The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1080: Kill Two Demon

And that ancient **** has become the broken body of the corpse directly. His devil's nest exploded, and the damage to himself was extremely horrible. Although he was lucky to save his life, the breath on his body became extremely incomparable. Weakened, so many of the corpses could not be fused again, and there were even multiple corpses.


The moment the screaming soul of the Dark Founder wanted to re-consolidate, suddenly at this moment, there were three incredibly gorgeous and terrifying sword lights, condensing from a distance, condensing At the moment it was created, it absorbed many forces from all corners of the earth and earth, which made these sword lights rise in the wind. In a short time, it was like a clear sky, and fell towards the broken soul of the creator of darkness. .

The small world on the other side of Yunchuan was also suppressed at this moment. The flower on the other side of the river also burst out, forming a sea of ​​flowers on the other side, a strange red, gorgeous and heart-breaking.

In this sea of ​​flowers on the other side, there is a force that seems to be rippling. When it appeared, the founder of the darkness has begun to tremble because of the ancient god's nest bursting. The original tremor began to appear. The spirit of the Dark Creator is condensing at a very fast speed, but because of the appearance of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, it is the speed at which it condenses. At this moment, it has directly reduced by 40% to 50%, and can only watch the three Already full of sword lights came crashing.

There are three sword lights with thousands of feet, each of which has an incomparable horror power. The three sword lights cover a large area directly into it. It is better to say that it is not a sword light. Jianguang fell, as if it were heaven-falling, and shattered the many broken spirits of the founder of darkness into it.


A series of horrific bursts of cracking sounds came from under the three sword lights. It can be clearly seen that under these three sword lights, the tiny water droplets formed by the rupture of the soul of the Dark Creator, all one by one. Surprisingly crushed and crushed by this horrible force, this crushing is not just a simple crush, but a fundamental destruction. Those broken spirits are directly exiled to the deepest part of time and space. .

The creators of the darkness, the Lord of the Buddha, and the spirits of the three people in Xuelantian were originally united together, but after being overthrown by the horrible sword light, they suddenly made three distinct screams, one after another. Escaped.

The three sword lights of Yunchuan can be said to be almost indiscriminate attacks. If this huge spirit is not injured by the explosion of the ancient god's nest, then the three sword lights of Yunchuan may not rise much. Function, but now it has been hit hard by the explosion of the ancient devil's nest, allowing many of the defenses formed by the chaotic airflow to dissipate, but now this spirit in a dispersed state is like a lamb to be slaughtered.


The three horrible sword lights of the heavens and the earth are rolling like a huge grinding disc. The creators of darkness, the Lord of the Buddha, and the Supreme Master of Chaos are smashed by the spirits that come and go, drop by drop.

Containing violent and painful roars and growls, the creators of darkness roared and hissed, but without the chaotic body and being torn apart, no matter how they struggled, they could not escape the crushed fate.

"This war is long enough, it's time to end ..."

Yunchuan sighed, but Zhan Zhan's light emerged from the black and white eyes. The place where God's light passed, strengthened the three terrifying sword lights again.

The magic tree was besieged by the existence of many worlds, and it was already in danger, and it could no longer be considered here. The female insect was previously blown off half of the body and the remaining half in the self-detonation of the ancient god's nest. The body has been hidden in the depths of the mother's devil's nest, and dare not show the slightest appearance. Even, the mother's devil's nest is now gradually hiding in the void.

Under the fear of the Dark Creator and the fear of death, the fear of death finally overwhelmed the fear and compliance of the Dark Creator, and this female worm with only half of her body began to prepare to escape.

Now, for the mother insect, it is also the best time to escape. All the strength of Yunchuan has been invested in the soul of the Dark Creator, and many world-class figures are annihilating the demon tree. The ancient **** who had previously exploded his own ancient devil's nest was also because of the demon's self-explosion, so his strength was greatly diminished. He is still in serious injury, and there is no force to stop him from escaping.

The mother's devil's nest began to fade slowly, disappearing into the void, and on the huge group of spirits, the figure of the red fish transformed by the dark founder, the shape of Xuerantian , And the figure of the Lord Buddha, all appeared one after another under the rolling of those three sword lights. The painful colors that could not be concealed were revealed on each face. When I saw the female worm in the mother's nest, she began After preparing to escape, the faces of both the Lord Buddha and Xue Liantian showed despair.

"Yunchuan child, today you do n’t leave me a way to live, and staying in my true body in the future will surely make you fall into Jiuyou Hell, eternal life will not be able to escape, letting you die better, day and night Ye was tortured by horrible horror! "

The fragmented spirits all made sharp and harsh sounds. With the spread of this sound, the void in all directions was suddenly made. At this moment, the temperature dropped by dozens of degrees from the air, and a gust of wind fluttered. Come, like the most severe curse, haunts everyone's heart.

"Hehe, the creator of darkness, at this moment you still don't forget to say ruthless words, but you can't see the scene you said!"

Yunchuan sneered, facing such a curse-like voice, unmoved at all, with a dull look, slowly speaking.

With his opening, those three absorbing the vitality in all directions have become like the light of the three heavenly pillars, but with his opening, the intensity of the rolling has increased a lot again, letting many souls The missing fish in the net also gradually became nihilistic.

In addition, within the Yunchuan small world, the traction of the other shore flowers has made these ghosts that have become fragments nowhere to hide. One by one, they have been completely crushed, and a large part has also been absorbed by the other shore flowers. Nutrient of a flower on the other shore.

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