elders of the two of your dynasties came in and out There is no cost in investigating the news of the mother god's nest? Every time you enter, these eggs have been parasitized by the mother insect, hateful, hateful! I didn't want to expose it so soon, because these eggs As long as you are mature, you can replace all these elders, and then it will be easy to subvert your entire super block! "

Xuerantian sneered, his face was haggard, and his voice had a strong regret and hatred. Under normal circumstances, this is one of his biggest back-hands. It has been set for a long time, and it will erupt when it is critical. Paradise, all the super-blocks will fall under his control, but now, because of the threat of Yunchuan, his biggest backstop has to erupt in advance.

After hearing the words of the snow chaos, the Lord of the Red Fire understood why this happened, and the Lord of the other supermass also knew exactly what happened, the two major black dragon dynasties and the red fire dynasty. Because the dynasty was in Dongzhou, the main elders who entered the mother's devil's nest were also the most. Therefore, they had the most infected eggs, and the other main super elders came later because they arrived later, although the same I have also entered the mother god's devil's nest, but the number and time are less than those of the two super dynasties, so that the elders of these subjects can survive after the soul escapes.

"Hehe, Lord Lihe, Lord Redfire, do you still stay here? I wonder if there are any elders who have returned to stay in your dynasty?"

Just then, sneer appeared on Xuerantian's face, and he continued to speak to the Lord of Black Li and the Lord of Red Fire, with a mockery in his voice.

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