The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1090: Ghost crawling out of hell

If you leave with a little feeling, this mother worm originally only had the cultivation of Yuantai Realm, and at this moment it landed to the point where only Wudan Realm was in the early stage.

But the mother's swollen belly still showed no signs of weakening, but it became more and more swollen. There was a hoarse voice containing pain in her mouth. The rest of the body was already there. It completely dried up, and the area in which the belly was located continued to swell in general, and then the magic tree was also bred from its belly.

The breath of these three, if you feel carefully, each breath has not even reached the level of Yuantai, and the most is only the level of Wudan's later stage. As for the female insect, it is even more unbearable. The rest of the body has become as dry as bark, without any vitality.

Just like the residual candle in the wind, it was dying. It seemed that a gust of wind was blowing. This monster that could not have lived in the past would be blown to death by this gust of wind.

"This time, thanks to that mother worm, otherwise, I would wait for a few people to die because of this. Only the ability of the mother worm such as the tens of millions will be able to gain a glimmer of life from the previous mortal situation. Silent in the ice fields of the southern region, completely desolate, and escaped the search that was fatal enough, but if there is no opportunity to find out, get out of trouble, and with the vitality of this monster, you can only insist on a few more In the month, it will completely die! "

The little red fish born of the mother worm at this moment showed endless resentment, gritted his teeth and slowly opened his mouth, saying: "But I will not die, wait, Yunchuan, promoted to the world, of course It is a great threat to me and so on, but it is the same, so that all the elite forces in the Tianxuan world are concentrated in the West Wasteland at this moment, so that I will have the best time to get out of trouble, I will definitely Let them pay an unimaginable price! "

Both the female worm and the magic tree were also screaming, but no sound came out, and at this moment, the little red fish transformed by the creator of darkness looked at the two monsters, their voices were sharp and hoarse, Dao: "I have waited for the three of them. From the previous battle, I have completely injured the source because of this. There is simply not enough time, not enough source to restore strength. Even if I find the blood of the source again. And I ca n’t restore my strength anymore! "

The little red fish spoke slowly, and his voice had become a little dull at the moment.

And when I heard the words of the little red fish, both the mother worm and the magic tree made a sharp and screaming sound in their mouths, but then, these two newly reborn monsters, when perceiving After reaching the breath of his own body, the previous howling sounds slowly calmed down.

Obviously, these two monsters also know their own situation. Although the three monsters have been reborn again, the rebirth this time is completely different from the rebirth of the previous creator of darkness. The previous darkness When the founder is reborn with the help of cause and effect, although his strength will be weakened to an unimaginable degree, he will have the possibility of regaining his strength. As long as he can give the creator of darkness a period of time, he will once again Restore original strength.

But now, because they have completely died out, the rebirth of a demon worm born from the mother worm is not actually a rebirth, but it is equivalent to their devotion, with the help of the demon's body Conceived, the creator of darkness, the magic tree, and the origin of this female worm have all been completely lost in this period of time.

In this case, no matter how long the time has passed, no matter what opportunities they have gained, they will not be able to regain their original strength again, that is, even if any refining virtual reality, even the existence of the Yuantai Realm found them The three of them will not have any resistance, they can only fall and fall.

"Moreover, I can feel that the body that I was bred from is already dying. As long as it takes a while, or even a month, it will be completely broken down!"

At that moment, that magic tree was also making a hoarse voice, and the deep pain contained in the sound. At this moment, this magic tree is no longer like the extremely tall thousand-zoom monster body, but only a few The size of the palm is the same, and when the magic tree opens, its original body is constantly splitting and disintegrating.

The demon worm that formed the mother worm was originally decomposed and bred by the mother worm. It is the most insignificant existence. I am afraid that even the mother worm itself did not expect that it would one day be born again by virtue of this mere infestation. .

This originally black monster had previously hid in the deepest part of the southern region for half a year. There was no supplement in this half a year, and no existence of parasite was found. It can already be said that it is dying. In this case, this one worm also gave birth to the creator of the darkness and that one of the magic tree. It is conceivable how fragile the bodies that constitute both the creator of the dark and the magic tree will be.

"No! I have a chance to wait. Although I do n’t have any fighting ability, but Yunchuan, as well as the supreme existence of many worlds in the Tianxuan world, is the culprit that caused me to wait for this situation. I have to wait for revenge to make this whole world of Xuanxuan a paradise of monsters! "

Seeing the body of the female worm and the magic tree still cracking, the red fish transformed by the dark founder gritted his teeth at the moment and slowly opened his mouth.

"what chance?"

Hearing the words of the Dark Founder at this moment, both the mother and the magic tree immediately focused on the small red fish formed by the Dark Founder.

Although they are also monsters, the creators of darkness are far more ancient and horrible than both the mother and the magic tree. They also know the most things. Both the mother and the magic tree are like this now. Yunchuan and many of the world's most extreme characters who caused them to look like this are also hated.

"However, this opportunity requires your dedication, are you willing? We ghosts who have killed a life and crawled out of **** should retaliate! They should be paid a sufficient price!"

Seeing the appearance of the mother worm and the magic tree at this moment, the small red fish transformed by the founder of the darkness spoke again, and there was an inexplicable color in the sound.

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