The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1059: haha, really?

The snowless days, which had to be exposed in advance, has changed the strength comparison between the two directly, making the previous good situation disappear.

In this case, the ancient **** who had regarded both the female and the magic tree as things in the sac was directly vomiting blood by Qi, which made him difficult to accept.

However, Yunchuan beside him didn't have any annoyance on his face, which made the ancient god's heart secretly surprised. Although he said that he didn't get the biggest benefit this time, he recovered a little. Xiuwei ’s efforts, and Yunchuan ’s great efforts, which fell short of it, can be said to be completely lost.

Although it is said that those who have left and rushed back to the world exist, one by one, they are anxious, but except for the several super stupids that are closer to Dongzhou, the other super stupids come back one at a time, at least also It will take several days. Then, not only will the Lord Buddha and Xue Luantian and the three of them be able to fully recover, the mother worm will also get rid of the threat of the sword light that Yunchuan had previously, and all of them will return to the heyday. .

Yunchuan said lightly, saying, "Xue Lao Gui, I didn't look down on you. According to my previous understanding of you, based on your temperament and mind, this series of arrangements, I am afraid that you could not have been arranged before, According to my speculation, although you have already trapped the spirit of the Dark Creator, but the spirit of the Dark Creator has also affected you. Perhaps you do not need the Spirit of the Dark Creator to break through and you will directly Become the second creator of darkness. "

"A bullshit!"

Yunchuan's opening immediately made the previous ridicule disappeared on the snowy sky, and his eyes widened. After a moment, he sneered, saying, "I want you this way to shake my mind. It's a pity, unfortunately, if you still have great ability today, you can't do anything about me anymore, you are destined to fool the bamboo basket! "

"haha, really?"

However, at this moment, Yunchuan's small world changed from virtual to real, and he suddenly suppressed the front.

Although the barrier of the tree wall formed by the magic tree prevented Yunchuan's small world from completely penetrating for a while, the projection of the small world through it was more solid than the previous one. Reality is almost universal.

With these small world-like projections, from the spread of these small world projections, we can clearly see that there is a rose flower that blooms at this moment, gorgeous and beautiful.

At the moment when these rose-red flowers appeared, Xueliantian's complexion changed greatly. In front of him, it seemed that he was being dragged for this reason. A withered flower seemed to emerge from the void, looming. stand up.

This withered flower is exactly the other flower that was used to seal the darkness of the creator of darkness. The other flower was just one of the flowers that was previously taken from the bridge. The flower, which has lost its support from the rhizome, is withering at a constant rate.

It is for this reason that the previous snowy days will be extremely urgent, because as long as this flower on the other side is completely withered, the soul of the creator of darkness will also be unable to trap it and let it break out, but because of this A flower on the other side is of great importance, so he has kept this flower on the other side strictly and did not dare to let it have any accidents, but the current flower on the other side is due to Yunchuan ’s The traction of the other bank flower emerged by itself.

Kaka Kaka Kaka!

When the other bank flower in the snowy sky was exposed to the air, a series of cracking sounds were emitted on it, just like delicate porcelain, because it was cracked because it had just been exposed to the air.

"How is this possible, Yunchuan, in your small world, how could you grow a flower on the other side!"

Xuelantian's complexion changed so much that he never thought that Yunchuan would have a plant on the other side of the flower, let it and his withered flower on the other side, if he also got the seeds of the other side of the flower, forming a plant, then It is impossible to have such a situation of pulling, and now, what he has is only a withered flower, but Yunchuan's is a whole plant, and the situation that appears in comparison between the two should be taken for granted. .

"court death!"

The Blood Sea Supreme and the Lord of the Buddha saw this scene not far from the snow chaos. It was also a big change. The snow chaos was used to seal the flower on the other side that trapped the spirit of the dark creator. It can be said that they were three. The root of human life, if there is a problem with this withered flower on the other shore, it will not only be a problem in the snowy sky, but the two of them will not be spared. Yunchuan's actions will naturally surprise the two people. Angry again.

The golden Buddha kingdom and the endless sea of ​​blood, and the ice and snow kingdom came out at this moment. Suddenly, Yunchuan that had invaded the small world on the other side of the tree wall was cast out. The wall of the tree formed by the magic tree blocks, Yunchuan can only project the small world and cannot let a part of the real small world come. In this way, in the face of the existence of the three worlds such as the snowy sky and the like, Small world, there is nothing to catch.

"It's snowy, why is your complexion so ugly? There is nothing unhappy. Speak out and listen, we can be happy."

Yunchuan laughed, looking at Xue Luantian at this moment, which had become extremely ugly, and smiled.

Xuelantian's complexion was blue, and he forcibly put away the withered flower that had already had several cracks. The whole body was shaking with anger, pointing at Yunchuan for a moment.

Although it is said that the plant on the other side of Yunchuan has only taken a few breaths, but under the effect of the mutual traction between them, the damage of the other side flower in his hand has been increased by four or five. There are so many. Corresponding to this, the Dark Creator, the soul that was trapped in the withered flower on the other side, has been regaining consciousness a lot faster. The previous consciousness had a stronger influence on him.

"What a weird plant, this is a completely different breath ..."

The ancient **** looked at the other flower in the Yunchuan small world, and after seeing the scene of the genius, his face also showed a daunting color that was hard to conceal. It was such a flower that looked insignificant. Let the Dark Creator, his previously extremely dreaded existence, be controlled by the former slaves, and the dove occupy the nest.

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