The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1066: Silly cute

The Lord Buddha's voice was hoarse, and he said, "What's going on, why did I wait for the magical tempering method I obtained earlier? \"

Although it was originally said that the appearance of the other shore flower surprised the two Lord Buddhas, but because they knew that they had obtained the magic gas training to remove the evil reasons, they felt that they had some confidence in them and determined that they could be the creators of darkness. When the spirits of God escaped from the trap, they removed the hidden dangers from them, so that the creators of darkness could no longer control them.

But now, they have discovered that the magical tempering method they had previously obtained turned out to be a scam. In this case, it is natural to imagine the blow to their triad.

\ "Oh, I'm so stupid as to be a cute three slaves, you just found out now, don't you think it's too late? \"

I have n’t waited for the words of the three Lord Buddhas to respond. On the flower that is becoming more and more beautiful, the sound of teasing came out in the slow rotation, and everyone who was there It is very familiar, it is exactly the voice of the creator of darkness.

\ "What do you mean! \"

At the moment when the voice of the Dark Founder came out of this flower, the Supreme Master of Blood and the Buddha suddenly looked like a cat stepped on its tail. His face changed greatly, and his voice opened sharply.

The voice of the creator of darkness from that other shore flower means that the other shore flower can no longer seal the spirit of the creator of darkness, which means that it is no longer in its former state of sleep, It really threatened them.

Coupled with Xue Luan Tian's previous efforts, the method to eliminate the hidden dangers of magic and anger from the mother insect turned out to be a scam. These people also lost the biggest place of reliance, even Xue Luan Tian, They are extremely ugly looking to spur their own small world, and are still making final efforts to seal the spirit of the Dark Creator again.


There was a sway in the void, and then, a small red fish-like projection emerged from the void, with a joke in his eyes, watching the movement of the snow in the sky.

\ "It's useless, snowy days, your actions, after all, just make a wedding dress for me, you probably did not think that although this other flower has strange powers, it can actually seal me for a short time. Sleepy, but that ’s just because I was n’t prepared. I have already been assimilated. \ "

With his words, the other shore flower that was being reclaimed by Xuerantian suddenly burst into light, and the red light burst into shock, letting Xuelantian suffer a severe blow, recoil, and spit blood in his mouth.

The other flower that he had previously controlled is amazingly completely assimilated by the Dark Creator during this period of time and turned into his own treasure. Not only can he no longer play a role in enclosing the Dark Founder, it also turns snow into confusion. Wrecked.


Xuerantian vomited blood from his mouth, and there was horror on his face, and a loud roar was heard. Then, his hands suddenly tore the void, and he was about to run away.

The Lord Buddha and Supreme Master Xuehai didn't say a word, and the current situation was so abrupt that they couldn't even raise other thoughts in their hearts, tearing the void one by one.

All the backhands in the snow mess days have obviously failed, and the resurgence of the creators of darkness is inevitable. In this case, the three of them have no capital to compete with, let alone, there is a black distant The Lord and many other world-class figures are jealous. The three of them can be said to have failed.

Tear it!

However, just when the three of them just wanted to tear the void, suddenly all the roots in the void torn by them spread, and in a moment, the torn roots had been re-established. Heal.

\ "How come! Magic tree, you!"

The snowy sky wants to escape from the void, but the many roots of the devil tree have spread to countless positions in the void, making this void, now suddenly extremely strong, they wanted to tear the void. The escape method has become impossible.

The most important point is that the two of them had previously used this magic tree as their backhand, but now, their backhand has betrayed them without hesitation, even from this point of view At the beginning, this magic tree was intended to betray them. The roots of those magic trees are densely embedded in the void, and if they were laid out when the creators of darkness appeared, there would be no way to make this void so strong or even make them The existence of these worlds in the later stages cannot be torn apart, and only by counting them from the beginning can this be done, so that all their crises can be accommodated together.

"Oh, it's so silly and cute, snow is messy, you think you are insane. Until now, haven't you discovered that both the mother and the magic tree have not been conquered by you from the beginning, but It ’s nothing but a snake, and sad, sad mortals want to wield the wisdom of the devil! "

The red fish transformed by the Dark Founder is now exposed in the void, and he speaks, his voice is not sick, and with the opening of the Dark Founder, the complexion of the snow chaos and the Lord of the Buddha also becomes more and more complex. The harder it was, the more it turned out to be ashes.

"No, no! The Dark Creator, you are cheating on me. If you have been in control of the situation for a long time, why do n’t you just take the shot at the first moment of awakening and kill me and the three of you. right now!"

Blood Sea Supreme looked bleak, suddenly thought of something, and sneered suddenly.

His words were open, the original bleak snow messy sky and the Buddha's eyes widened, as if he had caught the life-saving straw, and noticed the suspiciousness.

"It's ridiculous, do you think that there is still a chance of turning over now? I might as well tell you that the reason why the three of you have lived so long after offending me is because the body of the three of you In this period of time, I have transformed into an avatar that suits me as much as possible. It ’s snowy and chaotic. Previously, you worked hard and exhausted the means to eliminate the magic qi from the mother's hand. The method of qi and evil is to make the magic qi control you more thoroughly and make it more suitable for transformation. Oh, thanks to your cooperation, let me break down again after being born again, so I have three The best physical body, unfortunately, when I was first born again, I had to use one of the most common small fish in the North Sea as my own body, unless I got more blood of my deity, It's hateful to always take this ordinary fish as your true body! "

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