The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1093: Yunchuan, Supreme!

"Muffy, are there some new monsters?"

Hearing the news heard by Red Fire Lord Detective, there have been many changes in the world ’s supreme existence, and they are ready to leave and go to their respective Zongmen to sit in town, lest they be caught off guard when a monster appears. And even the danger of destroying their entire gate.

Their anxiety was not groundless, but a true fact. Although it was said that the five devil's nests had been annihilated before, they were only a little relieved. The five devil's nests were annihilated by them, and It is not that there are only five magic nests that they have annihilated in the entire Tianxuan world, but that they have only obtained the traces of these magic nests from Qinglian Sword Fairy.


At that moment, the previous fluctuations in the strength of the world between heaven and earth were no longer as turbulent as before, but instead became calm.

"Yun Shaozong is about to succeed in his promotion to the world?"

Many world-class figures wanted to rush back to their ancestors immediately to prepare for the crisis that might come, but just when they were about to leave, they were already in Yunchuan's position. With the movement, a lot of Supreme's footsteps stopped immediately.

It has not been more than a month since Yunchuan's promotion to the world, and judging from the original experience of the existence of these worlds, it will take at least several months to truly promote to the world. In order to truly enter the realm of the world, the situation in Yunchuan today is obviously beyond expectations.

Immediately afterwards, the power of Yunchuan's spirits escaped, so the Fa-like giant formed by the outside world at this moment retreated at a very fast speed. In a short time, the previous visions, They disappeared without a trace and returned to the ruined temple where Yunchuan was located.

"Chuan, have you been promoted to the world?"

Seeing Yunchuan's eyes open, Yun Qing'er, who had been guarding Yunchuan next to him, suddenly showed a pleasant surprise on his pretty face.

She also saw the weird and evil heavenly direction in the Tianxuan world, and she had some anxieties in her heart, because Yunchuan was in the most critical breakthrough period during this period and could not allow any interruption, so even Yun Qing'er had some anxiety in her heart, but she didn't dare to leave Yunchuan's side, and she had been protecting the law for Yunchuan.

Yunchuan nodded, looking at Yun Qing'er, who had a little tiredness on Qiao's face, warmed his heart, and said softly, "It has been a breakthrough, this time thanks to Qinger, you have protected me."

Although Yunchuan made a breakthrough, he also knew that in the more than a month of his breakthrough, Yun Qinger could be said to have been by his side and defended the law for him. This constant protection of the law required the full attention of the spirit. Even though Yun Qing'er is already a half-step supreme state, the consumption of it is also extremely horrible.

Yunchuan stood up, spotlessly dressed in white, and walked out of this ruined temple. At this moment, Yunchuan's eyes have been completely restrained. If outsiders feel it, there is no realm like Yunchuan, only Yunchuan can be felt There was chaos all over the body, and Yunchuan couldn't feel the slightest change in his behavior.

However, at this moment, Yunchuan has a kind of natural charm between his hands and feet. As if Yunchuan at this moment is the center of this world, even if he can't feel the slightest fluctuation of Yunchuan's cultivation, There is nothing to ignore.


When I saw the surprise on the face, Arakawa Supreme coming to himself, Yunchuan nodded, and said, "Without humiliating the mission, I have truly entered the supreme realm!"

Many world-class figures are coming here at the same time. Congratulations to Yunchuan. Yunchuan nodded and gestured, if someone outside is here, you can clearly see that although it is now A group of the top existences in the world of Tianxuan, each one is a supreme existence, but it can be clearly seen that Yunchuan has faintly become the center of this group of supreme characters in the world.

It is not surprising that the Tianxuan world regards martial arts as its honor. No matter where it is, its strength is an eternal truth. When Yunchuan was in a half-step supreme state, he already had a world-class supreme level. The strength of the character now truly enters the supreme realm. If it explodes with all its strength, it can definitely surpass the vast majority of the world realm present.

This is because Yunchuan has just entered the world, and the strength has not been completely stabilized. Once Yunchuan's strength is truly stabilized, he will sacrifice his own supreme treasure, and the strength will definitely be qualitative. leap!

"You, this change in the world of Tianxuan at this moment is related to the creator of darkness, and I must wait as soon as possible. It seems that the stunned catastrophe is also changing!"

Yunchuan didn't have any extra embarrassment. He looked dignified and slowly opened his mouth. His causality now has the accomplishment of a demigod perfection, and he also has a deeper understanding of the causal connection in the deep, even, With this kind of causality, he can do a lot of things that could not be done before.

Under normal circumstances, although he said he was promoted to the state of the world, but it would take a few months to stabilize his realm completely, but only when he set about consolidating, relying on cause and effect He can feel that there is a terrible darkness and evil coming from the outside world.

And the horrible darkness and evil that Yunchuan is familiar with, it is the glorious star that he once saw in the dazzling place of colorful gods.

Although Yunchuan didn't know much about this stunned star, he also knew that this stunned star should be one of the black hands behind the dark age. I am afraid there are endless monsters in it. If the disaster star comes, it is very likely that it will directly trigger the dark age in the heavenly world.

It is precisely because of this that he has just been promoted to the realm of the world, and has not yet fully consolidated, and has already come out, because time can no longer delay in his feelings. Coming faster.

"The creator of darkness, you are really a hundred-footed worm, but my causal path has now reached the perfection of the demigod. With your causal connection with me, even if you hide in the ends of the earth, there is nowhere Runaway! "

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