The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1112: Strange guest

Hearing Yunchuan's words, the girl's complexion suddenly became serious, and the **** spread out on Yun Qing'er Zhou, covering Yunchuan and her together.


And just when Yun Qing'er defended the two, in the surroundings of Yunchuan, the cause-and-effect road like a big net burst out, and in a moment, this village was enveloped. Within.

These causal paths are like a large invisible net. Under normal circumstances, as long as people or things that have been in contact with Yunchuan have a causal relationship with Yunchuan, they will be shrouded in a large net of cause and effect. Within, it will be limited by causality.

The Causal Taoism as previously understood by the Lord Buddha has absolutely no such power and can only be used as a supplement to the Taoism of Faith, but now, the Causal Taoism in Yunchuan has the realization of the perfection of the demigod. Compared with the previous creators of darkness, it is much stronger. Although it is impossible to fully exert the power of the demigod perfection because of the limitation of the Yunchuan realm, it is no small matter.

The big net formed by this cause and effect burst out, and crashed towards this one Yuanxi village.

Under the cause and effect net, even the creators of the darkness can be directly detained by Yunchuan from a distance, but now, after this cause and effect net has fallen, it is directly from the villagers of Yuanxi Village. Through the body, there is no trace of it.

The villagers of Yuanxi Village all show their surprises. Looking at Yunchuan's eyes, they are like fools. They are ordinary people who have not even reached the border of Wudan, whether they are Yunchuan or Yunqinger. They can't see the power of the word they are exerting.

\ "Really ... two impolite and strange guests, village chief, do we still accept them in Yuanxi Village? \"

I heard a question from a villager. The white-haired man was trembling with thoughts on his trembling old man. He shook his head after a while and said, "We Yuanxi Village, although we haven't been to outsiders for so many years, but These two outsiders have wrong heart and extremely evil character. If they are accepted, I am afraid it is not the blessing of my Yuanxi village ... \ "

Although the old man's words were not finished, the meaning of the words was clearly revealed. The villagers looked at Yunchuan and Yun Qing'er, and all of them showed badness.

\ "Externals, we do not welcome you in Yuanxi Village. \"

\ "Strange guest, please leave quickly and don't enter our Yuanxi Village. \"

These villagers opened their mouths one by one, unlike Yunchuan and Yunqinger, who were honest and enthusiastic when they first entered this village.

\ "Qinger, what you said earlier is true. Although this Yuanxi Village looks like a paradise, but these villagers, preliminary inference, are not really alive, because I have seen two villagers in this Yuanxi village before. Second, with my current accomplishments in causality, as long as it is a living person, it is impossible to remain indifferent to my causality. \ "

Yunchuan sneered and continued to say, "The first time I entered the Yuanxi Village, the old man with white hair and haunted head once said that as long as we are not integrated into this Yuanxi Village and become a villager in this Yuanxi Village, we will encounter Unpredictable danger. Now it seems that as long as we continue to leave a few more times, this Yuanxi Village will probably become the biggest calamity. However, although my cause and effect thread is not useful to these villagers, the cause and effect is With all my strength, I can definitely see the essence of this Yuanxi village. I would like to see what kind of existence this village in the starry sky is! "

Before that, Yunchuan Na originally landed, covering the entire cause and effect net of Yuanxi Village, burning a raging red sea of ​​fire. The flames were boiling and burning, and did not make one of this Yuanxi Village The burning of the grass did not make people feel the slightest heat, just like an unreal flame.

However, at this moment, at the moment when these red seas of fire were boiling, the original villagers of Yuanxi Village suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before Yunchuan's eyes.


When Yunchuan Cause and Effect was fully exerted, the red imaginary seas of fire that appeared appeared immediately, and next to Yunchuan, a girl exclaimed.

"what happened?"

Yunchuan looked back and saw that not far away from the girl, I don't know when a dead bone appeared.

"Let's go into this Yuanxi village."

Yunchuan's pupils shrank. Looking at this corpse not far from Yun Qing'er, this was the position where the villagers of Yuanxi Village stood, and it was not the position where they stood when they approached them. It was the position where the villagers were standing when they were working.

The two walked forward, heading towards the Yuanxi Village before the causal flame had completely dissipated.

Through these red flames, it can be clearly seen that those villagers who had worked in the fields of the village at this moment have suddenly become a bone, and these white bones have maintained their posture during their lives and worked in the fields. , Weeding and fertilizing, those cattle and sheep in the field are also a bone.

Those little children, with dead bones, are in the fields, watching the villagers working in the fields, and some of them tilt their heads and necks, and maintain a playful posture.

"Chuan brother, these villagers of Yuanxi Village, it seems that until death, they did not know they were dead."

Yun Qinger followed Yunchuan toward the front. At this moment his voice was a little trembling, and she said.

The scene they saw at the moment was exactly what Yun Qinger said. These villagers did indeed cultivate and work in this Yuanxi village, but they did n’t know what kind of strange force came. However, these villagers directly turned into a pile of bones when they were working, and from the form of these bones, it can be seen that their death was a sudden death.


At this moment, the red flame formed by Yunchuan ’s causal force was completely dissipated, disappeared without trace, and Yuanxi Village returned to normal. Those flesh and blood that had become dead bones were reborn. Working between fields, the villager who previously blamed Yunchuan for killing one of his cows is still glaring at Yunchuan and seeing nothing abnormal. Many other villagers look to Yunchuan and Yunqing When they were two, each one was pointing, just like an ordinary villager, short in discussing parents.

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