The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1084: Qinger, marry me

"Hehe, this is a matter for young people, it still depends on their wishes, but the old man himself still hopes to see this scene."

At the moment, Arakawa Supreme heard many voices around her, and her face also had a happy look. He hesitated, immediately remembered something, and sighed again, saying, "However, if Yunchuan and Yunqinger are able to combine, old man. It's also very comforting. Elder Qinger's talents are also quite good. Alas, the wife of the old man, because the martial arts talent is insufficient, and the old man's life is too different, the old man can not help but look at his wife. Gradually aging, and eventually turned into a section of loess ... "

He sighed, his voice came out, and the presence of several world-class figures in the world showed a gloomy face. Obviously, he was also touched by the words of Arakawa Supreme, and he felt the same.

The supreme existence of these worlds exists, and each of the Shouyuans has at least nearly 10,000 years. In this case, even if there is a lover, it will eventually become one because of the large gap between Shouyuans. Dissecting the loess, it is difficult to find fellows of the same state and the same life.

Not only the world, but also many elders who are supernatural, even honorable figures who practice the realm, have the same distress. Once the martial arts of the priests are unable to go hand in hand with themselves, one party is destined to be sad.

From the present point of view, although Yunchuan's talents are extremely bad, Yun Qing'er can also go hand in hand with it, making many world-class supreme figures somewhat envious, but the relationship between the two has not yet It was pointed out that it made Regal Arakawa's eyes a little regrettable. Yunchuan's thoughts also understood that in his view, if it were not for the past few years, the Tianxuan world has been turbulent and unrest, let Yunchuan release all his mind In improving their strength, I am afraid that the two have already become a pair of immortals. "

"Qinger, I said earlier that if this time the devil exploded and I didn't fall into it, I would marry you as a wife, Qinger, would you be my prince?"

However, just as the Arakawa Supreme sighed secretly, the soft and serious words from afar suddenly made him widen his eyes and turned to look at the direction where Yunchuan and Yunqinger were.

Many of the world contexts present and their perceptions are extremely keen. Although Yunchuan's words are light and somewhat cautious, they are still clearly understood by the many world-class figures in this field. Between Jain, there were still some The noisy surroundings completely quieted down at a glance, and I could only hear the wind blowing around.

"Chuan Brother ..."

At this moment, the girl widened her eyes and looked at Yunchuan's serious face. In the autumn-like eyes, she was instantly filled with water vapor, her body shivered, she suddenly covered her mouth, nodded, and said: "I do."

Yun Qing'er's autumn-like eyes were bent into a crescent crescent, and the eyes were filled with water vapor, smiling like a flower, making this lonely world instantly light up at this moment.

Yunchuan embraced the girl into her arms, feeling the slightly trembling body of the girl, feeling the throbbing heartbeat, the fragrance of the place from her nose, and Yunchuan closed her eyes. , Slowly speaking, but with a firm voice in the dull voice, said: "Qinger, rest assured, even if the dark age comes decades later, as long as I still live, I will never let you get hurt! "

When he embraced Yun Qing'er into his arms, he felt that the original part of his heart was missing. At this moment, it had been completely filled up, so that Yunchuan's heart was full, and he had a heavy responsibility. In his heart.

Since the rebirth came back, knowing that the Dark Age is about to come soon, the whole person in Yunchuan is afraid to have any relaxation at all times, almost all the time, trying to do everything possible to improve their cultivation strength, any other Everything was under his heart.

Yun Qing'er's feelings for him, Yun Chuan knew that in the relationship with Yun Qing'er, Yun Chuan also had a strong love for Yun Qing'er, especially in the past, when he was trapped in that fire in Yunchuan. Later, the cause and effect entanglement between Yunchuan and Yunqing'er, the countless reincarnation of each other, made the attachment between the two almost become an instinct.

However, at the time, there were many evils, such as the Dark Creator, and many of the devil's nests had all erupted. Many of the monsters even had a level of demigod that was far higher than anyone in the Tianxuan world. Yunchuan has been there all the time. He is improving his strength, but in the face of this kind of demi-god, he still doesn't have much confidence in his heart. There is a great possibility that he can never return.

If at that time, and Yun Qinger have shown each other's heart, once he can't return and fall into it, it will cause Yun Qinger to cause permanent pain.

And until the moment when many monsters such as the Dark Creator have been annihilated by him, Yunchuan ’s heart that had been tight all the time, was somewhat relaxed. The destruction of the monsters led by the Dark Creator, at least for a period of time, will not Let the dark age break out ahead of time. In the years of war, Yunchuan's promotion has also been great. Yunchuan can feel that the barriers to his promotion to the world have begun to appear faintly loose, and the promotion to the world is also the same. It is just around the corner.

With his strength to improve progress, as long as he is truly promoted to the realm of the world, even if the dark era is completely coming, he also has a battle force, in this troubled world, he can also protect those who want to protect.

Yunchuan's heart rose with tenderness, looking down at the delicate girl in her arms, the girl's long eyelashes trembled slightly, her pretty face was flushed, beautiful and moving, making him tempted to face Yun Qinger The gorgeous red lips kissed.

A sense of inexplicable throbbing exploded in Yunchuan's heart, and the girl in her arms, the exquisite body was stiffened, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

For a long time, the lips were divided, the two looked at each other, and there was a strong love in their eyes.


However, just at this moment, a coughing noise that interrupted the atmosphere was a bit out of place, and it was exactly Arakawa Supreme, who saw that Arakawa Supreme was coming, and Yun Qing was hiding in a moment of shame. Behind Yunchuan.

"Uh ....... lord, what is it?"

Yunchuan was just immersed in the strange feeling when the two were kissing. The arrival of Arakawa Supreme interrupted his good deeds, and immediately made Yunchuan's old face flush with an awkward expression.

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